Exclusive: Mason Wyler Explains Why He Took His Twitter Back, Hints At New Porn Project

Over the weekend Mason Wyler reclaimed his 47,000 followers after letting newcomer Brenner Bolton borrow them for a couple of months. At the time it seemed odd, maybe a little impulsive, especially from someone who’s been so honest and outspoken throughout his porn career, not to mention eager for an audience.

Mason remains, of course, one of the ones who got away for me, and who I wish would un-retire, so you can imagine my excitement when he reappeared on Twitter with the announcement.

I reached out to him for some explanation, and here’s what he said.


You want to know why I handed over my twitter account to someone else? I suppose I just felt like it. I wasn’t really utilizing it in a way that seemed beneficial to myself or anyone else. I wasn’t promoting myself, any company, product, or cause. I honestly didn’t have anything to promote, nor was I being entertaining to my followers. I figured he could get more out of having 40,000 followers than I could at the time, or at the very least he could amuse said followers. And he’s hot. I wanted him to blow me. Call it a partial bribe.

As for why he took the account back? Well, it sounds like he’s been disenchanted with being back in the real world, working for a sketchy mortgage company and getting another job. But then he was on unemployment and he’s got some new porn project up his sleeve.

And, as you can see in the photo below, he’s been working out a lot.

In all seriousness though, I’ve mostly been relaxing. Spent a lot of time attempting to repair my relationship with my on again/off again boyfriend of 10 years, made a handful of new friends, played a lot of video games, been working out a lot, traveled a bit, and fucked a few fellas.

And finally, why did I take my twitter account back? Because I’m working on a little porn project of my own and I need those 40,000 followers to help me make it a success. Plus I miss the attention, which is really why anyone is on twitter. We’re just a bunch of attention whores.


I asked Mason for some more details on the venture — and you can bet it involves bareback! — and I’ll share them if I get them.

In the meantime, you can buy him stuff from his new Amazon wish list.




49 thoughts on “Exclusive: Mason Wyler Explains Why He Took His Twitter Back, Hints At New Porn Project”

  1. I love how when you post on the sword it always says your comment is awaiting moderation and yet comments like Will’s and half of these other grammar school insults will make it through the supposed moderator when they clearly offer no value to the subject matter and are only useless bile.

  2. He’s a mess but he entertains me. He’s very sexy and cum hungry, but is lousy at giving head. Really lousy. I would enjoy seeing him do bareback his way with guys he likes. That is why he didn’t do more. TIM uses so many ugly guys and won’t let you pick and choose. He could get some hot guys at Lucas, but he isn’t a New York type of guy.

  3. This pisses me off! A NOBODY wants people to buy him stuff! I say drop on all fours and get them yourself. Jeez, the nerve on some people….

  4. Having read all of your comments, I noticed that all of you were defending or criticizing what Mason Wyler meant by his tweets. I couldn’t help but notice that the protagonist in this drama, Mason Wyler, did not comment on any of your statements. He didn’t defend or clarify his intentions or explain why he tweeted messages such as: “Bareback sex leads to HIV and HIV leads to FREE healthcare #Perks”

    I agree with Chad Hunt who initially stated that he found Mason’s tweets heinous. I do as well. In fact I found all of his tweets to be very irresponsible, immature, juvenile, in poor taste, and overall offensive. I have battled HIV/AIDS for the past twenty years, and I can assure you it’s no laughing matter. I have been hospitalized over 50 times, seen countless doctors, been in dozens of emergency rooms, filed bankruptcy for doctor’s bills I could not pay for, even though I had very good insurance. Maybe not free insurance as touted by Mason, but even with my insurance, I still had to pay thousands and thousands of dollars on my personal care, medications, co-pays, deductibles, etc., etc., etc.

    Dealing with the numerous side effects and opportunistic infections is also a blast. I have had CMV Retinitis, lost vision in one eye, bi-lateral hip replacement, open heart surgery, appendicitis (caused by CMV), lypodystrophy (camel hump and crix belly), etc, etc. Plus peripheral neuropathy in boot feet which are constantly numb and painful to walk. Isn’t this fun? Oh, I almost forgot one of the most fun side effects: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    I can most emphatically assure you that getting HIV/AIDS is a devastating and debilitating disease that will have a disastrous effect on your life. I don’t go anywhere because I can no longer drive. My chronic fatigue prevents me from doing the simplest of chores. I am home-bound and isolated most of the time.

    In closing, this deadly disease is nothing to joke about. It is my hope that you all seriously consider what comments you make about people with HIV/AIDS before making uninformed comments that could be hurtful to others.

    Thank you.

    1. While it’s unfortunate what you had to go through in life, that doesn’t make you the authority on how everyone should respond to grief. It’s not your place.

