Papi Suave, Chi Chi LaRue

EXCLUSIVE: Director Chi Chi LaRue Responds to Papi Suave Allegations

Over the weekend, performer Papi Suave alleged a sexual assault from Chi Chi LaRue, who directed him in a handful of Noir Male scenes. Today, LaRue has released an exclusive statement to The Sword about the alleged incident.

You can read more about Suave’s allegations here, which included his Twitter video where he said: “(LaRue) likes to victimize herself because she abuses alcohol—and used that as a reason to lure me to into her hotel room, telling me that she needed a friend, to sexually assault me with promises of making me a star.” The alleged incident took place last March at a hotel in California.

Today, LaRue has released the following statement and images to The Sword:

“I saw Papi Sauve’s Twitter video. I am embarrassed and honestly blindsided that he would share his account of something that happened between us, and we worked through, over a year ago.

On the night Papi talks about, it’s true that I was depressed and drinking excessively. I did ask him to come over because I was in desperate need of a friend. There was no ulterior motive in doing so. I do not remember the events playing out exactly as he describes, but I do remember that it became awkward when I expressed feelings for him that he did not share. We talked about it later and I offered my sincere apology, which he accepted.

Since then, Papi is someone that I have cast and employed extensively, both as a performer and PA. Outside of work we kept in contact regularly. I booked him to dance at my ManCandy party and we often exchanged very friendly text messages. He was aware of my personal struggles and always listened with a kind ear. I consider him a good friend.

Personally, I have always advocated for the rights of models. In my thirty-six year career in the adult industry, I’ve never used my position for sex, and that certainly wasn’t my intent that night. It was naive of me to think that what I felt was an off-set personal relationship wouldn’t be clouded by our work together. This is my failing for which I accept full responsibility. I am now fourteen months sober and I still have more work to do, one day at a time.

Please do not victim-blame or shame Papi on social media. I am incredibly sorry about what happened, and wish him the best in all his endeavors.”

LaRue also shared an ad for the March 23, 2019 event referenced in his statement (this post previously included text message exchanges between both parties; they have been removed):

Ad for March 2019 event referenced in LaRue’s statement; image supplied by LaRue

UPDATE: Kirk Cummings and Papi Suave had this exchange in reply to our tweet of this posting:

Kirk Cummings, Papi Suave

Kirk Cummings, Papi Suave

What do you think of the alleged incident? Let us know in the comments below!




32 thoughts on “EXCLUSIVE: Director Chi Chi LaRue Responds to Papi Suave Allegations”

  1. I can only speak to Chi Chi’s character, and to the character of an alcoholic – because I have had my own battles with alcohol, and still do to this day.

    At the start of my porn career back in 2005, my then on-and-off screen partner and I were hired by Chi Chi to star in one of her films for Unzipped Video. At that time the two of us had worked for a handful of amateur companies that treated us poorly. We weren’t even sure we wanted to continue in the industry after all the bullshit we’d dealt with from sleazy producers and directors. But we gave it a shot. We showed up hours late to set and half-expecting to be sent back home, but Chi Chi wasn’t even mad. Later that night after filming, Chi Chi took us to dinner and had a real heart-to-heart with us about the industry. She listened to our story and took it upon herself to get us out of our situation. After that, Chi Chi did everything in her power to help us get known in the industry. She put us in films, magazines, got us interviews, and live shows. She invited us to events and would later hire my then partner as an exclusive – even after he had failed to show up to set multiple times due to his own problems with alcohol. I even credit Chi Chi for giving me my stage name. She really saw something in us and I am so grateful for that. Without Chi Chi I would have left the industry for good like so many others have, after just a year or 2. But here we are about 16 years later and I am still here. I was able to grow within the industry and am now an Art Director once again working alongside Chi Chi.

    I’ve seen Chi Chi drunk and sober over the years and I know how tough that battle has been for her. I know what that is like and I cringe at the thought of how I have acted around people I’ve found attractive while I was intoxicated. It’s not a good look, and it does’t excuse anything. But Chi Chi is a good person and has always done whatever was in her power to lift up and empower models.

    On the issue of pay, much of what was said in Papi’s video I know from my past experiences in the industry, has some truths. When it comes to money and discussing earning with other models, yes, it is absolutely true that that is frowned upon, just as it is in any job. And yes, some companies may ask you not to share the amount your making with other models. It may be that one model has been in the industry longer and therefore the producers know ‘what to expect’ from them in regards to performance, that model may also have an agent and is able to set a higher rate. The other model might be new, doesn’t have an agent to help them set their fee, or they may simply be naive to what they can and should earn. The idea that directors themselves make the decision of what a model is paid is false. Rates are decided between executive producers, agents and the talent themselves. Even if a director is the one that discusses fees with you, those numbers came from someone higher up.

  2. Herein lies the dark side of all of these generally positive movements. For those of us who have lived long enough in this world, I donʻt think ANY of us havenʻt done something foolish or stupid either as a result of being drunk, high, or flat out desperate for affection. I donʻt know how many times Iʻve personally been groped in a bar, had some guy try to shove his hand down my pants, or try to go a step too far beyond my comfort zone. And to be honest, sometimes they have succeeded because for whatever reason, I allowed it. And YES, I have also been the drunk who probably tried to shove my hand down a hot guyʻs pants. Weʻve ALL been there.

