Dommy Mommies
Adult baby-ism isn’t really about sex. It’s about relinquishing control, needing care and not wanting to watch Frontline all the time. While we can identify with this, especially when taxes or the post office are concerned, we still like to wipe ourselves. Of course, not every boyfriend wants to come home tired after a long day and have to clean up their boyfriend’s shit. Professional Dommy Mommies (and Daddies) are often former general-practice dominatrices who transitioned into their special roles because they smelled a untapped market worth tapping. We thought we smelled an opportunity here, but it was just an unchanged baby.
Diaper Rash
For some AB’s, it’s just your basic pee fetish with the added bonus of getting to feel the warmth against your skin in your diaper. Leave it to the Adult Babyists to write a guide to becoming incontinent, on purpose and lead us to believe that we’re actually inside the cable TV and about to bump into that guy from Nip/Tuck who wanted to become an amputee on purpose. Other DLs (“diaper lovers” as some Adult Babies identify) fetishize the puffy diaper itself, like a big padded jockstrap where you could have a total boner underneath and no one would ever know.
Except for the fact that you’re dancing like guy in Silence of the Lambs.
Gayby-For-Pay Models Are Laughing At You
Pervy old men with rattles aren’t the only ones in on the AB/DL circuit. In the grand tradition of Sean Cody, Randy Blue and Rod Barry, there’s always a twink ready to don a bib and pacifier for a buck or two. There are teen babies (TB), but judging by the bored looks on some of their faces, the photographer/webmaster didn’t even pay them enough to pretend.
Waaaah! Buy Me a Dolly!
ABs might save on food, but they end up spending it on reinforced cradles. In addition to hand-sewn adult onesies and baby underwear, there are sites like this one which sell adult-sized cribs, cradles, high-chairs, rocking horses and play pens.
Like any other psycho sexual fetish, the DL/AB’s have their own clubs, message boards and websites. But come near us and going to leave you in the car with the windows rolled up. You can thank us later for not showing you this definitely NSFW photo.
Match the Porn Star With Their Baby Pic
John Waters, Baron of Bad Taste From Baltimore Is Obsessed With Michael Jackson’s Polka Dot Penis (BUTT)
Gay Baby Diaper Hangout
Nappy Guy: Guys in Diapers (Pay site)
Hey. Don’t ever take a fence down until you know the reason it was put up.
I am from Denmark and bad know English, please tell me right I wrote the following sentence: “Gel nail at home, droplets on the differences and has soon a close dancer of gill which she finds to sound.”
Waiting for a reply :P, Cost of gel nails.