Longtime readers of The Sword will remember that 2011 was The Year of Ethan. The model who began his career as Sean Cody’s Ethan, and who now goes by Ethan Elliott, was easily one of the hottest finds Sean Cody made in the last five years, with his ripped body, 10-inch uncut dick, and kill-me-now beautiful smile.
Originally, it was Jess at Sean Cody who, along with his girlfriend, “discovered” Ethan when he was living in Southern California. He was hot as fuck as a top, but he started out right away as versatile, getting fucked by Calvin, Nolan, Pavel, Allen, and a few others. And when he grew that beard Jesus. It was a great gift to gay porn, really.
Just to remind you…
Then he moved to San Francisco, where he started dancing around town, did some fashion modeling, bar-backing, and where I met him in 2012. He built a pretty immediate fan base at the Powerhouse in SoMa, and at Hi Tops in the Castro, and many hundreds wept when he decided to move to New York, and then to Portland, Oregon. He also gave this interview around that time, to my Sword predecessor. As it turns out, he is straight, and he told me he wasn’t all that into the bottoming, but he did have fun doing his scenes for Sean Cody.
Anyway, he started dancing and stripping again up in Portland, and he’s resurfaced on social media, so I thought I’d hit him up for an intimate chat, and beg him to come back to San Francisco and rub his crotch on my face again.
Below, our interview.
J.W.: How did New York treat you overall? Are you still a fan?
Ethan: New York was quite an experience actually. I think it was back in the summer of 2013 that I was there. The initial reason for going was to watch my older sister’s little furry animals, Sally and Bill, while she went on a two month trip to Spain to live it up with her sexy Spanish exotic scuba diver instructor boyfriend. Lol, I think that’s every gay man’s dream, right? But, to be honest, the weather in NYC was terrible. Way too hot and muggy and overcast. But I guess that’s pretty standard for New York in the summertime. Weather aside though, I actually had a great time. I ended up working with an agent for awhile, taking some acting classes, gogo dancing at The Cock and pretty much just smoking a lot of pot and running around the city and hanging out in Inwood Park with Sally. Sally is an incredibly smart golden retriever by the way.
But yeah, I’d say I’m definitely still a fan. Manhattan is a bit too fast paced for my taste but I do like the fact that there’s a little something there for everyone.
What have you been up to since you last talked to The Sword?
Well I think I left San Francisco sometime in April of 2013. At the time I was working at a few different venues as a Gogo dancer and modeling for Mr. S Leather and Steamworks. I also had a part-time job working at the bar Hi Tops in the Castro. Then I did the New York trip for a couple months and then flew back to California to hit up some music festivals and Burning Man. I also ended up spending some time at a commune in Santa Cruz and then headed out to Chico, CA where I worked at a few different pot farms as a trimmer and farmhand for the harvest season. I ended up living in Chico for a good 8 months or so and then moved back to Vancouver, Washington to work for a demolition and excavation company as an excavator operator. I was about three months into that when I got the opportunity to go with a friend to live it up in Vegas where I was going to dance at a few different clubs and just live the lavish lifestyle for 3 months. Sadly though, that trip was cut short when I received a call while I was in Reno that my dad was diagnosed with Leukemia. I ended up canceling the Vegas trip and flew out of Reno to Vancouver, Washington the next day to stay and take care of my dad while he went through his chemotherapy treatments. After about 4 months of fighting leukemia he ended up passing away. That was about two weeks ago so now I’m just trying to tie up loose ends and save up money so that I can eventually move back to California.
I know you’re temporarily up in Portland. Have you done any dancing or anything up there?
As a matter of fact, I have been. Since I flew up last September to take care of my dad I’ve been working as a stripper at Silverado in Portland, Oregon. I’ve been there for about 4 months now and I gotta say, I’m pretty pleased with the establishment. They play a lot of great music, all of the other dancers I work with are really cool dudes, and the crowds that come in are a lot of fun. So yeah, anybody in the Portland, Oregon area that wants to come in and see me, you know where to find me :D
You told me you were contemplating a move back to San Francisco. Any reasons in particular? You just like us a lot?
I’ve definitely been tossing that idea around a lot, lately. I really do love San Francisco. I’ve been to 42 states in the U.S. so far and of all of the cities I’ve been to, San Francisco is my favorite. The city is beautiful, the weather is nice (most of the time), and the people are all really interesting and funky and weird. Plus, SF has a great art, music, and nightlife scene which I find to be very important attributes of a city.
What’s the funniest experience you’ve had with a fan in the last few years?
