JT, San Francisco
C’mon, seriously? An Italian who lays pipe for a living? Mario all the way!
CipherSavant, Ohio
I guess the Prince of Persia (header image). I do like Middle-Eastern men. Or at least, I like men who aren’t squat plumbers.
Casey Caston, Gamers Experimentations Board
Prince of Persia (preferably before the ‘roided out model from Warrior Within.)
Timothy Horn, Editor, gaygamer.net
The Prince, hands down.
Flynn DeMarco, a.k.a. Fruit Brute, Editor-in-Chief, gaygamer.net
Oh Prince of Persia, hands down. Although if I had my druthers it would
be Frank West from Dead Rising. He just looks so good in those boxer
Xian, Monterey CA
The Prince, because of his a wonderfully snarky sense of humor. Darrius would be the runner-up, as more beef is always a good thing in bed.
SuedeHeadSpike, Hayward CA
I’d go Darrius. But really, my heart belongs to Dead Rising’s Frank West.
Rene D. Rivers, San Francisco
Kratos from God of War
Sexing Up Your Second Life Avatar
Gamers Experimentation Board (Invision)
Prince of Persia Games (Wikipedia)
What about Chris Redfield???? Or Carlos Olivera????
Where is the love for Resident Evil?!
I also used to have a thing for Kano from Mortal Kombat ha ha.