Well, it’s the Wild(e) West out there, and here goes another online studio, moseying down into Bareback Canyon. Austin Wilde’s barely seven-month-old outfit GuysInSweatpants unveiled their first bareback scene today between cute blue-eyed boy Damon Archer and 80s movie bad boy lookalike Felix Warner.
And it’s a flip-flop. And the boys seem pretty into it.
The Sword spoke exclusively to Wilde about the decision to go bareback, and while we all know there’s money in it, Wilde says he was ultimately swayed when he learned about newer, better HIV testing methods.
“Having been a model for 5 years, the models’ safety was my main concern and priority,” Wilde says.
“It was a tough decision, but I actually educated myself on the different testing processes. I always thought that the only test available was the one I had been given over the past 5 years- the one that only tested for HIV antibodies. Also the one that we were given 2+ weeks before the shoot. I never knew about the PCR HIV test, which looks for the DNA of the virus. This is the one we used for this, and it was given less than a week prior to the shoot. We also had a discussion with the models about their recent sexual activities, and had them sign legal docs stating they would not have any sexual contact between getting tested and their scene later that week.”
Will this be the last we see of bareback at GuysInSweatpants? Probably not! Austin says, “I want to shoot more. Whether it’s in the near or far future is the question. Stay tuned to find out!”
legal docs they would not have sexual between the test and the shoot? UHM – really! Oh, yes that can be proven. Don’t insult my intelligence! I don’t care if you BB or you don’t – why the need to explain yourself to the audience.
Austin does bareback? Austin is begging for money from fans to fund his new camera so he can become a “photographer” ? Is this why Zach isnt at The Sword anymore, because his brain would have exploded trying to ignore/explain/ mock this latest nugget?
Austin Wilde is the new Michael Lucas…old fart fucking cute boys (sometimes). Who the hell casted that blonde guy?? And agreed with most of the comments. He should be doing bareback if he’s so certain of the tests of his models. And please stop donating for his new camera… This guy has the nerve to go to Spain on vacations and still begging for money for a new camera? Save honey, like the rest of America does.
In all fairness compared to recent models who recently contracted the virus he at least did his homework and even went to the extent of at least asking the models to have no sexual activity after the last testing. That is the big thing there. So many models test negative, screw everyone between then and the shoot and people get infected. I would have to say when it comes to bare back porn this has been by fare the most responsible approach to it that I have seen in the industry.
*far. Adding e’s to the end of everything is a left over habit from studying French.
This scene just seems to support my belief that not wearing a condom won’t make a dud scene hot, and a scene that was going to be hot anyway (because of director skill, performer chemistry, production value, etc.) isn’t impaired by having a condom on.
These kids. . .they were just not going to have hot sex. And the lack of a condom didn’t help.
Austin,I love you so much and I cant wait to see you barebacking and take loads of cum in your hairy ass
holy shit that top looks like chicken little! yikes! what were they thinking casting him??
That’s cute.. ‘All precautions were taken’. According to whom? We’re they put on a lifetime group health care plan? We’re they enrolled in a medical savings plan? We’re they given flu shots? We’re they given gratis legal council to draw up their wills, in case ‘the best tests’ weren’t quite accurate?
Unsafe sex is still dumb. Warts, general diseases,oh, and AIDS comes directly from this kind of fucking around. Big oops.
I agree with others … Wilde should’ve been the FIRST one to get fucked bareback for HIS own site…. (why didn’t he take the test at the same time as the other two models and let them both fuck him in a threeway ?? Hmmmm ???)
This move reeks of desperation t save his floundering site and I believe this will backfire on Austin in a bad ‘Dean Munroe’ kind of backlash. Just look at the many cries of hypocrisy in the comments on this thread.
Looks like a good scene, the blonde has a big cock and the brunette is very cute. On the downside when the studios show scenes but play music that is loud over the scene it is such a turn off. Always gives me the impression of a lame fuck.
First Austin Wilde tore into fellow porn stars for begging for money– then he does it. Then he claims Guysinsweatpants.com (stupid, gimmicky name) won’t do bb– then it happens. He’s always came across as an ambitious, witty and fairly intelligent man, but not anymore. And any scruples I might had thought he possessed seems to have flown the coop.
Fuck you, Austin Wilde. And not in a good way.
Oh sheesh, will you guys get off it already?? Are these your fucking boyfriends or something? It’s porn, they know the risks, and they’re ok with it. Just like the straight porn stars are ok with it, like the stunt people you see in movies are ok with it, and like every dangerous job out there.
Although, I will say that if barebacking is suddenly OK for him after all these years opposing it, he himself should be performing in in a bb scene.
Very disappointing Austin!
And yes, good point…. will we ever see Austin Wilde taking loads up his ass? Probably not, but its ok for his models, who look like they are new and have never done porn. Interesting that well-known models are not in this first Bareback scene. And ironic it launches at the height of the HIV cases being discovered.
I predict this site will be around for a year.
And don’t rely on a ‘test’ – this is your future!!!!
Felix is definitely hot!
And the rest of you need to get over the HIV thing! This is porn and it’s a fantasy thing!
We are not sitting down for dinner at the Country Club!
But for the models involved its not a “fantasy thing”, it’s a safety thing. To provide you with a fantasy they are potentially exposing themselves to a deadly virus.
