Mr. Starr, who recently lost 100 lbs, is trying to save up $8,000 so that a plastic surgeon will make his saggy midsection desirable again. And rather doing what any normal person would do (since he’s “NEVER been good with money” and has “horrible credit score”) he’s becoming homeless to shore up his piggy bank.
And you’re supposed to feel bad for him, as evidenced by his pretty constant stream of whiney tweets like this:
That is, when he’s not busy cruising for bareback sex:
It all makes for a compelling drama, which you can read about on his blog or on his two separate, frequently updated twitter accounts here and here.
Sad Valentimes ’09: Craigslist Edition
Crazy Porn Fan Letter of the Day
‘Details’ Fags Out Over Man Boobs
Classic. So in 2 weeks, Nick Starr lost more money that hey would have paid in rent for a month. RT @NickStarr 10:30 pm 8/23: I really need someone to manage my money for me because I just lost $400 on top of the $500 I lost 2 weeks ago. Fuck my life.
Nick became a fan of Treasure Island Media.
Yeah my friend Claire worked there, and she was gracious enough to get me a HUGE thing of silicone lube branded by TMI.
Nice! Which part of your backpack do you keep it in? Or do you just store it in the huge vacuous place that is your rectum? You’re such a lying, inconsistent freak.
lol after all this shit, this is the only comment that you reply to.
grow a backbone, you faggot.
Whoa there. This is The Sword. “Faggot” is a compliment here, not a pejorative.
Are you just dumb or do you just not know how to read? I replied to a number of the comments.
Oh my god. I just found this beautiful rendition of Nick Starr… Our city’s very own new Castro poster boy.
It’s fairly obvious the guy has mental health issues. Most folks, even those who need elective surgery, don’t willingly become homeless to earn $8K in a year. They might scrimp and save to put the money away, taking a second job to do it, not put their daily health and safety on the line for a procedure that will make them feel better but won’t make them -be- better.
I have no idea who this guy is above and beyond his site. But as a former shrink and as someone familiar with the literature on keeping weight off long-term, Rick is going to be crushed when much of that weight returns over the next decade and when the underlying issues contributing to his poor self-image aren’t removed with the extra skin.
You have unprotected sex with someone that you are in a relationship with. You are killing them, but protecting one, two and three night stands. Besides, your relationships as you call them seem to end within a week or two because the guy sees the truth. You want to have a surgery that is not going to change the way you look. You really should stop dying your hair yellow because it is not becoming on you. It makes you look washed out and quite ugly.
Since I work in a management enviroment, I can tell you that your boss is really stupid for keeping you working. Who wants to invite clients to the office when you are so famous for drama and have posted your HIV+ status all over the Internet and your homeliness. Clients don’t see you as someone that they want working in the office where they do business.
Really? The comments are 10 times longer than the whole article. There must be better things to do than to obsess about @nickstarr. Don’t u think?
This piece of shit is a fucking FAKE!
He just posted on his Twitter: “Finally, I make sure to ask and tell every partner I have mine and their status in regards to STD/HIV. I don’t have unprotected sex.”
(Image capture here:
What a fucking lie! He cruises, which is a bareback only cruise site!! Here is his profile:
Anyone want to get up in that rank hole? He is online now. Time for some poz breeding action. God, I think I am going to gag up my Osaka. This kid is repulsive.
Seems convenient that the username on that profile is NickStarr…and all the pictures are EASILY found from a quick google search of me.
I also went on to say that, “I ONLY do if I am in a relationship and/or with someone I am comfortable with and trust who is also the same status.”
So stop taking what I say out of context.
You are FAKE!
And a liar apparently. I have PERSONALLY spoken to you once on that site. You even gave me your phone number. Remember?? 415-99-STARR (7-8277) ring any bells?
Take everyone’s advice and move already. We are all sick of you and your shit. I hate seeing you on the streets nearly every other day.
Tweet 3126010155 from NickStarr says “false alarm…turns out my rash is only a rash and not syphilis…all STD tests from last week came back clean. Get tested! Use protection!”
