In “Heimat XXX”, a horny gay couple is set loose in the lonely woods of an unnamed wanderlust resort, gets a techno score, and ends up teaching a lesson about the birds and the bees.
The word or concept of “Heimat” is a uniquely German one. When translated, the word is often described to mean “home”, “hometown” or “homeland” and with a positive connotation. Though the concept existed before World War 2, after the war a distinct genre of filmmaking called “heimatfilm” sprung up for the next ten or so years.
Films in this genre often took place in the idyllic mountain settings, calling attention to the goodness and purity in nature by setting hokey melodramatic love stories in fields and glens with babbling brooks running through. It was an easy way to present syrupy fantasies to the country after the devastation and destruction of the world’s most horrific war.
That concept – and the genre of films that sprung up around it – is certainly the starting point for understanding Sebastian Dominic Auer’s HEIMAT XXX, which is already one of the most watched titles on NakedSword after premiering last week as part of our NSFW collection. In the film, two handsome tattooed hunks sojourn out in the forests and mountainous regions of the German countryside.
Their interaction begins playfully, but soon they are wearing little except jockstraps and their behavior towards each other grows slowly more intense and passionate. By the end of the film the couple are fucking intensely until reaching orgasm. By setting his experimental porno in the region that represents “heimat”, Auer aimed to offer a “postmodern comment on the paradigms of the German romanticist movement,” he explains in press notes. “The forest of the Heimat, a central point of the romantic idea, is the place where alike flesh meets and unites in a wild rush.” That it does, folks. That it does.
But there’s also more. There’s mythology, something pagan that goes beyond heimat, back into an era without structures, where each season had a god of it’s own and a dance around the phallic maypole welcomed the time of fertility and fresh seed that would sprout into sustenance. An era before laws came in that restricted and codified what relationships and sex could look like, when two men could take to the free place in the wilderness, mate like animals, and still live happily ever after. Auer invokes Amor and Psyche, along with specifically Germanic myths, some of which are referenced in the film.
Auer considers the two halves of the film as corresponding with the seasons spring and summer which also mirror the intensity of the connection between the two leads that develops. As his press materials note, “From the spring of first romantic feelings to the outburst of raw sexual humiliation, Auer is showing us the phases of gay sexuality that become a symbol of the ambivalence of life, being shown against the background of rise and fall of nature.” It’s all set to a kickass techno score that makes it feel like the type of video that could play in the background at an avant-garde art club or a hipster sex club.
But let’s be real, you’re here to see sex, and luckily the climax of HEIMAT XXX features the full on nasty and hot coupling of its leads and – surprise surprise – here comes the gunge, in the form of a kind of honey mixture the two men wind up fucking in, which explains the frequent nearly-subliminal shots of bees – the ultimate symbol of horny fertility – which pop up from time to time during the first part of the film. For fans of messy food play, sploshing and the like, HEIMAT XXX’s finale should no doubt make it must-see jerkoff material. Ditto for fans of bears with meaty shlongs.
Thanks to a sexy cast, gorgeous camerawork, a bumping score and clever editing, Auer offers a new kind of erotic film, clever, post-modern and smart, but nonetheless hot as fuck. We’re not the only ones to recognize the specialness of the short. HEIMAT XXX> picked up awards and acclaim at experimental and erotic film festivals including Germany’s Xposed International Queer Film Festival, the Berlin Porn Film Festival and NYC’s Mix Festival.
Check out these sexy stills and head over to NakedSword to watch all 11 minutes of Auer’s titillating, boner-inducing Europorno!
[Watch HEIMAT XXX at NakedSword]
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