Austin wilde is after all just a whore and money is the only thing! There is a lot of video evidence where he is against BB! What a disgusting hypocrite!!!
Money talks.
The blonde is gross… Austin Wilde fucks some really hot dudes on this site, then pairs up two mostly unattractive ones to bareback each other… weird, lol He should start fucking some of his cuties raw if he’s so sure this testing method is full-proof, which of course it isn’t…
Meh, the brunette is cute as button, the other guy… not my type. Pass.
Asking people not to have (bareback) sex for a certain amount of time is like asking people ‘do NOT push the red button right in front of you’ or insisting they should not dream of bunnies tonight.
Not surprised.Are they letting just anyone in porn? I’d have to bet money on the fact they most likely had sex,within that window period.So…
Well at least the guys were wearing sweatpants….
LOL. True.
I wonder if their “legal docs” also stipulated that if the models got HIV Austin Wild would not be held liable?
Yep. It’s called a standard model release form.
I can’t believe he wasn’t asked why he hasn’t done a bareback scene. He should have been the first to bottom since it’s his site. Practice what you preach, Austin
I think the “I swear I do not have AIDS” protection plan should work great. They just need to change their name to GuysWithCumFarts.com
“All Precautions Were Taken!”
Except they weren’t. You “tested” two guys and then made them pinky swear not to have sex for a week. Sure! It’s not like guys in porn frequently escort on the side or anything. I thought Austin was smarter than this. I thought Austin had more respect for other performers. Wrong on both counts, I see.
There is literally no winning with Sword Commenters.
AIDS is still around but more and more gay men act like it isn’t a big deal anymore. This happens because gay men doens’t have real families, they aren’t linked to any familiar/religious value: Any value of our society. Gay men are, even today, lone people that live in the society’s edge and in a selfish way gravitate around their own dicks and assholes till the point to create a certain ‘ gay way of life’ that admits AIDS as a natural fact of their lifes and don’t care for anything more. Add to this a money hunger like this ex(?)male prostitute and now “pornographer” Austin Wilde and you will get together: The straw : gay men; the fire: bareback in times of AIDS and the fuel: bareback porn. Gay men have the wrong standards.
You just made a shit ton of assumptions and cast some serious aspersions. Go take your damn meds.
You mean the meds you’re on?
Speak for yourself, I have friends and family that give a damn about me, I am not ‘outside society’. Stop projecting onto others..
Why is Austin NOT on his site BareBacking? IF it’s SOOO safe and the testing methods are SOOO reliable. Then why is he not on his OWN site getting a nice wet cream pie. I can only assume 1. Its not safe enough for him? 2. He’s desperate to keep his site going? 3. He did not pass his own testing process. Austin, what say you?
good point. you’d think as someone who performs on his own site, he’d be the first.
Very good point right there, Someone should confront him on that.
Maybe he’s just not comfortable doing it himself and that’s perfectly ok…
OF course he’s ok it’s not health on the line, but it’s sure ok to put someone else’s live at risk when it will definitely make you money.
That blond one looks like a fucking parakeet. We’ll see her calling out lattes at Starbucks soon.
Send us in a photo in of yourself Sugar, so we can all see how perfect you are.
The issue here is bb porn, not an opportunity for trolls to take cheap shots.
Making your scenes bareback is not enough to sell more scenes or generate more revenue. This site seems sort of bland with Mediocre-hot guys in sweatpants fucking. Woo hoo. You gotta get a gimmick kid.
LOL… contracts saying they wouldn’t have sex with anyone? Those won’t hold up in court… hah
Look at the straight side, the shit they’re in right now. And Austin’s company is small, hell yea they’ll go on the ground fast when someone lashes out in a lawsuit and bad press if someone gets the HIV. Doesn’t mean they’ll get it on his site but just someone claiming they got it there will bring a shitload of bad press blaming his site.
Love the brown haired blue eye boy. Hot little bottom. :)
Well this is depressing. Haven’t they been learning from the scare the straight side just went through? Oh well looks like HIV is here to stay.
Guess what, bareback sex doesn’t give you HIV.
You know how to become HIV positive? Have BB sex with some random person you meet at a bar and believe them when they tell you they’re neg.
The safest sex going on out there is often on a porn set, including BB porn sets.
As my friend Ronnie the limo Driver says, Whatever DUDE.
So, what you’re saying is… bareback sex DOES give you HIV…?
Hot! But since it is Austin’s site, shouldn’t he have been the first one to do a bareback scene?
I’m liking Austin Wilde more and more all the time. He seems really not sleazy, and that testing policy sounds reasonable to me.
Notice that despite all that “education” Austin doesn’t mention or cite a public health website that says what he did was safe. That’s because its not.
If they were on Truvada, how would you feel?
The efficacy of truvada as a prep regimen has shown only a reduced transmission rate, not entirely eliminating it. The lack of placebo controlled trials, lack of data on adherence, and lack of data on resistance profile statistics for the population result in the fact that truvada alone, or even with other drugs has not been shown to eliminate the risk, simply reducing it. That being said, using it is better than not using it, however you shouldn’t rely on it until further research on the subject is published.
As well, both Gilead (the manufacturer of Truvada) and the Centers for Disease Control specify that it’s to be in addition to condoms, not in lieu of condoms.