  5. Mason,

    Having said everything that I have said, and looking back on all my posts, I’m a little ashamed of myself. I allowed myself to be baited on what is obviously internet trolling. I was so consumed with proving that I was right, I lost site of my original intent which was to educate you on how offensive your comments were/are. For that, Mason, I apologize.

    Truth be told I have to wonder if you were trying to be offensive to get attention which I clearly gave you and others. As they say, “No publicity is bad publicity”. A certain NYC director comes to mind in that regard. Perhaps you were lashing out at your own HIV struggle, and instead of being sympathetic and trying to hear you, I tried to drown you out with my own voice of good intention. If that’s the case, then again Mason, I apologize.

    Many times in our attempts to protect the many we forget to look at the needs of the few and what may be hurting them. Maybe what you need to hear is this, “If you need someone to talk to, let me be that friend. I may not agree with you but I will try to hear you. If you need someone to yell at, yell with me. If you need someone to understand your hurt, let me help bare your burden. If you need someone to understand, talk to me and maybe together we can gain new insights.”

    Tough love, certainly has a time and place, but just maybe that’s not what is needed here. Maybe, just maybe, what is needed is a little tender love and compassion. If that’s the case, then again Mason, I apologize. Right now I may be the last person in the world you want to talk to, but if the occasion arises that you do, I promise to listen. My intent was never to make you out to be a bad individual it was to try and mature and educate you and I allowed others to lead me astray in that endeavour.

    You know as well as I do that the porn community is a family, and at times family members fight and disagree but that does not mean we don’t love and care for the other. You have worth, you have value, their is meaning to your life by the example you set for others. I just think maybe you need to hear someone say those words to you.


  6. he may still have some unconditional devotees but it’s done and over, accept it, and get a nine to five job or a Sugar daddy

  7. Sucks to be the guy who had to give it back. If it was me, I would’ve told Mason to piss off and make a new account if he wanted to return. He made the decision to hand over his Twitter without at least informing his followers or saying goodbye. This is why I never really liked him. He always seemed incredibly selfish and looked out for himself.

  8. Cute guy. Aweful pic. Just say ‘no’ to flash! Phone cams are good enough that anytime a flash goes off, it should be a trigger to delete.

  9. I prefer to think of Mason back in his CF days. He was so young, not yet jaded by the profession, and took dick with all the youthful enthusiasm he could muster. Wishing him all kinds of good luck in his new adventure!

  10. O.K. time for another Billy Brandt/Chad Hunt smackdown …

    I’m going to say it. I used to have a huge crush on Mason Wyler. Well, that is before I heard a lot of things that have fallen from his mouth over the years.

    Recently there was a Jack Macenroth GOFundme campaign similar to the ice-bucket challenge to raise money for HIV. Basically it was a campaign where guys took selfies of themselves in the shower and posted it to social Media under the hashtag #WeAreALLClean. Referring to the connotation on so many hook-up sites that HIV infected men are some how dirty.

    First, Mason criticized Jack and photographer Ben Patrick Johnson for using sex as a means of raising money, then makes this hideous statement …

    Mason Wyler ‏@Mason_WylerXXX

    “Bareback sex leads to HIV and HIV leads to FREE healthcare. #Perks”

    Retweets 9
    Favorites 12
    David Alan Holden BigThickJock Adrian Patrick Grevers Gannon neal Alex Durbin joshy funinthecity

    12:37 AM – 17 Nov 2014

    Now, I’m all 4 laughing at HIV jokes, etc., it’s through laughter we can at times find comfort. However, there is a line when a joke just isn’t funny. Saying that there is any #PERK to HIV has crossed that non funny line. To many men in this industry we both have worked in, friends, co-workers, production staff, etc., have died from this disease and to many people in general have died for anyone to make such a heinous comment as to say anything about HIV could be a PERK.

    Yet gay men will complain about Gay-4-Pay models who have done nothing wrong and support models like Mason who make such idiotic statements.

    Now, I’m not the one to usually call out people who say such dumb things but on behalf of all my friends who have died or are currently living with HIV … SHAME ON YOU Mason

    1. It wasn’t a joke about HIV, you moron, it was a joke about how ridiculous the United States healthcare system is today. Apparently, you’re to stupid for sarcasm.

      1. I really don’t believe that at all considering that Mason Wyler was never one to take the subject of healthcare or politics seriously given his history on social media. He’s just using that as an excuse because his tweet backfired. And if you see the following tweets he posted, shows how little he really cares on the matter.

