Class is in session? In between filming interviews and looking for sympathy after being fired from his substitute teaching job in Florida, gay porn star/aspiring child educator Collin O’Neal jumped on a go-go box at a WeHo nightclub last night where at least one person (the DJ) told him he had a “great ass.” Collin O’Neal seems really serious about wanting to get his old job back!
(video via)
Seeing this post, I’m a bit torn 3 ways. Part of me agrees with Zach, and was glad that I was generalizing when I commented on Out Magazine’s website about someone in his position being judged for doing gay porn. Thinking the smart thing for him to do would be to lay low until this whole thing is settled. Another part of me however feels that he might be trying to make a point of how his work and playing around in an adult arena as “Collin O’Neal” is just for that – ADULTS. There’s also a part of me that says he misses the attention of being “Collin O’Neal”.
Which part is right? I don’t know. Maybe it’s a combination of some or all of those possibilities.
As for his dancing,…OMG! Make him stop! Please MAKE HIM STOP! I don’t give a damn about the age of a go-go boy, but DAMNIT, DANCE!
And YES, I can say this, for there’s video to back up my plea.
lol looks like no one there cared much to look. and yes he’s too old-looking to be a gogo boy, unless it’s at a leather bar/club. but yea that was the worst attempt at being a go-go boy, even worse than what some of the str8 guys do here in houston at the gay bars and clubs
Would like to see Albert and Niles do similar! Good on him for a guy our age being proud of who he is!
“I don’t know how good you are, darlin’, and I don’t know what it is you’re good at, but if it’s at the Cheetah, it’s not dancing, I know that much.”
Isn’t he getting a bit long in the tooth to be a go go boy? He should follow my advice when I told him to go into real estate.
I am not sure what that is called but I hope the club did not pay much for him to shift back and forth from one leg to another and turn around occasionally. Lame!