But all the interviewer (Thomas Persson of Acne Paper) really cared about was François’ muscles. (Read the full exchange here.)
Thomas Persson: How does it feel to be the subject of so much sexual adoration and worship?François Sagat: I can’t say that I don’t like it but I think it’s too much. Too much for what it is. I understand if someone is a fan of Tina Turner or Cher. But being a fan of a porn star? I can understand the sexual obsession of someone because it’s a desire but being a fan of all the movies you have done, remembering which movies you did when and with whom, and what kind of beard I had in this particular film, that I don’t understand. But an obsession of the new Beyonce video and the choreography, the outfits, that is another story. That I do understand completely…
TP: [looking at old photo] Is that you? You look so tiny and cute. You have changed a lot since you were this shy boy. When did you start getting interested in creating this persona that you are today?
FS: I think it was when I finished fashion school. I was in a video that some friends had made and I didn’t like what I saw. I didn’t like my tiny body or the way I spoke. I was starting to loose my hair and it was a tragedy for me. I decided I wanted to change. I started training, not bodybuilding but fitness. In a year my body started to change. I shaved my skull and I did the tattoo.
Well, François, for what it’s worth, you mean SO much more to us than Cher or Beyoncé. Those bitches got nothin on you, especially when you put on a wig or a mask and make a YouTube video — and FUCK THAT WORTHLESS SITE for banning you. Please sir, may we have another? Just send it to us. Let The Sword be your YouTube, and your muse… xoxo
EXCLUSIVE: Erik Rhodes & François Sagat, Together At Last
Francois Sagat Lends Skull Couture to Paris Fashion Week
B-Roll Brilliance: Francois and Marco Put Us Into ‘Overdrive’
Francois Brushes His Teeth
Francois Sagat Loses Mind, Buttock Covering
Francois Sagat, Uncut (Interview)
Watch François Sagat in Bedroom Eyes on NakedSword
Hello everyone. Set all things in their own peculiar place, and know that order is the greatest grace.
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