It’s Friday afternoon at the Whitney Biennial, and they’re here to see the crazy Bjarne Melgaard room with all the penises. An ultra-hip Upper-East-Side mommy, her adorable one-year-old boy, and her funky downtown girlfriend pass under a portal, glance around the small room and plop down on a colorful long sofa. The baby has a little freedom to crawl around. There are colorful pillows and the baby plays with one in the shape of a butterfly, except the body of the insect has been replaced by the Freedom Tower. Everyone is calm, happy. It’s tiring work looking at the three floors of carefully curated art – paintings by female abstract expressionists, challenging conceptual sculpture, and the notebooks of the late David Foster Wallace. But Melgaard’s room seems to please them. Mommy and friend giggle at the mammoth penis pillows that hang from the portal, and the baby smiles watching a holographic screen featuring two monkeys fucking. They don’t pay attention to the video behind the monkeys which features a gay couple — a film director played by porn star Dale Cooper, and his boyfriend (actor Blake Lloyd) who each offer up dueling monologues about the disgusting whorey pathetic-ness of the other. They don’t see the end of the video where Cooper’s character chokes his lover while fucking him. They don’t notice the projections of the Boston Marathon bombing, SeaWorld trainers collecting sperm from a Killer Whale, and cult leaders David Koresh and Marshall Applewhite or the photos of scat sex and dismemberment screened onto to the sofa.

It’s the trio’s blissful unawareness of the violence and graphic horror hidden below the surface that the piece aims to savage. In other words, classic Bjarne Melgaard. Provocation, controversy, shock value, but also beauty in extremity, transgression, and an almost reactionary call to go back to basics. To be more human. To connect with others instead of constantly consuming images. To display his damaged inner psyche in an effort to better the lives of others.
Melgaard is a strange force of nature. When we meet at the Mercer Hotel this past Saturday, he first tells me that he’s been up for the past four days doing things he doesn’t elaborate on. I look at his hat, which reads “LETS FUCK” on it, and assume that was at least part of the unnamed activity. For the next 90 minutes, our conversation runs the gamut from boring to shocking: his installation, the porn films he wants to make, working with Dale Cooper, bloodsports, rape, Joey Stefano, PrEP, destruction, dating, Catherine Breillat, scarification, bareback sex, the Black Party, and the band he claims to be forming with a donkey, a palm tree, and a chair.
Bjarne: So you want to make this really dirty? What is dirty? I’m a big bore really.
Adam: We can talk all about the porn you’re making.
Oh, well I made one porn but I kind of cancelled it because it was supposed to be a project that was like only done on my iPhone through text messages and sex sites, chatrooms, but the guy who I was doing it with, who was this porn star, we got romantically involved and it kind of fucked up the whole thing.
Who was it, can I ask?
No. He’s not such a big porn star. He made 28 films in one and a half years.
Can I start with the Black Party which you mentioned when you sat down? You have strong feelings about it.
I don’t have that strong feelings about it. I’m just sick of all these parties and these things that gay men get so built up about, like this is the night it’s gonna happen and we’re gonna go crazy. I like to go crazy on a Monday night, on an ordinary weekday. I don’t need to have the Black Party to go crazy. I used to hate circuit parties.
You said your friend wanted to go to the Black Party and you didn’t want to go.
Yeah. That was the porn star.
Let’s talk about your piece in the Biennial first. I was sitting in the room with your installation yesterday and babies were crawling around and people would go and sit down next to the real dolls and wouldn’t realize it wasn’t another living person.
But I thought there was an age 18-year old limit on that installation? I had so many problems with the Whitney because I wanted to show this video of a beheading of this guy with a chainsaw, and in the end it seemed simplest to remove it. I’m surprised they let kids in there.
Not because of the movie with Dale Cooper?
No. That is just so bad. It’s a Brazilian telenovela. That was the point of it. To kind of portray this gay couple as this Brazilian telenovela.
So it started as wanting to do a telenovela style… did you conceive of it as a piece with porn stars in it?
No, it was actually an accident that there were porn stars in it. We had the casting and we couldn’t get a casting agent to help us because of the material, the text they were supposed to be reading. So Adam Dugas, he found people on Facebook and stuff like that. So it was totally coincidental. I never heard of Dale Cooper in my life. That was totally coincidental. There were very few people who wanted to act in that movie.
Is Dale Cooper’s character in the video meant to be a stand in for you?
No, not really.
What was it like working with Dale?
