This month, the always-appropriate, often prudish Advocate features Cheyenne, star of Broadway’s Xanadu on its cover after force-feeding us more Bette Midler and Kathy Griffin than we could bear. It’s about time too, because while the photo shoot in the magazine is rated-G to an absurd degree (there’s even one shot of the star behind wet glass so we won’t be able to really see him, from only the neck up), our Google-image-search has informed us that he’s pretty, quite possibly, insanely fuckable. Now, if only the magazine would offer up centerfolds and give their subjects more of a Bruce Weber treatment than their oft-favored extreme and uncomfortable closeups in bad lighting, then maybe it could get its spine back.
Kathy Griffin Gets Re-Banned From The View, Re-Embraced By The Gays
Is The Advocate Getting Dangerously Thin?
Cheyenne Stands Tall (The Advocate)