Conner Habib was supposed to give a lecture at Corning Community College in upstate New York, but when the school’s president found out that he does things like he’s doing in the photo on the left, his invitation to speak was rescinded.
This isn’t the first time a major gay porn star has been uninvited from speaking at a college (remember Brent Corrigan’s bitchfight with Yale?) and it won’t be the last, because this is America. And no American college student I’ve ever met watches porn.
As with most things having to do with colleges and college students, there’s a lot of he said/she said as to why Habib was uninvited and what specifically the college students were told to do (or not do) in light of the canceled visit, but here’s the gist, via BuzzFeed:
[Habib’s] lecture, which was part of a week of events on sexuality and sexual health, was canceled just over a week before Conner Habib was scheduled to speak to students of Corning Community College.
Last Wednesday, the college’s president Katherine Douglas met with members of the LGBT student group that invited Habib to campus and told them she would be canceling the talk. According to Brandon Griewank — president of the group, Equal — Douglas said that Equal followed all of the proper channels to bring Habib to campus, but that it was her own fault for not vetting Habib’s credentials. “She said she in no way was about to let porn rights and LGBT rights become intertwined on her campus,” Griewank says.
Whether or not President Katherine Douglas is correct to say that porn rights and LGBT rights shouldn’t be “intertwined” (and she’s not, because what does that even mean? as if Conner Habib the porn star and Conner Habib the LGBT person are subject to different rights?), and whether or not Conner Habib even had plans to conflate the two in the first place (and he didn’t, based on what he says would have been a broader discussion of sexuality and culture), shouldn’t President Katherine Douglas be the one kicked out of Corning Community College for admitting fault, not vetting Habib’s credentials, and spending money (Conner Habib’s contract, including speaking and travel fees, was still honored) on canceled events? Shouldn’t Katherine Douglas be fired for being an ineffective, bumbling, and financially wasteful school president? How is someone who can’t even do her own job in any position to pass judgment on someone else’s?
Conner Habib is scheduled to give his talk off campus at a local library tomorrow night in Corning. And here’s Corning Community College President Katherine Douglas “intertwined” with some gay porn stars ejaculating on each other.
If he was not allowed to give the lecture, simply because he is a porn star(gay or not), that’s wrong. But, and I’m just being curious, exactly what academic credentials does he have?. Simply doing porn does not make you a ‘sex education expert’.
While I believe that Connor is probably as well qualified as any to speak at that event and ideally it shouldn’t make a damn bit of difference what he does, However too many associate the glbt community with never ending orgies, sexually “abnormal” people and those who are damaged just because they are gay. And the loud opponents of GLBT rights would only use that as a weapon to de-legitamize(is that even word? dunno, but it explains what I mean, I think!)any positive outcome of this event.
Dude you are truly a snoozer… (in the most cerebral and pedantic sense possible)
(THANKS CHFan for link)
Sorry about that, it is never my intention to be so. I also apologize if it put you off because of it. I enjoy reading Mr. Habib’s writing. Though I often disagree, it is still a great read. I wish that my writing came off a bit better, but maybe that will come in time. Again, sorry.
I am of two minds on this issue. Sex education is a necessary resource in combating the spread of HIV and other infectious diseases. It is also helpful in promoting a healthy and fulfilling sex life. To that end, I believe that the more people who can hear and take advantage of that information the better. Using a porn actor then is a gimmick of sorts, intended to draw individuals in if for nothing more than prurient interest. If that is the hook needed to get people to pay attention to this vital information then I can see why the student organization chose Mr. Habib.
On the other hand, though a college should foster free thought and a diversity of opinion, they also have an implied duty to encourage and maintain a standard of scholarship. That means, that the individuals who speak at the school should have a scholastic and or research background in the subject matter on which they will lecture. Weighing the two, I believe that the organization could have found a less polemic figure to field this discussion, one with actual credentials in this area that would lend the organization greater credibility in its mission. Additionally, in terms of the optics of the matter, a GLBT organization bringing in a porn actor to speak on any subject only furthers the belief that gay men are overly preoccupied with sex.
Last, I think that it is important to note that working in a particular area, even the sex trade, does not make you an expert in that area. There are plenty of examples of individuals who know how a particular thing works but not the why of it. That said, I am not sure of Mr. Habib’s credentials but I am glad that he publicly encouraging safer sex, health body image, and the responsible pursuit of sexual fulfillment. Kudos to him.
Conner is an educator who has taught on the university level. His published studies on human sexuality, particularly gay male sexuality are widely known. Further, he presents a program on LOGO answering viewers questions regarding sexual behavior, identity and sexual health. Conner’s blog essay on why gay porn stars commit suicide is an absolute must-read. More, his working in the porn industry helps carry the banner of gay sexual freedom, its beauty and validity, for all of us. That his only value in lecturing college students is to promote safer sex and prevent HIV and other STDs is ridiculous.
Hey Rogelio-
I’m interested in reading that blog post you mentioned; too much denial is readily being espoused as explanation for the recent deaths and I am definitely interested in reading something of a more candid/frank nature (especially from an industry insider!).
Can you attempt to post a link and hopefully the webmaster will allow it to stand?
Thanks in advance! -SC
Hey SC, here’s the link to Conner’s essay on porn stars and suicide. His blog has a lot of other amazing essays as well.
