When was he hotter?
I was trying to think of a fun way to identify the color that gay porn star Brady Jensen (a.k.a. Sean Cody’s Jonah, a.k.a. bodybuilding reality show star Derek) is in these photos (burnt pumpkin pie? slim jim sienna? orange is the new black?), but nothing I could ever come up with would really do whatever this is justice.
On the left, it’s Brady Jensen’s first gay porn shots from Sean Cody (where he performed as Jonah) in 2010. On the right, it’s Brady/Jonah/Derek this weekend competing at the 2013 National Physique Committee Championships (h/t MenofPorn) in Las Vegas.
Who would you rather?
He seems to have pulled off the hat trick of porn. None of the studios he worked for have him listed, none of the scenes he did solo show up and even the partners in duo scenes aren’t mentioned
Brady should have off the fake tan and keep his hair short. He is one HOT dude
He’s back to porn!!
It’s tan mom!
He looks terrible. Tterribly tacky. Looked so beautiful before.
Eeeew. And double eeeew for the fake-bronze bodybuilder pics.
When I see a white person tanned out like that, I can’t help but think that he or she is TRYING to tank his or her credit rating.
Actually I Don’t Know Than Brady Jensen Is Now A Nutella….
He use to be arguably the hottest guy in porn but now he like a juice up crazy muscle head who is a cheap knock off “The Situation””
When did Tanning Mom start doing physique competitions?
is this a trick question?
Looks like fine Corinthian leather.
OMG, Ricardo Montalban’s posting from the afterlife! … or is he still on Fantasy Island?
No shade but I thought that you had photoshopped his head on
he’s gone form looking hot like looking like orange fanta going on 60…pass!
Not going by that tanner he’s wearing for his competition, but his body does look pretty insane. However, his face to me is a nightmare. Really, what happened to him? He looks nothing like the Brady Jensen of before?
I have never been that big of a fan of his, and always found him completely overrated. He’s always had some awful haircuts, and this longer new one is no exception. Tattoos or not, this guy was never that attractive to me.
…when they diet to get their bodyfat to 4% or under their faces take part of the brunt by leaning out and looking super-gaunt (and almost no one looks good with a gaunt face). Reminds one of beef jerky…hey! where I have heard that before hmmm…
Brady Jensen’s body is in amazing shape probably the best I ever seen him in up to now. But I agree with most people all the dieting makes his face look so old. Brady was always so handsome before, I wonder if he cringes when he looks in the mirror while training for these body building competitions. Wish he would make a comeback in porn.
I love me some meaty white boys with no tattoos. How sexy!
Definitely the before look. I don’t care WHY he is that awful ugly color now, it is not hot! Also his before hair is much better and I usually like guys with longer hair.
It’s true that the bodybuilding competitions and even “fitness model” competitions put so much emphasis on definition that guys starve themselves and take diuretics before a competitions to lean out. But it makes guys look ill. They also use spray tans or skin bronzers to make the muscles stand out more but it makes them look like the “tanning mom”. The only place it looks halfway normal is on stage with all the lights.
No one says the guys have to give you a boner but guys looking sick defeats the purpose of showing muscle definition which is supposed to be attractive, not an anatomy lesson.
Facially this beef jerky looks nothing like Brady,
The nose is much narrower…
If this is him?
He’s definitely had a bad nose job…
If this is him?
Wtf happened?
Well, he looks burnt, so that’s technically hotter, right?
OMG it is SOO NICE to see a hot guy WITHOUT STUPID FUCKING TATS!! whats with all the tats, they have become so ordinary and common that NOT having any looks exceptional.
Agreed. The pumpkin orange color washes off at least.
Half porco is right. All of that is fake tan, and it is done by everyone in these competitions because if you don’t do it, you look completely washed out and bloodless under all the bright lights of the competition stadium. It washes off at the end of the day. It’s exactly the same as when they first started doing black-and-white TV, the presenters were made up with yellow face-paint and blue lips because that made them look normal when they came out the other end.
Well, I say Half porco is right, but without all the hate speech and hysteria, naturally.
Never was all that in to him from the get go but in these new pics he looks almost unrecognizable. I would def pick the before version over the new one.
Light skinned guys wear that during bodybuilding competitions to highlight muscle definition. It’s required. If these were pics from his day out at the mall then yeah, ridicule away, but mocking his look here is reaching.
well at least he is keeping that body nice and toned…YES the spray on tan can wash off…it is to show and accentuate muscle definition nothing more…
Maybe he took pointers from that lady who was tanning with her kid. Still looks gross to me.
Are the pics where he is normal and HOT really from 2010 ? ! He looks like 20 years younger than now ! That’s sad :(
The hair is what freaks me out. Way too long and way too blonde if you are going to paint your body.
I was thinking the same thing. Too blonde and feminine,
What makes the right picture gross is that it looks like someone else’s face is badly photopshopped in. It also doesn’t help that his head isn’t covered in the same grease tan than the rest of his body. And boy, does his face look haggard (the long hair sure doesn’t help either). There also is a small hint of proportion issues (what’s up with his legs?).
Oh good, I’m not the only one who thought it was just bad Photoshopping at first.
It’s not meant to give you a boner. It’s in order to accentuate muscle definition.
The Xanex is ——> that way.
Notice my lack of caps. It can be done.
It’s XanAx
hahaha… u got read porco!
Your arguments are wasted on here. You can try to rationalize until you are blue in the face and people won’t care and still have some muscle shaming comment to make. The funny thing is, he’s not that much bigger or different from his Sean Cody days in comparison to how big he could get most likely.
Not much different?? Are you serious? Might want to get some glasses or a stronger prescription, he has much more muscle and much more cut. Not even just a little bit, a lot and it’s noticeable
He doesn’t have much more muscle. Yes, he is much more defined. That is influenced by diet and a small change in training. He has not become massive though.
No one can hear you screaming on the internets.
Can’t judge. Don’t think the recent pictures do him justice. He is going for the Tom Faulk hairdo. Maybe those two can be friends.
You seriously need to calm down. FYI you’re rude too.
Everything with you is faggot this, faggot that. You’re aware that this is a gay porn site, right? Are you a Westboro Baptist or something? Why haven’t you been beaten to death by militant lesbians yet?
That is so fucking gross why would anyone think this is cool? Does he even get any money for looking like that?