    The difference here is when we begin to use words like “sexual assault” and “rape,” which have SERIOUS consequences in our legal system. Now, was it WRONG for all of those guys to put their hands down my pants? Sure. Was it wrong for me to do the same? Perhaps. But we all have those experiences. Iʻm not going to go around and try to blame each of them for sexual assault, neither would I hope that they would make similar accusations.

    IF youʻre going to make an accusation of a crime (i.e. “sexual assault” or “rape”), then you had better be sure of the ramifications of that claim. Furthermore, if you feel that someone went that far with you, you certainly should not be maintaining a friendship/relationship with said person, and most certainly continuing to work with said person…only to come out with some explosive allegations AFTER THE FACT. If you do as Mr. Suave has done, in my opinion, you lose your credibility. If this incident had happened last week or last month, and he had stopped all work with Ms. LaRue, then I might be inclined to side with him. But since he did not do that and maintained a working relationship which he did benefit from, I find it difficult to honor his legal claims. The way things have played out, it looks more like Mr. Suave is trying to tarnish Ms. LaRueʻs career and her reputation.

  3. Daniel David Struck

    I am a proud porn consumer and have been a fan of Chi Chi for over 30 years. I LOVE her work and will always be a fan! Papi I’m going to stick a fork in you cause you are “DONE”! I will never buy or rent anything with you as a performer. You cheapen and hurt men who are real victims of sexual assult. Shame on you!

  4. Papi needs to man up, just quit hanging around with him what’s your motive you want to work and make money if you’re that offended just leave

  5. Papi NotSoSuave, why are you posting a video about a serious allegation without any clothes on? Either you’re desperate for attention, or higher than a f*cking kite; or both (probably). It’s hard to take seriously your claims as valid with your dick hanging out front and center. This is not a porn vid, hunny, it is a video about accusing someone of a criminal and immoral act. Wise up Papi, and get yourself into a 12 step program.

    1. If porn why are you acting this way
      just shut up and enjoy it. And if you’re going to make a serious allegation like that put some clothes on.

  6. Oh so you are taking down negative comments! Good to know, I make sure to screenshot this…

    So once again, the amount of victim blaming is disgusting. The argument of “he didn’t rape me, thus he can’t be a rapist” doesn’t really fly in the real world.

    I know enough dirt about Falcon execs, directors and producers that that would sink the company and I could write a book about the abuses of power and sex.

    But go on, pretend this sex pest is a saint and never abused his position in the industry ever.

    As for Sister Roma: I saw one of your sisters rape a blackout drunk hardly legal guy at a Vegas “ball” event, when their job was to protect them from predators. The other nuns walked by and did nothing to stop the rape. So maybe sit this one out acting like you’re a freaking saint.

  7. Michael youens

    I’ve only ever witnessed compassion and motherly love towards performers in the adult business during my 30 plus years of being best friends with Chi Chi. She‘s always been a positive advocate for model treatment and inclusive of all races in her films. No one is perfect, we all make mistakes and owning up to them takes a lot of courage.

  8. Disgusting comments blaming the victim. There’s so much dirt on most at Falcon, it would probably sink them, but no one will speak out coz they all watch to get cast and cash those checks… I have stories for a whole freaking book.

  9. If something did happen, then why did he wait over a year to come out with it. And…continue to work with Chi Chi. He didn’t see to have a problem when he was collecting them coins from her. No one should accept being abused, but why wait so long to tell someone if it is true and you have receipts. Just saying…..

    1. You’re acting like a woman man. You should have punched him in the face if this was all real and not wait a whole year

  10. Derrick marvin

    Did Chi chi have a gun, whip or another type of weapon on Papi? People need to start taking responsibility for their own actions. Even if Chi Chi was intoxicated, Papi should have left. We as a country need to grow a pair and stop pointing fingers and blaming someone else.

  11. What was the point of being fully nude? Seems like a way to get Attention. Shameless promotion off a serious topic. (I couldn’t pay attention bc I kept staring at his junk, it’s nice.. but why?)

    If this was something that happened AND bothered him, why did he continue to work with her repeatedly, and maintain a relationship all this time? Calling her babe and saying I love you? If I felt sexually assaulted by someone, I sure as HELL wouldn’t work with them again, and again… and again… unless I thought they were harmless and it didn’t bother me, or it didn’t happen that way…

    I’m still new to this scene, but even I’ve heard he has been known for his drama. I wasn’t there so I can’t speak on his claims, but I’ve known Chi Chi on a personal level for years, and have worked with her over the last year as I started my own move into this industry. And she’s been nothing but respectful, professional, and kind to me and my husband. She’s only offered to help, and has done nothing short of just that. She’s never hit on me or touched me inappropriately like other guys in the industry have.

    Mad props to Chi Chi for her response.