Any rational person would assume that he is neg from the tweet, but it appears from his responses here, that his is in fact HIV+ as be never refutes the accusations and says all his partners know his status.
I guess if you are HIV+ you don’t run the tests over and over, so the tweets about all his tests being neg could be technically accurate. Still, the statements are misleading at best.
He is HIV+. This is a well known fact. So Nick, you asked for real credible proof of a lie or misleading comment, there you have it.
You are such a mess. Fat mess at that.
I am going to go crawl into my comfortable bed and cuddle with my boyfriend now.
When I first read Nick’s blog I felt that it was a cry for attention… and YES I still feel that way but I really can’t comment about it much because I do not know him! Wow, I’m glad I don’t live in San Fran or even the west coast because you guys are VICIOUS! Is there really a reason that you need to tell him to jump off bridges and leave San Fran? I’m sure NIck has some nice qualities and there are people out there that find him enjoyable to be around.
As to the fact if he is or is not homeless, I can’t say. I do however believe that if Nick is really passionate about this procedure, instead of becoming HOMELESS there are better ways of going about saving money. I don’t care how bad a person is with money, there are always ways to save it. Personally, at first i figured he was posting about becoming homeless just to garnish some sympathy from others to GIVE HIM MONEY.. and if that is the case then he is going about it the wrong way!
Most people wouldn’t try to save up for surgery. Normal people would go to the gym, workout, and lift weights. Nick once said he had a personal trainer. Weeks later he said he never lifted weights and only did cardio. Any personal trainer would have put him on a cardio AND weightlifting routine. Since it doesn’t make sense for a trainer to stand there while you do cardio, he certainly would have lifted weights with said trainer, and should know exactly what weights to lift and what to do. His claim otherwise simply exposes the fact that he lies.
Now he’s trying to find the easy way out. Sleeping in our parks and pissing and shitting in our streets like every other homeless bum.
My trainer was Oliver Pavick and we NEVER lifted weights. We would do core work, work the the medicine ball, lunges, pushups, etc. There was ONE session in the numerous over the few months I had him where we did chest presses on a machine, but that was only once.
He wasn’t an official trainer for any gym at that time, but he had just gotten his license. He now works for 24 Hour Fitness as a real trainer, and I wouldn’t want to have him as a trainer ever again.
I’d like to add a bit of reality & honesty to this thread of pure hatred.
I’ve known Nick since 2006. He and I had lunch in early 2007 prior to him moving to San Francisco. At the time, he was a knowledgeable gadget guy, still in the closet and I can say one of the nicest guys in podcasting & technology I had ever met. The industry is full of snobs and Nick wasn’t.
It wasn’t until a few months later that I learned of his lifetime of dealing with mental health issues and the situation he was in but, at the time, it wasn’t “cries for attention” and instead was his way of coming to terms that he suffered from depression. His answer to this issue was to surround himself with other techies at, unbeknown to me, other gays.
When he moved to SF, he got a job in technology, attended tech parties and came out as a gay man. I was proud of him and still called him my friend. A career move brought me to San Francisco about 10 months after him with my Fiance and I’d see him around at the tech events. I actually saw him more than I did back in Florida. We had similar career paths and similar interests and I still considered him my friend.
Nick’s mental health is hardly curable but he thought coming to SF where he could be himself surrounded by people with the same interests and beliefs would be a healthy change and for a while, I think it was working. Of course, Nick’s situation is to be public online, as is mine and thus giving anyone that didn’t like him plenty of ammunition to fire back and show their hatred.
Nick continues to live a public lifestyle despite this hatred of his way of life. I’m proud to be debt free but I’m sure that no one else in this thread can say that. I’m also happy with my body type but the community Nick is a part of seems to put a lot of stress & pressure on being perfect so Nick, which his current health and depression sees tons of gorgeous men and instead of thinking about how depressing it is, he says it online through Twitter.