Well he’s kind of stiff. He’s not the world’s greatest actor. He’s a nice person, but, um, yeah, I mean, he was alright. I think he brought that kind of, you know, the film is done very cinematically. It looks like real cinema film. It’s also something with all that technique on someone who’s so untrained and unskilled as an actor. That’s what I was interested in. This pretense of acting. Trying to act but not really managing to act. I think it’s very obvious, the acting.
That’s porn acting in a way.
Yeah. So you can say the essence of it is related to porn in that way.
The monkeys fucking on the 3-D screen in front of the Dale Cooper video, calls back to the first show that you did in New York with the big sculpture, and you repeat this image a lot of the monkeys fucking.
This image of the monkeys that I used a lot, yes, you see it in the piece in a hologram, and it hides the movie. Like I was interested in putting a veil over a film.
If you sit right in front you just hear the text from the film being read.
For me the text was more important than the film itself. Because I wanted the film to be more of a prop in the installation.
Did you spend a lot of time on the film itself?
We filmed for two days but we spent a lot of time in postproduction. And beforehand also.
I don’t think it’s a bad film as you said earlier. Actually I watched it several times.
Did you watch with the hologram on it?
Both with and from the side where you can actually watch it. It’s an experimental film.
But it’s also a parody of an experimental film.
Yes of course. Absolutely.
It’s so completely obvious that this is not done to make an experiment. It’s very cold and cynical. I wanted my relationship to the film to be as cold and cynical as the characters in the film. The coldness and the way of exposing yourself and being so addicted to your own image. I wanted that to inform the film.
The text is filled with vile degrading language — I hate you, you’re a dumpster, talking to you is an ATM-transaction, you’re a whore, and you want to suck German Shepherd’s dicks. These extreme but parodic things.
Bordering on parody. It’s so over the top. It’s so one-dimensional. It’s like when you take Crystal Meth and you start to argue and you ramble on and on and on and it never stops for hours and hours. I wanted it to have a little bit of that feeling. What most of the people miss from piece is that it’s a collaboration with Travis Jeppessen, but it was very closely related to his writings about object oriented writing. You don’t see the artwork you go inside it and become the artwork. I have a very big respect for him as a writer. I think he writes about violence and sexuality in a really good way.
I wondered if you were a fan of Ondine from the Warhol films.
Yeah of course!
The rants in the film are like Ondine’s rants from some of the Warhol films. Chelsea Girls especially.
Well my favorite star is Viva. I just bought the book she wrote, I found it on eBay. Did you ever see Blue Movie?
Yes. It’s amazing. The description of the piece talked about the anthropocene — the scientific term for the time period we’re in now where human’s affect on nature has changed ecosystems for the worse. Why does that interest you?
It’s pretty obvious that we’re reaching the end. You can’t talk about “we’re going to have a crisis” because we already have a crisis. Things are just going slowly to hell. I was talking with my friend, and we were discussing how things like the anthropocene are informing things like sexuality, human relationships, and friendships. That will have a huge impact. In 2050 there are no sea turtles left, no butterflies left, no elephants left. I thought that was kind of like, something that I was interested in, because it also felt like a theme that was, how can I say it — a theme that was, a here and now in a way. I’m looking forward to a disaster. I’m looking forward to everything ending. I wish it would happen as soon as possible. When a disaster’s gonna happen I want to open all the windows in my home I want to sit and wait for it and enjoy it. I think it’s a great thing that we get rid of a ton of people from the Earth once in a while and clean it up. I wanted to make a installation where you might see it or you might not, but if you look at the couches there’s images of scat sex, and this image of this guy who killed his girlfriend and cut off all her body parts and posed her body parts in his flat. There are all these things in the sofa that you don’t see right away. I wanted there to be an undercurrent of violence. Even the carpets, underneath the carpet is another carpet, so the carpets become almost vindictive to the carpet underneath.
Like the monkeys over the video. And the four vacuum cleaners. What do the vacuum cleaners mean?
I’m just a big fan of Dyson vacuum cleaners. Sometimes when I put things in my installation because I like it. It has no deep meaning, nothing to do with Jeff Koons vacuum cleaner or cleaning the work. I thought it was interesting to see them together with the real dolls. To domesticate them in the same way, as we, style them with clothing, and so you know domesticate them in this way as something that is the opposite of what they’re meant to be.
Do you think that sex, porn, etc. — is that part of the anthropocene? Is it part of what’s pushing us towards destruction?
