Pakistani Brothers Build Underground Fetish Gear Empire, Fight Against Muslim Backlash
Terrorists Use Gay Rape As New Recruitment Strategy
Hookers and Porn Stars Convene To Analyze the Effects of Chlorine on Dyed Spandex
“gender is clearly seen as a social construct and not something simply biological”
Gender IS seen as simply biological by most people in Pakistan, India and the Middle East. It’s just that their cultures have traditionally allowed (and forced) effeminate, homosexual men to castrate themselves and live as women, with a culturally tolerated role as eunuch prostitutes.
But even then, the majority of the common people still see you as a freak and nobody wants to marry you. Watch the documentary BE LIKE OTHERS.
Christian, British imperialists tried to shut down the cultural role of castrated male prostitutes in India, where the Hijra caste of transexuals has also served as entertainers and priestesses since prehistoric times.
Sunni Islam has also tried to wipe out boy and tranny prostitution/homosexuality for hundreds of years, and continues to brutally suppress it at times in Sunni countries. This documentary and many other reports of underground homo prostitution rings in the Sunni world, or even boy-pimping enterprises by corrupt regimes such as the Taliban prove that homosexual prostitution and activity persists, even in the Sunni world. The official religion and laws of the Sunnis force homos to marry women and they’re not officially allowed to have sex changes, which is considered abominable.
Shiite Muslims also condemn and brutally punish homosexuality at their convenience. But their culture allows an exception. They force/recommend to any man who feels homosexual to undergo a sex change operation — WHICH THE GOVERNMENT OF IRAN PAYS FOR — and live as a woman instead of remaining a natural dude who fucks dudes. Meanwhile, the President of Iran stands before the U.N. and claims Iran has no homosexuals, which are abominations to god. This traditional, cultural role for gay boys has existed since long before Islam, in Persia’s Zoroastrian culture (Alexander the Great famously loved a eunuch Persian boy named Bagoas).
It’s absolutely false and unjust for L. Allerton to claim “the often misinterpreted portrayal of current Muslim culture as something misogynistic and patriarchal is a misnomer.”
There may be “centuries of homosexual influence within Islam,” but the Quran repeatedly condemns homosexuality, all Middle eastern Islamic doctrines forbid homosexuality, most Muslims hate gays most of the time and various regimes and paramilitary groups in the Muslim world brutally murder people for being gay EVERY DAY in the Muslim world. To portray any Muslim culture as tolerant and liberated toward gays is to LIE. Cultural exceptions (Rumi) or black market rings do not make the cultural rule or laws, which overwhelmingly persecute gays.
And forced prostitution, coercion of children, manipulation of children by older pimps, the absence of education, medical care and health precautions are all intolerable conditions anywhere.
I’m pro-whore, but only under empowered, healthy, educated and responsible conditions.
“in whatever socio-economic status a nation is”
I don’t know what you mean by this, but most people in Pakistan and the rest of the Middle East are in roughly the same socio-economic condition: poor, undereducated, underdeveloped and desperate. These are countries with epidemic rates of unemployment, illiteracy and ignorance, where religious ignorance and tyrannical regimes dictate life.
Also, becoming a homosexual prostitute, tranny or boy, is taboo with HUGE social repercussions. It is a job performed by DESPERATELY POOR AND IGNORANT PEOPLE most of the time, who are largely coerced into it by an older, predatory pimp (guru).
Not healthy, empowered or respectable conditions, as you might find in Amsterdam.
What I found most interesting is how gender is clearly seen as a social construct and not something simply biological in whatever socio-economic status a nation is. It’s rather unfortunate that even in first world countries such as our own that a large percentage of the trans population feel that prostitution is part of the life. The often misinterpreted portrayal of current Muslim culture as something misogynistic and patriarchal is a misnomer. There are centuries of homosexual influence within Islam. The first that comes to mind is the poetry of Rumi. The prostitution of children is quite an exploitative but it was a highpoint that they noted the cycle of abuse from victim to future perpetrator. I hope fundamentalist morality makes room for seeing this more as a mental illness than a failing of character.