With his 5’7″ frame and cherubic face, this fact comes with a WTF moment: Gabriel Cross has been turning us on for almost a dozen years. And yet in many ways, he’s just getting started.
Gabriel Cross has been at since 2005 and is a gay porn gift that keeps on giving.
He was one of the first models we featured in our series, 5 Things You Don’t About Me”.
For such a busy man and with such an active social media presence and following, we’ve seen too little of him lately.
The last studio scene he did was with Francois Sagat back in April …
[Watch Gabriel & Francois in “Elixir – Part Three” at Men.com]
Happy Birthday #Sexy
❤️ pic.twitter.com/pScyGU1vVS— Anthony Warner ❤️ (@AnthonyWarner11) October 11, 2018
Seems he just had a birthday.
New hair ✂️ pic.twitter.com/xa1luIt9Wc
— Gabriel Cross (@GabrielCrossXXX) October 12, 2018
Got a new haircut
Heavy chest 👊🏻 pic.twitter.com/8xD4Df24Ut
— Gabriel Cross (@GabrielCrossXXX) October 15, 2018
And he hasn’t been slacking at the gym.
But most of all, he’s been very busy gathering some of the hottest guys around for bareback action he’s posting to his JustFor.Fans page. Like this new three-way with Josh Moore and the nine ginger inches attached to fellow brit Diggory:
[Watch Gabriel, Josh, & Diggory at JustFor.Fans]
His JustFor.Fans’ page is like a who’s who of who is working in porn right now – only in ways you usually don’t see from the studios.
You can keep with Gabriel by following his social media …
He reminds me of a little critter who would host a Christmas special!
OMG I loooove GABRIEL CROSS, he’s like that little squirrel cartoon come to life! His cheeks are the cutest!!
I love a short, beefy lil’ squirrely guy.