gay on gay discrimination

Why Are We Our Own Worst Enemies?

“This tank is perfect for the kidz who’d like to add a lil irony to their wardrobe and aren’t afraid to make a statement.”

“Either way, you’re bound to attract attention and start conversations boo :)” If you’re opening line is “I’m an asshole,” you’ve found your tank top. Marek + Richard, an online clothing store marketed to gay men, thought this would be a good idea. They thought wrong. The worst part is, it’s also sold out.

As the Daily Dot is reporting, Marek + Richard stirred up both controversy and faced a social media backlash. In reality, while it doesn’t doesn’t reflect well on the manufacturers, the fact that it’s sold out makes a broader, sadder statement on the gay community.

“It’s the infamous phrase you’ve prolly seen on your fave hookup app. But don’t worry boo we luv our fems/curvy gurlz and also satire for that matter.” That is how the description for the shirt begins now. The second sentence was added after tweets like these started appearing almost instantly:

“Founded in May 2011 by Neil Marek and Robbie Richard (two boys who met while pursuing fashion degrees at The University of North Texas), M+R is a casual knitwear line based in Dallas, Texas.” About-Neil-and-Robbie_2048x2048 (1)“It offers a wide range of rad gear (everything from jockstraps to sweatpants) in collections inspired by FUN STUFF like street fashion, youth trends, and pop-culture.”

Since when is discrimination fun? Yes, we’ve all seen that phrase far too many times. Even if they left off the rest, our minds would finish the sentence with the “No Asians, No Blacks” etc. that are usually found before the period.

Diesel Washington
Diesel Washington
Diesel Washington had something to say about the lack of diversity in gay porn. In many ways, we all have the same narrow view of beauty established by Chuck “Seed Money” Holmes when it comes to what we perceive as the gay adonis.

That’s why there are sites, albeit not enough fo them, for all differents kinds of men and the men who like them. Part of the key, porn-wise, is having the right models on the right site. But not every gay man has blue screen aspirations or the physical assets to be a porn star. The diversity issue in gay porn is representative of the larger diversity issue in gay culture.

It’s also true that when people go out for dinner, they’re usually paying for something more than they would make for themselves at home. There’s nothing wrong with that.

But the message this shirt is sending is not about porn. It’s saying to almost anyone who isn’t “circuit boy material” that they don’t even deserve to be in the gay community. And there’s a lot wrong with that.

Rant over.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled pornography.

17 thoughts on “Why Are We Our Own Worst Enemies?”

  1. Wearing a shirt like that is rude but it is a fact that many gay guys don’t find fat guys sexually attractive. There are very few fat gay porn stars.

  2. But I love fat guys :(

    Anyway… I think the model and Robbie look pretty femenine, so it´s even more stupid that one of them designed that shirt and the other one is wearing it.

  3. This blog contributes to the whole superficiality of gay culture as much as this stupid shirt, there’s no question. Deriding penis length of some models or remarking on the straightness of their teeth is commonplace on this blog, which I think is intended to be funny.

    Before trying to make some holier-than-thou judgment about the state of gay culture, take a minute how we could make it better ourselves.

    1. Maybe you should take some time before you get on your high horse – have you read this blog the past couple months? Thankfully, It’s not the petty cuntfest of a couple years ago or even the snooze fest six months ago

  4. Their clothes scream fuck me if you want the newest undiscovered STD strain. And their site greets you with “hey stupid, sign up for our newsletter for discounts”

    pssh. boy, bye

  5. I’m reminded of time Urban Outfitters were pressured to stop selling a t-shirt reading “Voting is for Old People.” Lighten up, guys. I’ll guarantee you Bruce Vilanch has that “No Fats No Fems” t-shirt in his wardrobe.

  6. With a face like that, that model is not really in a position to make such demands seeing as how what he doesn’t like is all he’ll get.

  7. Forget this shirt. Almost every shirt on this website screams “Gurl please” to “Oh god I know I shouldn’t. I just won’t give him my real name or number and I’m Ubering home right after.”

  8. I rather like this t-shirt.

    Because any gay man who would wear it is basically wearing a billboard advertising the fact that they’re a totally insecure asshole and I’ll know to avoid them entirely. It would tell me everything I need to know about the man.

    This is a GREAT time saver for weeding out the gay dudes that aren’t worth my time.

    Or my cock.

    1. You and I have the same way of thinking. I feel the same about all these homophobic business owners. Please tell me how you really so I can spend money in a better place.

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