Well I think it’s a symptom of a world of destruction. I think it’s something sad when people prefer to have a flat screen of people fucking instead of that they go to a bar to find a guy to pick up. That people are more satisfied with an image than they are with a real person. I don’t make any moral judgements about it. I’m not interested in porn. I don’t really watch. The little time I watch it it’s for research almost. I find it so unsexy to look at. It’s not what turns me on at all. If I’m gonna spend all that time sitting in front of the computer, I’d rather go out and find a real guy to fuck.
Were you ever into porn?
I was always into dead porn stars who committed suicide. My favorite is Savannah. I made a lot of works about Savannah, and then I made my first work that I got publicly known for which was about Joey Stefano. I did another one too but I don’t remember the name. But Savannah and Joey Stefano were the ones who most interested me. Also Arpad Miklos, but to certain degree, not to the same degree as Joey Stefano.
I never really liked Joey Stefano’s porn.
No. And porn like Francois Sagat and these things I really hate. I think they should just go kill themselves. Do the world a favor and just blow your brains out.
What don’t you like about him?
I just think it’s crap. All of it. It’s stupid and superficial and it’s like, I’m also bored of this kind of steroid body. I used to do so much steroids, and I used to take 500 pounds and bench press it or whatever, and you have a kind of huge muscle body. It’s just so easy. Why do people look at these people and think “Oh my god this is something I can never have?” Just decide that you want to skip thirty years of your life, and go to the gym two hours every day and that’s it. It’s so easy, and it’s lazy also. I like more bodies when they’re more natural. I also like guys who don’t give a shit of how they look. I find that a real turn on. Who doesn’t give a fuck about going to the gym or looking good or whatever. I definitely want to make my own porn though.
What do you want to make — and why do you want to make it if you don’t like porn?
I’m doing several things. Next year I’m doing three shows in Europe. I have all these more serious things I’m working on. I’m working on creating a mobile home that’s going to be installed on Mars. I’m also starting to learn to DJ and I want to do events. Like really shitty events for 69 year old fags who can’t get laid. And then I’m making a band which consists of a donkey and a palm tree and a chair and two Chihuahua’s and we’re going to start performing. I do also music. I just did a track with Annie, the singer. And I’m working with other musicians also. So you know like, I have this time now and I’m creating three collections of clothing that’s gonna be launched in September. That’s something I think is really exciting. It’s gonna be a streetwear collection for people who hate streetwear. This idea of the street, like graffiti, skaters, and that’s what we have in our society these little brats riding around the streets spraying on the walls or whatever. I want it to be all about Catherine Breillat. So the collection centers around her initials on the tracksuits, and images from her film. We’re going to use images from her last movie, Abuse of Weakness.
I would wear those. But lets go back to the porn you want to make? Do you have a concept?
Well I want to do this porn film with guys between 50 and 60 where they are really fat and untrained who get fucked by like 21 year old black studs who are really into it.
That kind of stuff is super popular right now.
Is it really super popular?
Sure the whole older-fat-gross-guy with the really hot young guy is definitely a thing.
Maybe I need to come up with a new concept. I have Red Bull studios next year. The whole studio. So I’m going to produce everything there. But I don’t think artists can produce good porn movies.
You don’t?
No. So I want to produce a really bad one. I don’t mind if it’s something with a popular thing anyway. I am more interested in what kind of dialogue can you put into the film. Because the dialogue is so kind of flat and obvious and I’m just kind of curious if one guy is getting fucked in the film and he starts to quote —
Baudrillard or someone.
Yeah. Or talk about his depression and how he would like to commit suicide. I’m more interested in porn as a language than porn as the visual aspect. Because I think it’s kind of — the people I met in porn, I was never really fascinated with them. I had another boyfriend who also did porn and he kind of looked at it as this is this radical thing to do in society, and we’re stepping out of normative borders. But it’s really not. I mean they’re creating a mass market product made as cheap as possible and not really, I think it also doesn’t contribute to people’s self-esteem and how they look at themselves.
I was at the Hookie Awards last night.
Yeah I heard about it. The porn star that I was involved with was nominated. I was so pissed at him that he didn’t invite me. I would have liked so much to go. How was it?
It was bizarre. It was sort of everything I expected it to be. Everybody would get their award and they’d mumble something incoherently.
Have you ever seen the movie where Savannah gets her porn award for Best Actress where she’s totally — so drugged out that she can’t even speak.
Yes, I think that’s Fallen Angels.
