If you read the full story, you’ll learn that barebacking porn is pretty gosh darn popular for some reason. Oh, and there’s a recession and maybe the porn industry is being affected by it somehow. The author of this ground-breaking report is C. Brian Smith, who may be too cool for a full first name but is not above writing empty trend pieces.
Now that his former besty is out of the oval office and back on the Texas ranch, Smith has trained his Yale-educated eye on his favorite XTube porn stars. One of them is “oboymikee.” Smith writes that his videos “are simple in content and far from professional in production value. But they’re not horrible.” Translation: “If I rub the skin on my dick one more time today it will start to scab.”
After waiting a couple days for the swelling to go down, Smith logged on to another amateur site, watched “two relatively attractive young men having sex,” then concluded that porn is dead. Cool! Now that the Advocate has gotten its requisite porn story of the year out of the way, it can go back to telling us where to buy lady jeans on sale.
George W. Bush’s Cute Gay Friend Says Good Riddance
‘The Advocate’ Embarasses Us… Again
Snooze Flash: The Advocate Discovers Gay Men Are Vain, Spend Too Much Money
Porn Panic (The Advocate)
Watch some real porn, anytime, on NakedSword.
For quite a while, republicans reduced their first name to an initial. C Douglas Dillion,H R Bob Haldeman. Pretentious twats
Thank you for that refreshing perspective on this yawner of an article.
Sorta sucks that when Brian contacted me to be part of this cover story…I was lead to believe he was going to write about me in a positive manner..I should have known something was up when he asked if I sell my underwear. As for my Xtube vids…almost 4 million members have enjoyed them…so I’m thinking…Brian is right, they aren’t horrible. I guess what Ive learned from this experience…if ya want some positive press…offer the writer a complimentary pair of cum stained underwear. Mike Rizzo (oboymikee)