Marc Juris is a gay executive most well known as the President of WE TV. Now, he might become better known as the target of a $1.2M lawsuit by Flava Works for uploading their content to file-sharing Torrent sites.
“Flava Works models and staff spend countless hours producing our high-quality videos and images only to have a few people steal them and distribute to these illegal file sharing websites. This will stop, one lawsuit at a time.” said Flava Works’ CEO Phillip Bleicher.
‘We have ample evidence to prove that it’s him — from matching emails, IP, logs and usernames — and he continued to share our copyrighted works,’ said Bleicher. ‘Now we are suing him for $1.2 million.’ said Bleicher.”
Meanwhile, Courthouse News goes into detail about the countersuit Juris, trying to hide as John Doe, has filed in return. “Defendant Flava Works operates pornographic websites for gay men. Capitalizing on the social stigma of its own product, Flava Works has apparently discovered a lucrative side business: extorting money from former subscribers by threatening to expose them as consumers of gay porn.”
In 2012, Forbes carried the story that Flava Works “got a set of $1.5 million default judgments against a Virginia man, Kywan Fisher, and a Delaware man, Cormelian Brown, both of whom used their paid memberships on Flava Works sites to download porn movies (legally) and then distribute them for free on BitTorrent sites (illegally).”
Juris/Doe is claiming Flava Works is extorting him and the suit is nothing more than a cynical attempt to extort plaintiff by threatening to expose him as a consumer of gay adult content.”
His allegations include a letter that informed him he could “avoid legal action by paying Flava Works $97,000 – ‘an amount that would increase to $525,000 if not surrendered quickly and in between, “a $150,000 demand through his attorneys and tied the demand to the plaintiff’s ‘status, his career and his wealth.'”
Bleicher/Flava Works refute Juris/Doe’s claims by making their mission crystal clear: “We want to go all the way. We want people understand you can’t just steal.”
TV networks makes their money from ad revenue. What Juris/Doe allegedly did was analagous to taking another network’s content and offering it for public consumption commercial free.
When a network is deprived of the potential to recoup their initial investment of the costs of acquiring and/or producing a show, it handicaps their ability to carry on with future projects.
Porn is no different. Torrent sites strip porn producers of their ability to sustain their companies and continue making porn. And should that drive the remaining, struggling studios out of business, where will the new content come from. Whatever will the file-sharers upload then?
Watch this blog.
Flava Works Inc., currently operates FlavaMen, MixItUpBoy, ThugBoy, RawRods, PapiCock, and CocoDorm.
And now, back to our regularly scheduled pornography.
I stopped reading at “quality videos”