I’m not saying his method is right but what I am saying is by making things up, spreading lies and hate and publicly ridiculing him, you’re contributing to this case of attention and only intensifying his depression. As soon as Nick is gone, you’ll be on to someone else but, like myself, I don’t ask you to be there for Nick, support him and pat him on the back, but what I do ask is that you simply ignore him. Ignore this cycle of ups and downs, ignore the tweets and ignore the suicide threats. Just ignore it. He won’t go away but resist typing his Twitter name into your search bar and simply try to improve your own lives.
This hatred will only make his situation worse until he moves away, dies on the streets or commits suicide and I’m sure you all won’t care and you’ll make up an excuse that it was inevitable and you had nothing to do with it but speaking as Nick’s friend for the pas 4 years, I can say that you will be to blame and there will be no way to say, “sorry nick” once he’s dead.
If you don’t support him, then leave him alone. That’s how it should be. You all have better things to do with your lives and furthermore if you actually see him out every night, then walk up to him and comment on these things and maybe he’ll have a chance to actually respond to your accusations. Hiding behind anonymous names on an Internet commenting thread proves that Nick has somewhat of a backbone because he’s not afraid to be himself and say what he’s thinking online. Neither am I and if it means that we have to deal with a bit of shit over it, so be it but we’re doing what we do best, which is experience life and share it with everyone else. If you don’t like it, then just ignore it.
He IS an attention whore. Stop sucking his dick and realize it. I have lived here for years. Never once have I ever come across a douche like him who slanders people unnecessarily.
Regarding his “lies” and cries for attention… He just posted a twitpic trying to “prove” he is homeless…… where are all of his clothes? surely, he doesn’t wear the same thing everyday.
Personally, I am sick of seeing him in the Castro. MANY of us are. Why don’t you take a look at the gay community before start busting out with shit you don’t know what you are talking about. You may have known him since 2006. Big fucking deal. We have seen him out for a year now. In that year, this cunt has made so many enemies I am surprised he still shows his face.
He should make good on his bridge threats. It would ease tension for all of us here. Furthermore, you think he is a decent person with mental health issues? Yea, maybe. But what kind of asshole would sleep with someone without telling that person he is HIV+. That is sick. He is a murderer in the making.
I love this city, lived here for almost 13 years. Many of us want him out.
Those are the facts. Next time, think before you open up your mouth.
Who the eff are you? First off to address the status situation. I tell every and ask everyone that I sleep with of my status. I have never had sex with anyone without disclosing this information first.
My clothes are at work in my desk. I keep a spare shirt & underwear with me just in case, but everything else is at work.
What ‘lies’ do you speak of? I would honestly love to see one proven instance of my lying with facts and REAL 1st hand accreditation to back it up. I don’t lie, with the exception for my age, but I don’t know many people who haven’t added or subtracted a few years from their age at one point in time. My real age is 28, and was born Sept 11, 1980 as evidenced with visual proof on my license:
If you really feel this way about me, please make a point to say it to my face in person next time you see me, since you “see me out” quite a bit. I would love to know who to avoid when trying to be friendly and kind with everyone I meet.
Oh, come on Nick. Please use your skin skirt as a parachute to give rides to the kiddies as you jump off of the San Fran Tranny Bridge. It’s an honest living and you can use what you have to earn the monAIDS for your vanity surgery as well as not “make yourself homeless”. Seriously, you are retawded[dot]com.
Wow, you queens could go toe to toe with those bitches on Datalounge….ANYDAY. Well, done.
LOL. I think the majority of these are lesbian bloggers, truth be told. Vicious, but that slop hole kind of deserves everything he gets. He fucks and talks. He needs to shut the fuck up if he’s going to be a rancid STD slut and announce to the world his status on the net, and not tell the people he sleeps with that he’s HIV+. Hell, he’s so needy of attention, he brought all of his subscribers to this article even though it is TRASHING him. What a dumb motherfucker, he probably thinks any publicity is good publicity. He’s losing his job this week…. HAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Good luck in the background checks on your next job, dumbass. The net is littered with your picture and your stupid comments. You are UNEMPLOYABLE. No company would hire you. All you have to do is type Nick Starr into Google and you’re figgedy fucked. Way to fuck up your life.
