Cruel, unnecessary, and pathetic. The teacher, Kevin Hogan, appeared in three obscure gay porn films as “Hytch Cawke” (I know, I know, that name is up there among the worst) that were shot well over a year ago in California. He wasn’t a porn star by any means, he wasn’t looking for attention, and just as he’s settled down to start a new life in Massachusetts, he’s outed in some desperate November sweeps stunt for a local Fox station? Ambush journalism like this is more unethical than any gay porn Hogan was ever in, and it’s great to see that the commenters on the Fox site agree. Many are from past students and parents, and they’re overwhelmingly in favor of Hogan. It’s also great to see that the local sleaze bag reporter is keeping up on his gay fetish porn, I guess.
the guy wanted to use gays for his own business; and doesn’t give a shit about gays since he is married.
Show support for the teacher here, please:
One day adult movies will be considered just another career and won’t be a topic of supposed “scandal”. Hopefully sooner than later.
Good to see that he is getting support from the community.
He has a unused twitter and facebook page under his porn name. I wonder if he was going to try and establish a porn career but decided to focus on teaching instead. He only did 3 scenes, it makes me wonder what is going to happen to performers that have been on every porn site known to man and have 5000 twitter followers when they want to go back to anonymity.!/Hytch_Cawke
We can always ask Matthew Rush
that is why i cannot stand this crap when it hits the fan.
Destroying lives and careers is just part of everyday life now in the US. What was there to gain from this? A ratings blip for Fox? Mr. Hogan, who did nothing wrong or illegal, now faces unemployment and despair, and for what?
a quick buck and a quick fuck. :D
Wow, REALLY clouding the line between what is past and what is present there. The guy should sue that reporter for implying in no uncertain terms he’s still making gay porn.
Hytch Cawke?! Is it wrong that I find the name the most offensive thing in this whole drama? The reporter comes in a close second. You know he jerked off to the scenes.
I particularly enjoyed the final part of the segment where it was casually stated “he didn’t actually break any laws”… as if that maintains FOX’s “fair and balanced” initiative.
Typical low for a Fox station. Pathetic what they will do for ratings.