        1. I really don’t know anything about his history on social media, since I’m not on twitter or Facebook, and I haven’t read any follow up tweets. But, I can recognize sarcasm when I see it and this is most definitely sarcasm, not a joke about HIV. Also, the tweet only “backfired” for those that are constantly looking to be offended, the rest of us thought it was funny.

      2. Chad, of course, I know what sarcasm means, but again, even after looking up the definition, copying and pasting it here, you still apparently do not. One does not have to know a persons entire history or do extensive research to see what is right in front of their face.

        “So where was Mason being sarcastic. Was he showing contempt for those with HIV, Showing contempt for those people trying to raise money for people with HIV, or showing contempt for Agencies that try to provide free healthcare for those living with HIV that cant afford insurance.”

        One does not have to show contempt for it to be sarcasm.(re. Definition: the use of irony to mock or convey contempt) Read that twice…please. MOCK or convey contempt…

        Mason was MOCKING the healthcare industry not making a joke about HIV or the people with it. Maybe you just don’t understand irony or you’re really just stupid.

        1. mock
          verb: mock; 3rd person present: mocks; past tense: mocked; past participle: mocked; gerund or present participle: mocking

          tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner.

          I love guys whose sole arguments is because I said so … Mock and contemptuous are basically synonymous … (oh and didnt u first say he wasnt making a joke … hmmm tease or laugh at …

          the expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.

          hmmm humorous effect but wasn’t making a joke right … You cant make words mean the opposite of what they mean just because you say so .

          So basically he either IS calling getting free healthcare a perk for having HIV. (which there are no “PERKS” to having a disease. Or the opposite of that would be if people DIDN’T get free healthcare who have HIV because it is not a perk. (so people who may need free healthcare aren’t getting it) I don’t find either scenario funny.

        2. Oh, and Michael, I wasn’t going to do this to you, but since you insist on not accepting the truth of what was actually said, and the manner in which it was said, or even the definition of words, nor do you take an responsibility into making a comment before you even know the context of a conversation, but can somehow glean the entirety of a discussion’s meaning from one sentence, take a look at these follow up statements per the conversation on twitter and remember I offered you an easy way out before you resorted to name calling.

          Mason Wyler @Mason_WylerXXX · Nov 17
          Am I clean? YES, I’m clean! I just showered. Now stop worrying and let me stick it in you.

          Mason Wyler @Mason_WylerXXX · Nov 17
          If it’s wrapped, I don’t want it

          Mason Wyler @Mason_WylerXXX · Nov 17
          Why are so many of you so uppity and serious? You can’t erase stigma with an attitude like that. Relax, go bareback.

          Mason Wyler @Mason_WylerXXX · Nov 17
          Raw is the law.

          Mason Wyler @Mason_WylerXXX · Nov 17
          Condoms kill hard-ons

          Mason Wyler @Mason_WylerXXX · Nov 17
          People die. HIV lasts forever. Enjoy your Monday guys.

          Mason Wyler @Mason_WylerXXX · Nov 17
          You have to be grown up about HIV you guys. Which means get naked and take a selfie in the shower! Use sex to raise HIV awareness and money!

          Mason Wyler @Mason_WylerXXX · Nov 17
          Of course @benpatrick90069 – Healthcare is pricey in the US. Just trying to help my followers save money. Its a budget tip everyone can use!

          Now please, try and tell me again how he was just discussing the perplexities and state of the U.S. Healthcare System

        3. Chad, What exactly do you think you are “doing” to me by posting more of Mason’s tweets? All those tweets show are someone who provoked a response and was trying to provoke more. So, Mason is a bit childish…so what? It changes nothing about the original tweet or what I said about it. You can post all the definitions of words you want but, it still does not change how I or others perceived it. If you are so offended by it seek counseling from a professional. You obviously have a problem letting things go. You said you weren’t going to respond to this and have respond five times with long boring ass post each time. You did the same in the article about yourself. Are you missing the spotlight and using the Swords comment section to get attention? If so, you’re even more pathetic than I thought.

    2. I like you Chad, but I don’t think that’s fair. Considering the fact that Mason has to live with the disease for the rest of his life (not to mention the very public and humiliating manner in which his health status was exposed), HIV jokes might be his way of coping with it. Something to think about. From the looks of it, you seem more offended by our free speech than you are of this whole crowdfunding phenomenon where con artists are continuing to screw people out of their hard earned money. I just don’t understand that logic.

      1. I’m going to do the same with you and not discuss my comments about Mason but address your issue. Be sure to read over where I discuss humor as comfort and a line being drawn. Now to your free speech remark I offer this. We certainly have the right to free speech but that doesn’t mean we aren’t accountable for that speech. For instance is our speech slanderous, could it be considered defamation of character, did it incite a riot, is it treasonous. Let’s take it out of the legal realm. I’m a teacher who calls your child a bigger or tells them their going to he’ll for being a fag. Under free speech I have that right but I bet I’d be fired or have some other disciplinary action taken. There was a consequence for my utilization of free speech. Understand the difference?

