HIV disclosure laws, which vary state by state, are being enforced more and more–even when disclosure has occurred. Would this latest guy (above) have been charged if he’d worn a condom but not revealed his status? What if the condom had broke and he infected his partner? Still his fault? What if the partner had known all along, but something happened that made him mad? Something that would make him decide to lie. Would this man have been charged if he were straight? What about if he were white?
Any one who has such a “horrible” disease as HIV and wants to spread it won’t be able to if the sexual partners involved with such a person don’t allow him/her to do so. Everyone knows that using a condom is not 100% safe, that BB is high risk and that you don’t know ALL the sexual history of the sex partner in turn. In this day and age every one knows what HIV is and how it gets spread; and if you choose to have sex knowing ALL this then it’s under your own risk; you can’t say: “i wasn’t informed”, lame, lame, lame. The only “safe” sex is masturbation, all other forms are “safer” sex or High risk. Today sex is like playing russian roulette, every one knows it is dangerous and yet everyone decides to play it or not. Each one of us has to take responsability for our own person and not give that responsbility to someone else. Everyone is free to be resposnible or not with their own persona, it’s their choice but i’m sure not going to allow anyone to put me in harm’s way.
I think it would help if HIV+ people were honest. Even if you have “safer ” sex , there are things you can do with negatives and some things that are risky with poz guys, like blowjobs, especially those with a high viral load .
My view on this is that serodiscordant people should not have sex together if the negative partner is not fully informed .
Full disclosure is the only way to go, if you are HIV+ inform your partner about the risk , maybe some people will refuse to have sex at all , some others will be cautious and thankful for your honesty . I am in the second category , and I don’t have sex with poz guys who bareback on a regular basis ( that’s actually the question I ask since 80% of guys lie about their status…) Truth is there are A LOT of HIV+ guys in the gay community, so you wouldn’t get turned down that often anyway . I get turned down for asking questions , and that’s fine.
People shoudln’t forget that they have an obligation to disclose their status , if they don’t or lie about it they can get sued as evidenced above. Tough ? To me that’s basic respect for your partner , people in the gay community are way too selfish .
would it be easier to ask those who are not positive, to use protection and avoid partners who won’t?
What a horrible headline
Anyone that has such a horrible disease as HIV and knowingly spreads it is the most evil person on earth. I could not imagine doing that to someone. Convictions happen all the time with heterosexuals. Are gay people worth less? Not deserving as the same justice? Think about it. How gay youth today treats HIV as a right of passage and not a big deal.
What ever happened to ACT UP
Yeah many deceitful bug givers out there – some of them intentionally rip the condom to get the cum inside of them – watch out!!
Informed consent is a legal term for knowing all the facts before signing a contract or agreeing to an arrangement. if this guy knowingly didn’t inform the partner he had an STI before sex, then this violates the concept of informed consent.
Of course, there would be some mitigating parts of the arrangement: did the partner think to ask of his status beforehand? If he did, and this person lied or omitted that fact, then it is entirely wrong.
However, there is some issues with relation to sexual contact since a majority of time, it is implicitly known without having to be told.