I am aware that Mr. Habib has taught on the university level, but to my knowledge that was not in the area of human sexuality or anything of the sort – it was in literature. I am not aware of any “studies” that he has conducted relative to this issue and if you can point them out I would be quite happy to read them. Conducting a study and publishing the findings is quite different than writing an article. While I do not want to diminish his participation on a regular web cast on LOGO, that too would not represent the type of scholarship that I would think that a college would call sufficient. You may very well have a person who is very knowledgeable about say, culinary arts, but that does not mean that they are qualified to teach or lecture on that subject on the collegiate level. Mr. Habib seems as if he has spent a great deal of time thinking and reading about these issues, but so too have many individuals and without the requisite scholarship I do not believe that they are necessarily qualified to teach on the collegiate level. You also fail to recognize that I applauded Mr. Habib for far more than discussing safer sex and HIV prevention. I think that the work that he does intellectually championing all of his causes is laudable, which I acknowledged at the end of my post. Bear in mind though that he was asked to lecture at a college during a week when they were discussing human sexuality and sexual health; that is reason why I discussed the issue of HIV/STD prevention. Though I welcome the exchange, please save your criticism for those on the board who disrespect Mr. Habib and recognize that I respect him for what he does but also understand the college’s position.
While your points are well taken, I am not sure the same standard of academic credentials would apply to speakers for a community event at a college or university as for actually teaching a course at the same institution. Also I believe the institution in this case is a community college. I have great respect for community colleges in this country and for our local community college. They help bring learning to a greater variety of students than many four year institutions, but I also know that they often employ teachers and speakers with less formal academic credentials and more practical, real world experience. Surely there is a place for both when reaching out to the community? I suspect that if Mr. Habib had a formal degree in sexuality studies or had published works on sexuality in a peer-reviewed journal, the cancellation of his formal appearance at the school still would have occurred. (And besides, he’s sexy and cute as a button!)
Your rebuttal is also well taken. I agree with every syllable of what you just said. That said, I believe that Mr. Habib is a polemic choice for a speaker because of his sex work and I can understand the college choosing not to host him for that reason. Despite that, I applaud him for his continued work in this area. I am inclined to disagree with him on most of his ideas but there is no denying that he is a thinker and his opinions definitely have merit. Aesthetically, he is a handsome man – no Cristobol or Cayden Ross – but undeniably attractive for that big, sexy, brain. He proves that intelligence is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
WHOAH! Talk about a brouhaha. Many points of view are valid here; I personally feel that the illegal status of sex workers in most of the USA is at fault in this particular situation. If sex-workers were given a proper ‘credential’ then perhaps their skills and experience would be looked upon with more reverance and ultimately they themselves would have a more valid place within our wannabe-puritanical society. This is an obvious symptom in a usually asymptomatic process that cracks open the insular egg of opinion and can yield a change in peoples’ attitude (if we’re lucky).
Some organisations and colleges may appreciate that kind of controversy while others don’t. Unfortunately it is still ocnsidered a bad judgement to hear a porn performer out regarding any topic including sex themed.
Um emotions are running high up here! I don’t know. I’d like to think that when we go to college (not a religious school), it is one of the last places where we can take epistemological refuge in which people from all walks of life can safely express/debate views that may be diametrically opposed, and professors are supposedly neutral mediators that facilitate socratic discussions to help us become open-minded, well-informed globally aware citizens. Alas it is difficult to maintain this affective neutrality when educators may have to put aside their own set of values and moral beliefs in order to foster this level of intellectual discourse. I don’t know this woman obviously, but when I take a look at her, she reminds me of my mother who’s from a different generation, and would probably have a pituitary apoplexy if she ever saw a picture of Conner Habib in action. The question is whether she came to her decision from a visceral response not based on her school’s pedagogy. I personally would want to attend a discussion with Habib to listen to his perspectives on sexuality as I know that he has had experiences that I will never have, and ok, I’d want to meet a porn star, that too.
Zach is patrolling tonight! Very exciting.
Who is that imposter up there?
Anyway, we all watch porn BUT I can understand why she might not want a porn star giving a lecture at her school…. Certain “professions” will always have a stigma associated with them and porn is one of them.
I support Katherine Douglas.
You would.
Of course I would. Why would I support a prostitute over someone trying to protect the reputation of her instution.
You’re so concerned about the reputation that comes with being associated with gay porn, and yet you are a frequent commenter who has been trolling on multiple gay porn blogs for years. I hope your true identity never comes out…think of what that would do to your reputation! Uh oh…
Get a life.
Was he planning to finish the show with a happy ending?
“porn rights and LGBT rights shouldn’t be ‘intertwined'”–well, considering a majority porn performers don’t identify as LGBT anyways, as most are considered “straight,” I’d imagine it wouldn’t!!
Tell me, what qualifications does Conner have over some random hooker or bartender to speak on Fucking or even Gay sexuality!?!
He is a random hooker.
Honestly, what credentials do you need to speak on fucking!?! What a lame ass speaking engagement, and with a douche-bag blow hard. LGBT groups are dumb. So dumb on campus.
Your repeated trolling here (I’ve come to recognize your various names/IPs over the months) is about to come to an end. Get ready.
Also: Given your reading comprehension skills and apparent literacy problem, some time on a college campus might do you some good!
I’m lost. He was paid, for a job he now doesn’t have to do. End of story.
Big fucking deal. Get over it.
Yet you post multiply times on this article?
What? President Cuntface can’t get a job at an actual university? Also, veneers plz.
If more professors looked and spoke (and took cum) like Conner does (like a champ), college attendance would swell to tremendous levels!
I witnessed Conner speak once and I wish I could could be in Cortland tomorrow but I will be at the Hookies in NYC instead (sorry Conner). I learned from him that that one should not feel shame for one’s sexuality since it is a natural human condition. In that spirit I will be conducting online research to find the scene from the picture above (of Conner not, the CCC president.)
I think it’s Conner’s scene with Girth Brooks and Colby Keller