image via sleeptight
Mr. Gloryhole Junkie estimates that he has gulped down the ejaculate of 60,000 different dicks, and his frequently updated online journal is almost as prolific as esophagus. I discovered him from legendary porn directo Joe Gage’s blog. When I asked Mr. Gage about Mr. Gloryhole Junkie, he told me:
A friend of mine once told me she had to become a star (she did) because she didn’t have enough talent to be in the chorus. That’s the difference between me and Mr. ghJ. I couldn’t be as dirty as he is if I tried, and believe me, I’ve tried. Mark me down as his most rabid fan.
Mr. Gloryhole Junkie is awesome because his descriptions for cum include “testicular output” and “reproductive juices,” and his descriptions of giving head include “getting your tonsils battered” and “chugging sperm out of massive numbers of nuts.”
He is also awesome because he asks questions like, “Is it okay to play with grandpa even after he’s nodded off?” and “I wonder how often grandpas are turned into cocksuckers and piss drinkers in the nursing home?” and “I must sample the sperm in OUTERSPACE!” And he is also awesome because he used to love fucking his dad, who was “a mega cummer, too.” In one entry he states:
My incest experience with my dad wasn’t an experience that I found necessary to blackout from in order to survive. lol Quite the opposite for ME (everyone’s experiences in life ARE DIFFERENT). I was the one all curious to get into my dad’s Jockey shorts. And its fun cruising tearooms with your dad.
Yeah, fucked up. But you’ve got to admire a man who, every day, has something new to say about sucking anonymous cock through a hole. In addition to incest and hung, demented grandpas, Mr. Gloryhole Junkie is obsessed with straight men. He loves the thought of swallowing the same sperm that has created the children who are waiting at home while Dad stops by the video arcade. And his insights on straight men are compelling:
What does it take for a straight guy to lean over and take a quick suck of a cock? Usually all it takes is that they have access to a very handsome, very well-built man…Realistically, WHY?… Why do the straight men, often good looking themselves all zone in on one another or a good looking cocksucker? Because LOOKS trump sexual orientation. I think most men presented with a good looking guy would rather he suck them off rather than put their dicks in the mouth of an ugly female. I mean, if they weren’t being WATCHED…And when you consider what’s HOT to many men (hot in other men), its not always as appreciated in women. Or especially in young women. The slightly grizzled, bull hung, hirsute, brawny man who is slightly balding and a bit gruff with a 5 o’clock shadow doesn’t quite turn the teen girls head at the mall. But in the XXX or the woods, the men go gaga for such a man. And so he might not be getting the sweet mall pussy he might (think he) wants. But he’s OFTEN getting the cream of the crop of men cruising for men.
He’s got the best-looking men tailing him into the men’s room or ready to suck his cock the minute he stands still. And in return, HE, the straight man, is having sex often with better looking MEN than he might attract among the better looking WOMEN. And that plays a part I think in how, then, these straight men, ENJOY the homosex even more than they would have initially thought. These men look down and see two well-built former high school baseball stars sucking their dicks.
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Years ago he had a Yahoo Group that I contributed to and read all of the time. He was the one who got me out of my 11 year sabbatical and back to sucking cock. Then all of a sudden he disappeared and I’ve not been able to located him since. Anyone know where he has a blog or group? The blogs that come up on a search have been deleted.
The so-called “Mr. ghJ” who left a message just above is a FRAUD and an identity thief
The fake “www” site he links to is NOT related in ANY WAY to the genuine Mr.gloryholeJUNKIE.
Its disgusting and sad when a person has to IMPERSONATE (and hack and plagairize) another person on the Internet.
What can I say, I want to suck down a quarter of a million before I leave this world! :P
Mr. GHJ is awesome!! I read his blog daily and can’t believe how he’s able to juggle sucking sooo much cock and post so much content on his site. There is always a new story/pic/ vid clip. Hot stories and great writing. I/m so glad he’s getting noticed! Get the movie script ready–I see a biopic coming soon!
“I was the one all curious to get into my dad’s Jockey shorts. And its fun cruising tearooms with your dad …”
Mackenzie, is that you?