  12. I have worked with and been friends with Chi Chi for 30 years. I have NEVER, publicly or privately, heard any rumors, insinuations or allegations of sexual assault or sexual harassment of models from Chi Chi LaRue. Period. All I’ve seen is Chi Chi protect, defend and develop genuine friendships with many many guys in this industry over the years. This whole incident sounds like a messy alcohol fueled misunderstanding that was clearly squashed. I’m so glad to see these messages of support.

    1. Bonjour, i am Cyrille from France,i am working for the adult gay industry for 30 years and I know Miss Chi Chi Larue for a very very long time. we did so many things together : parties, TV shows, shootings… I met a lot of bad persons in our world but ChiChi is really far far away of being a sexual predator. Love you Chi Chi. Miss You.

  13. Papi Suave has Covid and is acting either mental from post Covid-19 symptoms or drugs, either way, Papi made dis shit up!

  14. Papi just seems like he is upset that he isn’t more in demand. Based on his posts, I wouldn’t hire him! There are so many guys out there for porn, who needs him??!! I’m not saying Chi Chi is perfect, but enough already, especially if you keep texting “babes”…vomit!

  15. Chi Chi – I love you with all my heart ❤️
    You are are true genuine soul inside and out.
    Telling your truth must not of been easy.
    I know you have had many ups and downs over the years. When I look at you all I see is LOVE. I know without a doubt you are a kind person and would never hurt someone. Expressing your feelings isn’t sexual assault and by the looks of your text messages he didn’t think so either.
    I will stand by you now and forever my dear friend. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  16. No offense, if you were sexually assaulted, you don’t keep texting the person. You don’t call them babe. You don’t say love you more. You don’t go back and work for them again because you would stay the fuck away. I was sexually assaulted, this ain’t it.

    This desperate cry of attention is not fair to someone like ChiChi and it invalidates people who ACTUALLY have been sexually assaulted.

    P.S. is it just me or that in his original video he looks like he is on meth? This comes from someone who was an ex-addict.

  17. August Alexander

    Chi chi – I admire how you are dealing with this … I adore and have so much respect for you

    I stand with you 1000000%

  18. Chi chi – I admire how you are dealing with this … I adore and have so much respect for you

    I stand with you 1000000%

    1. Papi Suave is CLEARLY on drugs. Being a recovering addict of 15 years I know the signs….trust me on this one.

      Papi Suave is a liar and the texts ChiChi put up prove that he maintained a “normal” relationship with him throughout the year. That is not the sign of being a victim. “Babe” “Love you” All bullhonkey.
      How many times after this joke of an incident did he work for him? #jokes If you need the money that bad you should perhaps get a different job…Just trying to be helpful.
      Papi Suave uses the N-word all the time and told a black person he wouldn’t stop. He talks a lot about privilege, but I suppose a privileged Latino can say the N-word at any time…
      Papi Suave must have learned how to be Vindictive from Billy Santoro. #fail
      Papi Suave should do something about his eyebrows. Wear a mask and safely go to a place to have them threaded. Does Papi own a mirror?
      Papi Suave resolved everything to his satisfaction via the texts that ChiChi provided. Meaning: This incident never happened.

      Papi needs to go away. He’s dragging people down with him and society is suffering enough right now…. People all around the United States are hurting right now and we don’t need any more bullshit especially from Papi Suave.

  19. Chi Chi – I’m so proud of how you are handling this situation. There have been so many allegations made lately regarding the adult industry and it’s stars in front and behind the camera. Some of them are very easy to believe while others are a little harder to swallow, like this one. It’s so different than the experience that I’ve had with you but I would never want to discredit someone else’s personal experience. You’ve been a friend to me, a mentor, and helped my career grow in so many ways. I’ve had love and respect for you from the beginning and that hasn’t changed. In fact I may have more love and respect for you now after sharing your account of this situation and owning up for your part. Keep your head up. Changes are taking place in the world and in our industry but they are necessary and over due and we will all be better for it.

  20. I’ve known Chi Chi for 30 years, since I first started in the adult industry. I’ve toured with him, worked with him & consider him family, as he first referred to me, back in the 90’s.
    Like anyone, he has faults, but he has always owned up to them. He has struggled with his sobriety, as have millions. Also, he is one of the most lovable, real, sensitive, caring people I know. He has helped me countless times over my life, when I needed a hand.
    I’m sorry Mr. Suave felt some type of assault or pressure by Chi Chi, however after reading Chi Chi’s statement, it seems clear to me that Mr. Suave misread the situation & to that end it also seems that they had reached a mutual understanding of the situation and were “past it.” Indeed, they continued to work together and, it seems, maintained a close friendship. So, I question the timing of this accusation, well after the misinterpretation.
    I can’t begin to make an assessment, since I wasn’t privy to the events, but I might take Mr. Suave’s accusations with a grain of salt, especially in lieu of the text msgs.

    1. Not providing a PR statement brought an element of human touch to what seemed to be a sad situation. Thoughtful and sense of balance to the comments!

  21. soo this seems like it was resolved to papi satisfaction but then he went back and changed his acceptance of the apology??? weird

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