He’s been on American Idol, he’s been in that awful Batman & Robin parody, and he even had to fuck Zeb Atlas, but has the former twink turned muscular power bottom crossed the line and finally gone too far by filming himself while smoking a marijuana cigarette?
No! He’s fine.
Marijuana is legal in Colorado where Kirk Cummings lives, so all of this is cool. Smoke ’em if you got ’em, Kirk!
Here’s Kirk Cummings going to buy the weed:
Here’s Kirk Cummings smoking the weed:
And here’s Kirk Cummings high as a kite in a Wendy’s drive-thru.
BUT: What kind of person orders chicken nuggets without motherfucking dipping sauce? I’m not so sure I’m OK with this after all…
Haha keep talking about us! We live for it..haters and all:-)
I think Kirk Cummings is one of those porn stars who can get a good performance out of anyone. That he’s a smoker just endears him more. There is so much judgement going on in this post that it literally turned my stomach. Life, like weed, like sex, like public education is what you make of it. Lighten the fuck up! Literally: light ’em if you got ’em!
I wholly concur!! Thank you for having being a positive person and having a rational outlook on things.
Damn typos!! You got the gist!
What a goof.
What a pathetic loser he is. This is how most porn models are in the industry all trash with no class, they blow all their money on drugs and booze with nothing to show for it
They blow most of their money on drugs and booze and the rest they waste.
Dude. It’s pot. Not heroin. Lighten up. I would never trust anyone who hasn’t done drugs…or a republican.
I am curious how one can remain classy in porn. I mean really, we are all fucking for money so you can jerk off into a sock. All things that really don’t adhere to the definition of “true class” is showcased. Just as well, a person is in control of defining who they are as a person; how they feel about themselves and defining their own self worth. One might want to be involved in the porn industry and witness these accounts firsthand before coming to an absolute opinion of the matter. Judge all you want, but in the end does it really matter? One comment isn’t going to disrupt how we live our lives. And as they say, “bad publicity is still publicity,” so I am sure he is not to worried about the negative opinions.
Keep at it Kirk — you seem like a really fun guy (an very talented. yum!)
Usually I am not one to voice an opinion on the internet; however, I read through some of your comments and felt the need to interject. I am curious why marijuana has such a negative connotation affixed to it, as do the people who are connoisseurs. I believe each “drug” is what you make it.. Take alcohol for instance, there are numerous accounts where it causes such detrimental ailments to one’s life, and yet I am sure that most if not all of you go out and “poison” your bodies to reach inebriation to have a good time. We have the same reasoning to us dabbling in recreational marijuana use. Essentially, it is same thing; however we don’t have the morning hangover, drunken texts, lack of memory and overall damage to the body. Now, what was that about marijuana being a bad thing? I am curious how having great conversations, laughing with friends and just being unhindered to not take life so seriously all the time is a waste of a life. I am sorry, but I would take my “pathetic and classless” stoner take on life and carefree lifestyle than be satisfied with the mundane drudgery of every day life. You cannot really argue with a person’s point of view, as every individual is entitled to their opinion. But when interjecting your opinion, maybe look at it from a different point of view before spewing negative comments.
I have no objection to “dabbling in recreational” pot smoking. If you watched the above videos and believe it is dabbling or recreational you’re delusional. when it has become a life style e.g. daily indulgence and your biggest achievement that day is going to the Wendy’s drive thru to make funny voices, I find it pathetic and gross. I think it’s a waste of life, I said it I stand by it.
As I stated in my previous comment, I won’t try and argue with you, as you are completely entitled to your own opinion on the matter. I will say that I do believe it is quite hard to conjure up an accurate outlook based upon a few spoof videos placed on the internet, that [might I remind you] showcase a VERY minute part of our lives. You cannot justify your assumptions of what our lives hold for that day (i.e. our productivity level) based upon miniscule web clips. To answer your question: Yes, I DO consider this recreational and No, I am not delusional. My marijuana use has not disrupted nor impacted my life in a negative way whatsoever nor my friend’s. To show this, I shall give you a little insight of myself: currently, I have been successful of creating an AVN award winning image; I am a year away from receiving my BA in Business with a minor of communication. I run my own [very] lucrative business that brings in a six figure income. I have a house, a paid off car, investments I feed into for retirement, and definitely no ailments that have been detrimental. My boys are in the same standing. So please, tell me/us how it is wasting a life by smoking a joint. That is a ridiculous judgement. Please don’t presume to know us unless you have actually been in close proximity to adequately judge and conclude an opinion. We are young and having fun, don’t be a dick and rain on the parade.
Were you in the back seat when they were driving under the influence? If you think that’s a good idea, you are smoking too much pot.
No, I wasn’t, nor did I interject an opinion in regards to that. Therefore your comment is moot whether I was condoning or consuming too much pot.
what a waste of life.
Just doing what a true Fabscout model does.
Don’t bogart that doobie, Kirk !
Wait… is this the same dude who came out on American Idol looking like a chick? If so, Zach u should post the videos side by side and call it: How a man can change to a woman and back to a man again. Maybe you can do an expose with him and Chris Crocker and find out what’s really going through their heads. They both look hot as dudes now, but do they still feel like women inside?
Something tells me that Fantasia Barrino is probably living quite similar
Weed is so low life…I can’t stand the smoke’s bad smell, the mouth that becomes dry, the lost of the senses of espace and time, the colors that ignite…it’s something made for losers.
This is the first time he’s looked attractive to me.
I think he is overdoing it a little with this new look. Not saying I wouldn’t eat him all up tho :P
with each day, your blog show more and more just how classless and pathetic the industry and it’s performers are. thank God I don’t know any of them. They all seem so immature, arrogant and quite pathetic at times. They are an embarrasment to the gay community in which they so “proudly” call for equality. Disgusting. They give a bad reputation by their flagrant disregard to themselves and other. No wonder so many end tragically.
I really love his new look. Such a badass boy!