These all all-beef franks won’t have Falcon’s soon-to-be signature topping — while gorgeous straight guys will do many things on camera and for money, cum-eating isn’t one of them. Yet.
Fleet Week Fuels Rumors, But Falcon Not Going Bareback
Falcon Str8 Men (NSFW,
AAAAAAAAh,all above comments it make me go to
bed and sleep good one.(I agree with Billy’s statement).
Don’t be stupid. Gay bashing doesn’t go on because of this gay-for-pay nonsense.
Wow, all you’re doing is blaming the victim! What the hell is wrong with you?
There is nothing new about gay-for-pay but is this web-site out to exploit gay men for their money? Is this just another way for a gay web site to add fuel to the fire by making it appear that gay men have such a low opinion of themselves that they need a straight men?
There is an audience for everyone but what next 18 years olds that look like children? This myth that you feel like exploiting FOR MONEY has no beneifit to our community. The next time a gay man gets beaten up think of what role you might have played. We all must justify our behavior.
I know a lot of lesbians who like to watch two guys have sex. I just don’t get it. I also don’t get why straight guys like watching two women. I’m a gay man and when I watch porn I like to watch two MEN do it. That may be pedantic of me, but — oh well!
Ok, I like to see a guy jerk off, and I’m a woman. I also like seeing 2 guys having sex. And I’ve paid to watch both. Sooo, it might work. But, I’d rather it was 2 gay guys. I know I’m not that unusual because of all the slash fiction written by women about gay guys. They gotta like to watch too….
They make their money from gay men and then do this?
I know a lot of women who like to see men naked. Many women are size queens. But no woman I know is interested in seeing men jerk off online — let alone pay for it.
The website is cute but when Mustang turned orange didn’t they claim to be serving up “Real Men” too?