        1. I never said we aren’t accountable for our free speech. And the teacher comparison doesn’t work because a porn star’s job isn’t to educate, empower, and prepare students for the real world. They have sex in front of a camera for entertainment purposes and aren’t held to the same standards as a teacher. I look at it this way. I don’t have HIV. So who am I to dictate how someone with the disease copes with it? It’s not really my business. I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree on what’s considered appropriate. But the point I was trying to make which got swept under the rug was how outraged you were over something someone said while completely ignoring the issue of crowdfunding and people being taken advantage of. Then again, I checked out your Twitter a few times in the past and discovered your own GoFundMe page. So in a way, you’re part of the problem.

          1. For your information porn stars are teachers … we teach people how to have sex and in many cases how to have safer sex and still maintain a healthy sexual lifestyle through fantasy. Oh, and for the record I haven’t done porn in years but I am a teacher I even have the Social Studies / Education degree to prove it. Exactly how is crowd funding taking advantage of people. They don’t have to donate it’s by choice. You pick who or what you want to donate to or invest in just like with any charity you can never be sure where the money is going. Now lets get back to my 2 times I used crowd funding. One was to help a stray cat who had been injured and find him a home. I accepted donations and offered something in return. Signed pictures, used underwear, or a self made video for certain donations. The other time was as a joke. I posted a help me move to L.A. fundraiser as a joke out of seeing all these tacky porn star wishlists etc. I took it down the first time someone donated to it because it was meant to be a joke and offered the guy his money back.

            So as usual I see you are speaking without even knowing what you are speaking about.

            In crowd funding you even get to see how much someone has raised unlike a charity that usually doesn’t disclose to the public how much it has raised. Certainly there are some stupid crowd funding pages like the guy in Ohio who made near 50,000.00 dollars to make potato salad but people had the choice to donate and could see step by step how much was being raised so I don’t consider it being taken advantage of. It was shear stupidity to give someone that kind of money when it could have gone to a more worth while cause.

          2. Comparing porn stars to teachers? Wow. There’s so much wrong with that statement, I don’t know where to begin. But I’m too busy to write an essay addressing it. Not to mention I have no interest in making an enemy out of you because like I said before, I do like you. I just don’t agree with you. So this is my last comment on the subject.

          3. Never an enemy. Perhaps an intellectual rival. LOL … I respect all opinions. Even the ones of those who think I’m an asshole. You should always hold fast to your ideals. I admire that more than those who follow blindly ;-)

    3. ‘Yet gay men will complain about Gay-4-Pay models who have done nothing wrong and support models like Mason who make such idiotic statements.’

      I’m assuming you are the ex-porn actor Chad Hunt who did an interview with the site recently. Chad, why even bring the whole issue of gay4pay models into the discussion? Maybe you, as a bisexual man, feel some sort of kinship with these gay4pay performers and that’s fine. But myself, and many other gay men, would prefer to see more actual gay men in gay porn. Is there something unreasonable about voicing that opinion? Regardless, I don’t see what one issue has to do with the other. I wasn’t a fan of Mason’s ‘joke’ either.

      1. I’m not going to discuss further my comments about Mason because I said earlier they stand for themselves but I will address your question. One has nothing to do with the other the point of reference was to illustrate where are our priorities. Many in the LGBTQ community will defend a “gay” person who is clearly in the wrong but crucify someone for no other reason then being str8.

        Now something for you to think about is this. Do you think Gay actors should be allowed Str8 roles? Should Neil Patrick Harris never been allowed to play Barney Stinson on “How I met your mother” because he is a homosexual actor and shouldnt be allowed to portray a womanizing str8 man. I bet you find that comment absurd, but if you follow your thoughts on gay-4-pay porn actors to their conclusion then my statement stands to reason. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

        See the point now, and perhaps maybe a little of your own self hypocrisy.

  11. I’m tired of Mason playing games with his fans by teasing with tweets like “should I do some more porn videos?” Only to then give his Twitter account to someone else and dissappear. He’s started makibg a habit of doing stuff like that and it’s gotten old. He needs to stop hinting at new porn projects that never pan out and actually do some new porn or just retire because this boy who cried wolf BS is not going to gain him any respect or new fans, it just makes him look like a big liar.

    1. Yes, I agree. Maybe because he never was a ” blushing flower ” and now that he may has HIV for four years or so… It’s four years on havy medicine to curb the viruses. He also is more ‘butch’ and his face became stuffed: Maybe he is on roids too.

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