An anonymous gay high school teacher sent an open letter out to several porn companies and gay site Queerty chastising everyone for not putting more blame on Sean Cody in the wake of that 18-year-old model Noel getting suspended and then un-suspended from high school for doing porn.
His argument, which echoes what some Sword commenters said, was that 18 still sounds kind of young when it comes to consent to do porn, and any ramifications that come of Noel’s choice to have sex on camera may not sink in for years.
“You may see ‘Noel’ as an adult,” he writes, “but those of us in the education community and most parents see all students in high school as kids until they graduate, regardless if they are 18 or not.”
Also, he adds, employing “kids” as he sees them is only adding fuel to the conservatives’ fire about gays recruiting their kids.
Sean Cody sent a terse response, saying they “hire only consenting (18+ age) adults” and “ is a public website and every model is aware of that.”
Yeah! And the kid adult man was just trying to put some food on the table for his mom and him! They live in Florida! And things are hard!
Anyway. Noel just got fucked on camera again by Dennis, and recently by hot jock Stu, and in both cases he looked like he enjoyed it. A lot.
As a gay teacher (who also briefly worked in the adult industry) I want to agree with the anonymous teacher’s general sentiment but there is a larger point we’re missing here. If we were talking about an 18 year old girl, women everywhere would be coming to her defense saying that she was forced into porn due to economic circumstances (which makes it less of a choice and more of a necessity). Why are we celebrating his “right” to do porn? I see all my students as children/kids/minors until graduation – period. I’ve taught from year six all the way up to senior year in high school and when you are the teacher of record for a class you carry a great deal of legal and moral responsibilities, which doesn’t change just because they turn 18. Sure, there are little perks that come with turning 18 before graduation but they are mostly cast-offs from the arbitrary boundaries we’ve drawn as a society – boundaries that will only hold, ensure order and promote the common good if we stick to them, no matter how silly they seem sometimes. And although times are changing, often for the better, I think we can at least all try to come together against high school students having to do porn to put food on the table no matter how much they “seem to enjoy” it… there have to be other options, right?
[To the author of this post: ending with such a pithy comment about how he looks like he enjoyed doesn’t so much come off as funny as it does rape-creep-ish.)
I’ve had a few interactions with him, and he seems to be a great kid. His mom seems a little whacked though (he didn’t say anything to me about her, I’m just pontificating)
The kid’s got guts though, I can’t imagine hs being a pleasant experience after this got out.
The only reason this is an issue is that people in this country still place a stigma on porn (certainly gay porn). This prudish facade our country likes to put on is so stupid to me. It’s sex; he hasn’t murdered anyone, stolen anything or caused anybody pain. It’s so hypocritical for people to put down porn performers when you watch them and fantasize about what they do. I’m sure this young man did take sometime to think about a decision like this before doing it; it’s not the easiest thing in the world to show yourself having sex to the masses. We glorify and protect people’s right to carry around firearms, but we damn and punish people for showing sexual expression, it’s so moronic it’s painful.
So he’s old enough to feel the ramifications of and make the conscious decision to join the military and get himself blown up but he’s not mature enough to handle the ramifications of doing porn? Here’s a thought: Why not stop the blame all together and just let people live their lives. Stop telling this kid his life is ruined. It’s not.
I agree. People that are making the assumption that his life is ruined are the people who are (possibly) going to ruin his life. Think about all the porn stars that have come and gone. All we hear about is the scandal one, where the person was a teacher, cop, or athlete, model/actor and they lost their jobs. I don’t think that’s the norm. Hell, Parker London is coffee shop manager now. We only know that now because of that news interview posted on youtube. Is it glamours, no. But it’s a life after porn, and it’s an honest days work. Think if Jamie from Sean Cody, wtf is he up to?
Jamie married his girlfriend and soon to be a twins’ father.
In the end why was he fighting to go back to school, it’s not like it’s going to do him any good anymore. Whoever’s fault it is one thing is true, this kids future is ruined and he won’t ever be taken serious in the “real world”. End.
Teachers just jealous cause he wants it raw from the boi but knows he can’t cause of his career.
Never blame a parent when an evil porn studio is there. The State has no problems cutting off aid to children who age out the day they turn 18, in High School or not.
If Noel was signing up to join the Army no one would be complaining about the fact that he’s 18. Sean Cody did not force him to star in their videos, he did it all on his own. He is not some victim.
Dont think so but I believe SEAN CODY using straight guys, NOAH using gay guys. SEAN CODY and NOAH using gay men for money. GAY MEN are the victims, not Noah and Sean Cody.
There are MANY 18-year-olds who do gay porn. The only difference between them and “Noel” is that (1) most of them are in college and (2) nobody made a media event about their being 18 and doing porn.
All this hand-wringing over the imagined “ramifications” of doing porn is merely speculative melodrama.
I doubt very much that Sean Cody “recruited” Noel. More likely, Noel applied to be a Sean Cody model.
As for the story that Noel entered porn to put food on the table, I suspect that the $1500-$2500 Sean Cody pays him for 1-2 days work to shoot a single movie does a lot more that put food on the table. He’s done how many movies? Seven movies in six months? That would make a hefty contribution toward his college expenses.
Noel is currently in a flip-flop scene with Dennis, Sean Cody’s oldest model. Intergenerational barely legal bareback porn it is. While what Sean Cody did is legal but it doesn’t make it right. I wonder when Noel is closer to retirement and has a mortgage how he’ll feel about his work as a sex worker. Hopefully, he’s emotionally and mentally mature enough with his actions.
In a truly legal sense, there is no such thing as “barely legal.” An activity is either legal or it is not. Whether the porn is intergenerational, bareback or any other variety of legal things, what we are talking about here is a whole bunch of legal things being legal. He can vote, he can join the military, he can get intergenerationally barebacked; he’s an adult.
Don’t get me started on how for some insane reason the U.S.A. still treats 18-20 year olds as children or in the legal sense “minors” when it comes to the purchase or consuming of alcohol! There is no sensible reason at all that young adults over the age of 18 should not be treated as adults, yet they are still discriminated against until they reach this magical and mystical age of 21. Don’t even try to make that argument that 18-20 year olds in the U.S.A. are of legal age in every sense of the word. Because it is not true whatsoever!
The dude is’s 18 he is legally an A-D-U-L-T,he’s old enough to make up his mind on what he can do.
It’s time we started treating 18 20 years olds like adults who can decide to make porn if they want to and not like children
but he’s in H-I-G-H S-C-H-O-O-L. Think about it.
And what he does when not at High school is not their business as he is an Adult!
That’s the post 9/11 you have no privacy and we can dictate what you do pseudo-tolerant of gays society we live in today!
Yes, and at 18 we make kids (in the military) kill people and get killed. THINK ABOUT THAT !!!
If they are old to take other people’s lives then they are old enough to fuck and get fucked. PERIOD !
Yes, but even the military doesn’t take kids while they’re in high school.
Actually the military DOES take kids in high-school. It’s called the Delayed Entry Program(DEP). The new recruit will attend Basic Training the summer before their Senior Year of high school. After Basic Training, they go back to high school & after graduation, they resume military training.
I’m not sure what being an “adult” has to do with anything. All that means is that he’s legally able to do what he wants. He’s also legally able to feel the brunt of criticisms resulting from his actions. It certainly doesn’t mean that anything that an adult does is a good idea. It shows really bad judgement to be in porn when you are in high school and your peer group is made up of underage children.