I mean this sounds really moral, but when I was young everybody thought I was a hooker. It was really — like annoying. Everytime I went to a bar, everybody thought I was a hooker. Because I was very lean and worked out and I would be wearing ultra-tight pants and a jeans jacket and nothing under. But I never ever in my whole life sold myself for anything. I think the moment you put a price on yourself like that there’s no way back. You can just do so many other things in life to survive. The one that gets most damaged out of it is the clients, not the hookers. They are usually ice cold. They don’t give a shit. I’m so sick of all these fags who think it’s so glamorous to be a porn star and an escort. What the fuck is so great about that?
It’s a turn on to be a star for people I think. Kim Kardashian is on the cover of Vogue, which says to anybody that you can just do anything. A sex tape will lead you to the cover of Vogue.
People transform themselves through steroids and people get addicted… But I mean I was looking at this online documentary which is just this guy who made it randomly, it’s like an art movie where he just shows photos of porn stars who committed suicide and it goes on for twenty minutes. It’s really awesome. Porn transforms the actors. If you watch enough of it, it also will start to have an influence on you. In a good or a bad way. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t watch porn. I think people should watch whatever they feel like. I love to watch the Luka Magnotta, his killing video. The gore video.
You watch that?
Yea. I wanted to use it in the show. I think it’s amazing. Especially when he wanks off with that dead man’s hand. And then the dog starts to lick the corpse. Definitely I want to see things like that.
That’s what you want to see?
Yeah. Maybe it’s also like, I can’t identify with — because I was never really a part of the scene of gay men who worked out and were super good looking and super hot or whatever. It’s also another world that is mostly not my world. I was mostly in my studio painting. If I was in sexual scenes I was in very different sexual scenes.
But not as extreme as Luka Magnotta type scenes.
No. That I wasn’t.
Where do you think it comes from — wanting to watch that kind of stuff?
I’m gonna show you an image. You know this magazine Richardson? I sent them this image. First I posted it on Instagram and I thought it’s kind of an amazing image.
(Bjarne shows me an image of an ashtray stuffed in a gaping asshole, with dirty cigarette butts extinguished in it)
I think this is the perfect image of how our world is. I think it is also the perfect image of gay sex.
Why? An ashtray in the asshole?
Yeah. Stuffing whatever as far as it gets to get it in there. It’s the same as when you start to fist somebody and they want to get double fisted and you push it further and further up and you really start to feel like you can feel their organs.
I’ve never done it but I can imagine that would be what it would be like. But isn’t it a generalization to say that we’re all getting ashtrays in the ass.
I don’t know if it is a generalization but I think there is definitely something to it. There’s a certain kind of cheapness to gay sex that – and I’m not talking cheap in the sense of money. I think you can have 5 billion sex partners and be very stylish and a completely strong intelligent person, but there’s something with – when sexuality is so fed into this way of feeding the self-image and the perception of the self – that it’s almost like people want to have sex with themselves. They don’t want anybody else. That is what I find kind of sad. In the end it’s more interesting to connect with another human being than sit with yourself all day. Right now I’m in a very isolated area, broken off with most of my friend. I don’t have any contact with any boyfriends or nothing. It’s very isolating. But it’s also – it feels kind of purifying in a way.
Why are you isolated from your friends?
From certain gay friends, I guess, I got bored of them. I don’t care who they fucked last night. I don’t want to hear about it. Just go fucking do it. And then it’s always this complaining after. “Well it wasn’t that great.” “His dick wasn’t that big.” “He wasn’t that good looking.” I liked everybody in my life that I had sex with. I was equally surprised anytime anybody wanted to have sex with me. I was so happy every time. I would never in my life say I had bad sex.
Because you were grateful that they were having sex with you.
Yeah. I thought it was great if somebody was attracted to you.
I’m a little bit the same way. People used to say “What’s your type?” And I used to joke, “They want to have sex with me.”
That’s how I am also. My type is someone who wants to have sex with me.
Do you have fetishes?
I don’t know. Bareback sex. Is that a fetish?
To some people.
I like role play. Before when I lived in Berlin I used to be really into sex with weapons, like hunting knives and guns. I would cut up my boyfriends chest with a hunting knife, and he would scarify me, or I would be into bloodsports. That would be a big thing for me. But I was not into S&M gear, I wanted to use household gear. That you don’t go in the porn star and buy chains, but tie someone up with two socks. I raped my boyfriend once with a bronze sculpture I made. It was really long and it had a thing at the end.
You put it up there?
