Grindr Bridesmen

Grindr’s First Gay Miniseries ‘Bridesman’ Is Wacky & Very WTF

There’s a new gay miniseries out and it’s…something.

Bridesman revolves around Terry, a proud and fabulous gay man, who’s preparing to do bridesmaid (or in this case, brides-MAN) stuff for his bestie, but Terry has his own strange values and has a “thing” for the groom… who definitely likes things done to his ass in a way that may or may not turn you on.

Grindr Bridesmen

As drama escalates, so does the weird humor in this show. It’s hard to tell sometimes if you should be laughing, jerking off, or just sitting there filled with confusion about what the hell is going on, but that’s one of the great things about these overlooked gay projects – they’re not really supposed to be taken seriously and we can just kick back and yell “what the fuck” a bunch of times.

You know when the Grindr workers create a miniseries, it’s going to be entertaining no matter how ridiculous it may be. There’s also at least one gay sex scene with Terry and his Uber driver who can take it hard over his car. But then Terry goes back to his world that involves this wedding and we can only wonder if the groom will explore his sexuality in a way that will make fans crave more.

Grindr Bridesmen

The show stars Jimmy Fowlie, Sydnee Washington, Shannon DeVido, and Crystal Porter-Bazemore and is being executive produced by Grindr guys Alex Black, Patrick Rogers, and Evan Sterrett. The premiere date and distribution for Bridesman have yet to be announced, but we’re sure your handy Grindr app will notify you the second it comes out.

Grindr Bridesmen

Let us know down below what do you think of the premise of this show. Do you think this show sounds interesting? Would you ever watch a comedy from Grindr? Do you like getting off to sexy shows like these or would you rather just watch actual porn? Share your hot thoughts in the comments below!


11 thoughts on “Grindr’s First Gay Miniseries ‘Bridesman’ Is Wacky & Very WTF”

  1. Time to out all of the priests on Grindr and send copies of what they talk about on Grindr to their churches. They had no problem molesting and raping children, time for paybacks

  2. Uh, what else would you expect from Grindr??? There is nothing but beyond disgusting in the closet, married trash or just plain freaks on that app. Tried it, hated it, but I did out 3 married guys to their wife and kids though. You made your choice to get married and have kids, you can’t have your cake and eat it. I helped end their marriages, and I would do it over again and again and again. Burn baby burn.

    1. wow you are an absolute dick. You should never out anyone. Being closeted is such a scary thing for anyone. you should never force anyone to come out. People will come out in their own time. You are the reason our gay community gets a bad rap you actual trashbag

  3. Universal Potentate

    I would want to see a preview.
    Distribution is also important. If it’s only available on some barely known app, what’s the point?
    Promising enough to ask these questions though.

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