In honor of America’s birthday, here are some of the most scandalous rumors, outrageous behind-the-scenes scoops, and shocking secrets circulating among gay porn insiders this week. It’s Gay Porn Blind Items: 4th Of July edition!
—Which gay porn star has bottomed so many times in the past two years, he had to have his prolapsed rectum surgically restored to fit back inside of his anus? And because this star doesn’t have health insurance, which legendary gay porn director helped pay for the procedure in return for the star waiving his scene rate in the director’s next five movies?
—This gay porn star secretly has herpes and knowingly attempts to spread it to scene partners he doesn’t like, but calls in sick and cancels shoots when he’s scheduled to work with gay porn stars he does like.
—Which gay porn blogger was recently served a restraining order after repeatedly showing up at his favorite gay porn star’s day job as a server at The Olive Garden?
—This gay-for-pay porn star’s wife is becoming increasingly unhinged as her husband’s star continues to rise. Since he went exclusive with a well known studio, the unstable bride has been showing up on her husband’s gay porn sets to inspect scene partners’ genitals, check to make sure condoms aren’t defective, and to ensure that he never bottoms. One unannounced visit last week even resulted in a shouting match between the wife and a famous directer over the director’s insistence that the gay-for-payer perform oral sex on another man for the first time.
—Which gay porn star is secretly legally deaf in both ears thanks to his side job as a club DJ?
—Which production assistant and former gay porn performer spent the week in jail after being arrested for shoplifting 300 Fleet Enemas from Wal-Mart? (And why didn’t his boss at a gay porn megasite bail him out?)
—Which gay porn studio’s financial woes have resulted in outsourcing all the dick photoshopping jobs to China?
—Which two gay porn star boyfriends are BOTH about to undergo gender reassignment surgery to become women so that they can pursue careers in lesbian porn?
—Which aging (but still popular in his late 30’s) gay-for-pay porn star is about to film the industry’s first hardcore incest father/son scene with his secret lovechild who just turned 18 years old? Surprisingly, dad’s going to bottom for the first time!
The Lesbian gender reassignment story made me laugh! :)
All fake
It’s been established that the enema one isn’t fake…
Not really. It wasn’t Wal-mart, it was CVS. And it wasn’t shoplifting, it was returning used and gross merchandise. And at the time this thing was posted, the criminal hadn’t been arrested, let alone spent a week in jail. Apparently they just publicized it in an attempt to keep people from using the nasty enemas, which the high-quality CVS employees had been putting back on the shelves. The name and picture of the dude has not been released anywhere so far as I can tell, which makes it all kind of unlikely that the name could have gotten back to Zach.
Sarcasm, satire and a soupcon of half-truths are lost on you people
I’m now convinced that I don’t need to know the people who I love to watch fuck.
“—Which gay porn star has bottomed so many times in the past two years, he had to have his prolapsed rectum surgically restored to fit back inside of his anus? And because this star doesn’t have health insurance, which legendary gay porn director helped pay for the procedure in return for the star waiving his scene rate in the director’s next five movies?”
Poor Johnny Rapid. All that rape finally taking a toll on his hole. Guys, don’t do drugs … uhm, I mean rape!
“—This gay-for-pay porn star’s wife is becoming increasingly unhinged as her husband’s star continues to rise. Since he went exclusive with a well known studio, the unstable bride has been showing up on her husband’s gay porn sets to inspect scene partners’ genitals, check to make sure condoms aren’t defective, and to ensure that he never bottoms. One unannounced visit last week even resulted in a shouting match between the wife and a famous directer over the director’s insistence that the gay-for-payer perform oral sex on another man for the first time.”
Reminds me of a tale David Forest once told. I think it was about Chad Knight.
Of course most (if not all) of these BIs are bullshit. Who can really trust what Zach’s posting these days? Though some of them sound amusing.
the 1st item has to be fake, right? there are guys who get fists up there ass that don’t need that kind of operation.
I swear about half of these are plots to TLA Releasing movies.
Poor Zach, is it Ethan or Mick who said enough is enough?
If Number Two is accurate, then isn’t what that person is doing actually a criminal offense? Also, since in theory, studios require regular STD testing, then isn’t any studio he actually shoots for (no pun meant) hold some legal liability for his actions when he is on their sets?
It’s an interesting question, for sure. While there are cases on the books of people being prosecuted for knowingly transmitting an STD, I am not certain that a studio could be held liable in this case, since I don’t believe porn studios screen for herpes in their battery of tests — but I could be wrong. I am suspicious of blind-item #2 anyway — how feasible is it for a working porn star to call in sick that often? And why would he want to cancel all the shoots with actors he actually wants to work with? Then again, I guess crazy bitches gotta do their thang.
The Fleet bandit is discussed here, but don’t ask me which studio he works with:
i think the answer to #7 is:
Spencer Reed also DJ’s. But it fits Pierre better.
Hahahaha the last ones are the best,but guess they’re not real (?).
This is awesome but PLEASE tell me the last one is a joke.
I think Zach just invents all these up from his twisted mind. Happy 4th.
I think it’s a mix of real and fake. I’m gonna guess Cody Cummings for #4 and Pierre Fitch for #5 (but I think there’s another pornstar / DJ but I can’t keep track of all that)
It wouldn’t be “ensure that he never bottoms” if it were Cody, it would be “ensure that he never fucks, sucks, or lets Anthony Romero sneak a kiss in again.”