He wanted to be raped? This was role play?
Not really.
But you did it anyway?
Why did you do it?
I think it came from taking too much drugs. Yeah. I wouldn’t say it’s a behavior I would do regularly. I don’t think raping somebody is really cool. I think it’s kind of disgusting.
Were you upset that you did it?
After I was kind of upset.
What happened after you did it?
He kind of liked it after. So often sex is bordering on rape. You know? You say yes to things, you say no to things. Inside yourself you don’t really know what you’re saying yes or no to.
I don’t agree. Rape is rape. I think you’re talking about feeling regret after doing something sexual you weren’t sure how it would go, or maybe didn’t like the result. I don’t think it’s the same as being on drugs and getting raped with a sculpture… So you’re not going to the Black Party tonight. What are you going to do?
I’m gonna go to the Eagle. I want to date. But I can’t find anyone who wants to date me.
Well, I can’t, uh, tell if your reputation helps much.
I think it hurts. Gay men are tender.
They don’t want to be raped by your sculptures.
Yeah, you know. It’s not like everybody knows who I am though. It’s not like I go to the Eagle and everybody knows who I am. I think hardly anybody does. It really dulled out that place. Do you ever go to Paddles?
No. Do you?
Yeah I go there if I do meth and stuff.
Why do you like it?
Because it’s so trashy. You can just fuck anyone. And it’s so kind of — I like the democratic spirit of it. Everybody’s just who they are. And it’s okay. And if you don’t like somebody you don’t have to like criticize them or anything. You’re just not their type. I like this democratic way. If you have sex with two guys there and there’s a third guy who wants to join in. That’s fine, it doesn’t matter how he looks. I kind of like that. I also really like to go to the Bijou Cinema. I also like it especially when you have sex to horror flicks. It’s so trippy, somebody’s sucking you off to some crazy horror movie and you just wonder like where the hell am I?
Do you want to take PrEP — as someone who barebacks and takes meth?
Yeah. I do want to take it. But I had unsafe sex for 20 years, and I never did anything to protect myself and I never had an STD in my whole life. I never even had gonorrhea once. There is something in my body that is not receptive to those things. Because I should have been infected like 15 years ago. It’s something kind of mysterious to me. I had a lot of sex involving blood with HIV positive guys and I would take my fist out and I would get all the blood coming out in my mouth because it spurted out from their ass. I would have a mouthful of their blood.
Why is that something you wanted to do?
I just wanted to experience anything. I wanted to try anything.
Did it have something to do with living in Berlin?
This was actually when I lived in Brussels. Brussels is much more perverse than Berlin. They are much more underground, all these secret clubs, and all these weird fetishes. Like I knew this guy who wanted to come over to me and he wanted me to smear his head with Vaseline and light it on fire.
Did you do that?
Yeah. It went fine. He had full on tattoos. He worked at a gay bar. You put the Vaseline and you do this thing to make it burn.
So he wasn’t really on fire?
No it lasts for like half a minute really. But it was a weird fetish for me. I never experienced that kind of thing.
What did he do while it burned?
He jerked off.
Did he come really quick?
Is it because Brussels is so off the radar that there’s so much weird sex?
No, it’s so on the radar — it’s 2 hours to Amsterdam, 2 hours to Cologne, 2 hours to every city in Europe. 2 hours to Antwerp where they have the best S&M clubs in Europe.
Why are they so good?
Because they’re so dark and dingy and the real deal. People really go there to experience pain and really degrade themselves to extreme levels. They don’t buy some fancy leather gear and go to the Black Party.
Adam Baran is a filmmaker, blogger, former online editor of Butt Magazine and co-curator of Queer/Art/Film. His short film JACKPOT, about a porn-hunting gay teen, won Best Short Film at the Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, and was recently featured on The Huffington Post, Queerty, and Towleroad, among others. He is a features programmer at Outfest Los Angeles LGBT Film Festival and NewFest in New York. In his spare time, he complains about things to his friends. “Fisting for Compliments”, his weekly musings about the intersection of sex, art, porn, and history, will appear every Monday on TheSword. You can contact him at and follow him on Twitter at @ABaran999. Click here for the Fisting For Compliments archive.
You know what, forget it. I don’t know why I’m ranting. None of this bothers me that much.
Bjarne, seriously, you expect us to believe you barebacked for years and never caught anything or had any consequences? Is that BS supposed to be some kind of performance art prank? You’re 46 years old and you look like you’re 70. Maybe it’s the meth. However, you should keep working that tired image of the amoral, transgressive art star because the heterosexual art world is eating it up. They love it when their gay pets are unhinged.
