Brian Cody Bray was — was being the operative word — an exemplary teacher at Maumelle Charter High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Until a vengeful hack turned his world upside down.
According to NewNowNext, the “was” was a result of hacking into Bray’s personal accounts, including Dropbox, where Bray was storing “a video recording of an intimate encounter between myself and another informed, consenting adult male.” The hacker even changed the name of the Dropbox folder the video was in from “Private” to “FagTeachBray.”
Adds the Washington Blade, “a co-worker at the school informed him by phone on Sept. 29 while he was home on sick leave that the video had been posted on his faculty page on the website.”
“Pretty much immediately after that phone call I went to the bathroom and threw up,” Bray told the Washington Blade. “I was just in shock that oh my G-d, this is something that will impact my career, impact my life and what am I going to do?”
Bray doesn’t believe the hacker was a student.
School officials filed an ethics complaint against him with the Arkansas Professional Licensure Standards Board, which ultimately determined there was insufficient evidence he violated any code of ethics.
Unsurprisingly, Arkansas has neither a state hate-crime law nor statutes banning workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Bray says he never discussed his sexuality students, but the fact that he was gay was widely known. He remains unemployed since his termination, and has created a GoFundMe campaign to help raise funds while he looks for work.
This is a cautionary tale that should open everyone’s eyes. Let me make two points:
1) The haters are everywhere. Don’t be placated by perceived “tolerance.” We must demand acceptance.
2) If they can hack into SONY and the Pentagon, they can hack into anything. It’s not just what you film. It’s also where you store it.
And now, back to our regularly scheduled pornography.
Terrible, horrible thing to do to a person….but I kinda want to see the vid….am I terrible?
This should be a cautionary tale to any young guys thinking of doing any gay porn. Don’t do it. It may ruin your future career plans.
He’s kinda hot! Maybe NakedSword could hire him for their next feature!
This is terrible! I can’t believe how far some people are willing to go to destroy another person.
Where can I find this vid, just out of curiosity?
He’s using pictures of his former students to ask for money. If he has their permission, shouldn’t he be asking for their support to get his job back?
Wow… That is disgusting. Honestly what joy does it bring some disgusting human being to do this? Why so much hatred to the point that they have to take time in their day to hack into a phone.
Like honestly what was it this innocent teacher did he deserved this.
Thats why I never keep shit like that in cloud based systems.