We love the men Down Under because we want to go down on them. In the Boys Down Under playlist we headed to the outback to bring you the hottest Australian actors nude. G’dday, fellas, let’s see some buns and boomer-wangs!
Daddies always go first so we’ll start with the jacked Hugh Jackman in X-Men and take a side of Eric Bana in anything he’s starred in.
Then we’ll move on to The Hemsworths: Luke, Liam, and Chris we want all three of them…at the same time. We loved Chris Hemsworth in Rush and Luke AND Liam in Satisfaction where Liam satisfied our craving for beefy butt.
Jai Courtney went epically full frontal in The Exception.
And who could forget the stunning Brenton Thwaites in Son of a Gun.
Or Ryan Kwanten in True Blood.
No Aussie Nude Celeb list would be complete without the late, great Heath Ledger in I’m Not There where we got to see him in all his naked glory.