I love the interview by Adam, but Bjarne Melgaard is a complainey-assed turd. Maybe his art is worth viewing–i haven’t been to the biennial yet. Bjarne Melgaard, shame on you, you are not a human being for telling pornstars to go kill themselves. That’s a stupid and unkind thing to say when you are being interviewed by a porn blog. You sound bitter and need to have your soul realigned. Maybe it’s your meth wearing off, but you should listen to yourself, you sound like an awful person to know.
“Thomas KINKade” [ROSEBUD Cottage, w/ashtray] (Actually, Kinkade’s stuff is SO bad it’s interesting. Right now, what I’m seeing is a art-school-predictable, ‘cringy’ meta ‘Village People’ installation. I do find Melgaard simultaneously amusing, insightful and idiotic, and THAT, ya gotta love! Or it could just be the meth talking.
The best part of the interview is when Melgaard thinks he is going to “shock” by suggesting a porno in which older fat men get fucked by younger black men and the interviewer informs him that this is actually quite a widespread practice. His flustered reaction was priceless.
Melgaard reminds me of the parody of the enfant terrible artist in that somewhat well known novel “What I Loved” – all shock theatrics and gore. The upper east side ladies who lunch and art fags he probably despises rushing over to be “shocked” or to test their limits for it at least. Perhaps that is the point – but if it is, it is a pretty banal one.
I had to google this guy, and damn he is one fucking hot daddy!
Don’t care for the art though.
I agree with Robert Chandler. Sometimes the best part of an interview is the interviewer. I found this fascinating because of the obvious lack of self-awareness. Gays seem to be obsessed with pornography, yet hate how it’s done. I think Melgaard is right about the way it fuels the self-edifying process and how sick that is. But I think there’s a case to be made that pornography is healthy.
I love Adam Baran’s articles for The Sword. He’s a really good interview.
Love the art or not, this is a very interesting piece. Adam knows how to go way beyond the fluff pieces. I don’t always like his subjects or agree with what they have to say, but I’m NEVER bored.
The Sword has become a must-read again.
i like his body of work, especially the recent exhibition with the pink panther in a large crowded room of hoarded objects in nyc in 2013,
and a few powerful text pictures. the work is substantial.
btw am I the only one who read his answers with a very alcoholic voice ? :D
I agree with Uh Huh,, this is low brow shock art from some whack job who’s brain is fried from too many years of drug abuse. This guy is a shrink’s wet dream!
“Mandy, let’s have a girlsnightout and go see PENISES at the Whitney! Then we’ll Uber down to Chelsea and have soosh and tinis!!! ”
He landed this exhibit to create a commotion around the Whitney and to shake up the suburban blandness of the upper east side.
These types of exhibits are common, and not all that unusual or unique in private and hidden galleries all over downtown NYC. I hesitate to call it art, because this level is a notch or two below student-art. This type of work generally emerges from a person who is depressed and a heavy drug user… and his heavily medicated whackobabble over his own work is more intriguing than the actual exhibit. But the reality is, exhibits where the person just collects modifies and assembles existing random items rather than to truly create something, is very low-effort and unimpressive. Maybe it’s art, but it’s talentless throwaway art.
I live in Brussels, I won’t see this city the same way now :D
Holy mental illness, Batman. This guy is fucked in the head. He loves watching the Luka Magnotta murder/snuff film? And he proudly talks about raping someone? Why is this person getting promoted here? IMO this article should be removed. Don’t give attention to someone like that.
Luka’s video wasn’t some art project. It was a horrific videotaped murder of a real person, and the raping of their corpse. Shame on you guys for promoting anyone who “loves” that.
I was interested in this guy when I saw a reference to his show on another web site about an hour ago. After reading his answers to the very good questions by the interviewer, I find this guy nothing more than Divine eating the dog shit at the end of Pink Flamingos. Like when I first learned than Hitler had been into being shit on by women as his fetish and I was like what else, I mean what else would a creature like Hitler be into other than human shit”– Of course what else would someone presented themself like this be into but similar beyond the beyond anything. If he really had the insights he things he does, he would not present as such a cliche. As boring in his sex mania as the men he trashes. Sad. A film of his suicide is awaited.
I’ll never leave my house to see ‘ things ‘ like this …doesn’t worth the time that I happily would spent watching tv and drinking beer.