Wow. I can not believe this site wasted their time to write about this fat douche. I live in SF and see him constantly. Which, is unfortunate.
I have heard so many horror stories about him. I agree with CastroBoyElite, who would really stick their dick in that rank hole. It would be like using your dick as a dipstick for STDs and HIV.
You people are ruthless. Stop with the personal attacks and accusations.
Wow!! What’s with all of the Hate??? I just don’t understand why everyone is so nasty about this….I used to know Nick when he lived in Tampa…he’s a nice guy…
I read this douche bag’s twitter, where I got the link to this site. He is such a desperate mess. His homelessness is nothing more than a cry for attention. I doubt he really is. How could you miss his albino looks on the streets or in the parks. He would stand right out. I haven’t seen him sleeping on the streets. Have any of you??
Grow up Nick. Get fired already. Leave this beautiful city. We do not want you here anymore. It is only a matter of time before you get what Perez Hilton had coming to him.
I saw this guy at the Lookout the other night. He tried to bring a nasty trick into the bathroom. Apparently, the ugly trick rejected him!! Nick came out a couple minutes later with bloodshot eyes!! LOL!!
Who would stick there dick in that?? GROSS!! Unless you are a bug chaser or wanna get HIV stay away from this fat nasty piece of shit.
He didn’t lose 100 lbs, he lost 65. How he gets 220 – 155 to equal 100, is beyond me. He wants people to think he was fatter than he really was. The fat all sits between his ears. Desperate mess, but we can’t pull our eyes away cause he’s so fucking tragic.
At my peak I was around 250…It is posted here: Sorry I didn’t take a picture of the scale back then…I was a disgusting mess…I am now in the 140-150s and still am not comfortable in my own skin until I get this surgery.
You STILL are a mess. A fat ugly tool. A breeder of STD’s and HIV. You are a disgusting piece of worthlessness.
You like constantly. You are NOT homeless. You are an attention whore.
You edited your blog in the last week to reflect these bullshit lies. I’m sure you’re just some washed up tweaker and that’s how you lost the weight. No one eats “hot dogs” to drop the pounds. Get some help, bozo.
Cardio and low-carb dieting…its worked for many people to lose and keep weight off.
Oh…also, I’ve never done a single drug in my entire life, with the exception if you consider alcohol a drug.
Nick, why can’t you just face the facts.
1) You are a complete douche bag.
2) You are friendless.
3) You are soon to be jobless.
4) Everyone in Castro despises you. Literally, everyone.
5) You only are around people at certain times when out because you force yourself on them and hound them. They are just being nice and cordial. They really hate you and are NOT your friends. Trust me.
6) You need to stop sleeping with guys without protection and putting them at risk because you are HIV+. Then you Tweet telling people to play safe?!? WTF? Why don’t you take your own advice? You are like a bad case of herpes that will not go away soon enough.
7) Start seriously considering leaving San Francisco because I do not know how much longer we can put up with your shit and retarded antics.
8) Instead of surgery, why do not you start hitting the gym and do some cardio and situps, pushups, etc. — I go to 24HR fitness in the AM before work and I have never seen you there working out or showering. I was there at one point when you tweeted that you were there. Stop LIEING about being HOMELESS because you are CLEARLY not. You are a FAKE.
9) You will never be happy and have a boyfriend due to the fact people just can’t stand your suicidal tendencies. Being ugly too and a fat ass mess doesn’t help you either.
So, with that said, LEAVE. LEAVE San Francisco. We are sick and tired of seeing your messy ass in our bars. We are sick of seeing your worthless self walking our streets. FUCKING LEAVE.
His real name isn’t even Nick Starr, it’s Nick Schuler. He currently works for Steamworks and trolls around there for tricks with his free employee pass. I guess that’s one reason why you should never go to that place, wouldn’t want to run into nick in a dark room. From his Twitter posts, it sounds like he is sleeping there too.