The world of art is alive and well, as evidenced by this dramatic video of several dozen men humping the air, humping columns, humping stairs, humping the ground, humping statues, and humping the walls.
I feel inspired to create my own art after watching the below video, which was produced by a radical and transformative art movement called “The Humping Pact.” I want to hump something right now, possibly even one of the legs of my desk in my office, for art.
The Humping Pact operates on the basis of missions. Thanks to the community of supporters we travel around the world to find the places that used to have creative potential. Through our action we are hoping to attract attention to these beautiful artefacts of human persistence and to celebrate the convulsions of human body in its desire to be inspirational. Occasionally we invite a guest humper into the multiplication of our bodies from those who are part of The Humping Pact supporter community.
I want to be a guest humper.
My bodily convulsions are my art, and I feel that I should share my art (humping) with the world.
I am humping my blog right now.
When was the last time you humped for art?
What kinds of things should be humped in order to attract the most attention?
Will you hump me?
Can I hump you, for art?
okay dude on the bottom left.
bottom left…? what about bottom right?!
This isn’t a dozen men but upon looking closely it is just two men shot over and over again and somehow photoshopped together.
Still not an explanation as to how they’re not humping each other…
How are none of them humping each other?
I’m wondering how many hands were cut of in Congo in order to build this ” Palace Of Justice ” in Brussels.
Today, art is any shit that you want or pretend to be. In most cases the art market is more scandalous than the porn industry. Porn is porn, you know it when you see it but ‘art’ nowadays is any stuff you convince people that is art. It’s more a liers trade…
QUESTION: Will you hump me? ANSWER: Maybe…If you tell me you are mine and I’ll be stupid enough to believe.
QUESTION: Can I hump you, for art? ANSWER: Sorry but I want to be the humper-artist in this play. I saw your pictures too !
Zach after seeing some face pics of you a few days ago, I would definitely hump you ;)
Psychotic dreams. Scary.