Haha, oh man, the most recent weird experience I’ve had was when this big heavy set construction guy with big yellow tinted aviators came into Silverado and told me that if I danced on stage with my bare feet that he would make it worth my while.
Of course I did and then he proceeded to fold up one dollar bills and tie them individually around each one of my toes while simultaneously “making it rain” for my entire ten minute stage set. Haha, so yeah, that was definitely an interesting experience to say the least.
Is your return to social media a clue that you might want to start a porn career again?
I can’t say for certain that I’m looking to get back into the adult films industry just yet but I can say that I really do love the sex industry as a whole and being a part of the live sexual entertainment industry. I would also like to branch out and connect with more photographers too. But who knows though, I change my mind about things all the time and I have no problem saying that anything’s possible. But yeah, for anybody that’s a part of my fan base I’ve just made my Instagram available to be followed by the public.

I saw you were reading a book about psychic powers. Are you psychic?
Haha, no. I’m just a hippie at heart that loves to read about anything metaphysical or spiritual. I have had a lot of telepathic moments though that have kinda blown my mind. So you know what? I take that back, I think I might be a little psychic. I’ve definitely taken enough psychedelics over the years to know that the human mind is far more complex than I could have ever imagined. And to everybody out there that is on the fence about psychedelics, all I need to say is go take a few hits of DMT and call me in the morning, LOL.
No really, what am I thinking about right now?
Hmmmm… I’m sensing that you’re thinking about how much wood a wood chuck could actually chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood. Am I right???
Any Oscar predictions?
Haha, the Oscars? My prediction is that nobody cares. LOL. Just kidding! But really though, nobody cares.
So will I be seeing you out in the bars in S.F. soon?
You know you will! How soon though? I have no idea. We should kick it again at Hi Tops though like the good ol days of 2013 when I used to try and get you drunk on free whisky while I pranced around in sports socks and a jock strap, LOL.
P.S. This is his body now.
so HOT ! Crossing my fingers he comes back to porn please !
Please he will return to porn and he did not like bottoming do me a favour, this guy devoured cock.
Expect a return to Sean Cody in the near future.
These guys cannot stay away enough said.
#hashtagabuse #someoneisdesperateforattention #lookatmelookatmelookatmepuhleez
haha I utilize all 30 of my hashtags, although I never post selfies but rather post pics on the trips I’ve taken. And I would follow Ethan, but when it comes to my instagram account I try to only follow gay/bi guys. And it’s not because I secretly hate G4P/heteros like those nasty 3rd world Asians on here and twitter, but it’s just so I can flirt and tease them. Try doing that with a str8 guy’s profile and some of them get pissed, or their straight followers get pissed. Not going through that drama lol
Wow grandfa you’re really a bitter one. You are a racist queen who do those lynching of the Southern Amerika
5 of those 6 you got wrong about me, well nevermind I’ll give you 4.
But just for one day I will gladly be an old racist queen just for the chance to lynch you. The world will thank me for sure.
No, SXG, you’re racist. And delusional.
“nasty 3rd world Asians”
Uh, yeah, that sounds kinda racist…
Please cum back Ethan! And it’s not because I want you back, I could care less either way, but I want you to cum back just to aggravate the bitchy virgin cunt that is Jordi Lim!
Dont go back so many like you pested our industry so stay unseen.
I LOVED him at Sean Cody. I think his body looks phenomenal now. And I’d love if he returned to porn — even if it was Kink, or some other niche place.
But it’s really disappointing to hear that his bottoming performances were acting. He was one of the greatest bottoms ever at Sean Cody.
Super cute. Seems like an awesome guy. As much as I’d like to see him perform, I actually hope that he ends up being super successful doing something outside of porn.
Bitch, no one wants to see you. Stay gone.
If a board line homophobe like COdy cummings can, than I don’t see why Ethan would be any worse. Well not even close. And at least he aint no hobbit
Speak for yourself. If you don’t want to see him you don’t have to but don’t begrudge me my opportunity.
I think he looks great, especially the body, but he’s not getting any younger; no reason to wait if he’s getting back to his roots–porn is a young man’s game.
But he has a BIG dick….And those don’t grow on trees
Did he spill any SC secrets? Like, are there really referral bonuses? Do they use caverject injections? that sort of stuff.
What are caverject injections??
Will he be finally coming out upon his return to porn?
I am curious about the “every gay man’s dream” line. Maybe he just said that in assumed fellowship with the interviewer, but still, it’s… curious.
Didn’t think it was possible for him to look even better than he did but he does, so not fucking fair ;)