We start with our favorite, Men Cradle Carrying Men which we didn’t even know was a fetish, and seriously, we thought we’d heard it all with adult babies.
Then we have the Piggybacking one, and one devoted to men sitting on each others’ laps, which all have the same three Admins. We can’t tell just yet how many members these groups have, but we expect these to be full-fledged sub-cultures within the year. (We also note the equally kinky-looking but probably not gay Piggy Back Racing Organization based in the UK.)
Unfortunately, we think the group Scat Attack! is a joke, and I’m a Scat Man turns out to be, of all things, a jazz appreciation forum.
If your fetish turns out to be more on the basic side, you’ll still find plenty of cohorts on the ‘book.
Underwear Hunks turns out to be a great resource for links to all the online lady-underwear stores your little gay heart desires, as well as random pictures of porn stars, like this one of Wilfried Knight wearing manties and, um, a fur shrug.
The group we found with the most members was, obviously, FOR THOSE WHO LOVE SHIRTLESS MEN, whose screaming all-caps title has attracted a few naive, cheerleader-type gals, but the photo swap seems dominated by the gays with their vast spank banks of well-oiled jpg’s.
The group named The fact that I think asian guys are hot does NOT make me a rice queen is terrific for all you rice queens out there.
And if you fancy yourself an amateur podiatrist, we’re sure you’ll enjoy spanking it to all the photos at Gay Men with a Foot Fetish.
Gay Adult Babies Makes Us Want to Cry, Spit Up
Can You Match the Porn Star With Their MySpace Music?