Former MILF (Marine I’d like to fuck) turned MILF (model I’d like to fuck) with one leg Alex Minsky is the hottest person who happens to be missing a limb on the face of the Earth. Here is a video of him naked.
Until today, I had only seen stills of him, but now there’s a video (below). He shows his ass.
If Americans had known that the Marines fighting in all of America’s endless, terrible wars looked like this, would they ever have supported the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions? If Alex Minsky’s injury isn’t reason enough to stop supporting war, what is?
Sorry, I don’t mean to get political up in here, but I’m tired of seeing hot people get hurt.
[Justin Monroe, Eric Schwabel, Michael Stokes, Tom Cullis]
No one needs to say that this is crass, because I know already.
The undecorated prosthetic looks out of place with all the inkwork on this dude. All or nothing, people.
Too many tatts, SORRY.
Funny that his missing leg isn’t what ruined it for me. It was all the damn tattoos!
The tattoos are 1,660,571,038,601,734 times worse than the prosthetic. Can there be a charity to save hot guys from assy tattoos?
Too many tattoos…just NO.
Endlessly dreamy. More so knowing how he lost that leg. Bravery causing him to lose a limb + bravery not-giving-a-shit-about-being-photographed = DREAMY.
Oh and P.S., all the endless nattering about his tattoos and no one clocked the BRILLIANT “Don’t Laugh” tattoo above his dick? What is not to love?
wow – you’re so hot!!! Thanks for sharing the photos and Alex – you are a super hot inspiration to all!
mr. P
I salute him!
With my penis.
i dont have tattoos nor do I care if anyone else does…but when tattoos are badly done I don’t like them. With that said, his tattoos are pretty sweet and go with his hot face and body. I love the colors he chose too! He’s definitely a MILF! semper fi!
I’m turned on by guys with peg legs { if only he had a tattoo of a parrot :-(. } I also have a fetish for dead guys ( like your former intern ). If you have a picture of a mule getting jacked off by Jake Genesis this would be a day I’d have to stay home from work and jack off!
I disagree – IMO paralympic runner Jonnie Peacock is hotter, not least because he isn’t covered in horrendous tattoos.
He’s a hottie alright. Also saw a pic of US paralympic runner Jerome Singleton and wow what a hot black man! Black short distance runners have some of the most amazing bodies. I still think Oscar Pistorias is attractive, but I will look at him the same way after he killed his girlfriend.
I still think Alex is way hotter. Alex has an edge to him that Jonnie doesn’t, and it’s not just the tattoos that give him that edge.
*but I will never look at him the same way
@SXG – you are so right, Alex Minsky is really handsome and the tattoos and glasses only make me want him more, but that Jerome Singleton – wow, that is one sexy black man. He is up there with Tyson Gay (who I so want to just sit on my face). Minsky does not have the booty that I love – see Tyson Gay – but he reminds me of the actor Nick Zano in these pics. His twitter feed is also a pretty good read.
Yea Tyson Gay’s ass is so fucking bubbly and amazingly edible! I too would want him to sit on my face! A shame he didn’t medal in the last Olympics.
The VA is a joke. If you go there for constipation the only things they’ll give you are a popsicle stick and a packet of Surgilube. Veterans definitely deserve better treatment for putting their lives on the line for the country. As for Mr. Minsky, he better not need an MRI anytime soon.
A beautiful man. I’m cool with his tattoos. I’d do him in a heartbeat. So many died and wound up like this guy or worse in Iraq, the dumbest war (based on a lie) we never should have had. Bush, Cheney and the rest should be tried as war criminals. Men & women veterans like this guy should be taken care of, not the way they are currently from the VA.
wow the tattoos bothered me more than that metal leg….actually the metal leg does not bother me at all….
His tattoos are a bit too much, and that one on his armpit is especially horrible, but I still find him to be super hot I would not pass him up for a shag or two! :)
And I agree Zach war is just horrible. I understand that sometimes they are a necessary evil, but other times it is a mistake to get involved in. I saw war/photography exhibit that was at my art museum a couple of months ago and the photos were so intense I almost cried. So many of our soldiers’ lives will never be the same.
Way too many tatts, but ya.
From the neck up he’s gorgeous but I have to agree with the other posters on here. That’s just way to much ink. He does have a hott and sexxxy body, but the tattoos are a definite turn-off.
I can’t get enough Minsky! Love this man!
I was all for it but then I started to actually look at the tattoos and they are so bad I just can’t even go there.
He’s hot, but those tattoos are a goddamn shame.
Wow! Love Minsky and man- His ass looks like it’s as smooth as a baby’s butt.
Monroeland photos are notorious for airbrushed asses; but I agree, it looks scrumptious.
Not surprised, and I figured as much, but still- I’d tap it.
Hope the stump doesnt swing wildly and yield a black-eye for you :)
So, she’s straight?
What’s sad is that photos of him were banned on Facebook, but Adam Levine’s girlfriend/wife/whatever cupping his balls while he is standing there naked is OK.
Never underestimate the control females have in hetero culture.
It wasn’t his wife
And it was photoshopped – He was wearing underwear in the original shot. Do your research.
She is the one who has to smell Adam Levines ass. lol……
damn that boy is fine