Use it to celebrate spending the hours when you’d usually be working by sleazily hitting on your best friend’s boyfriend and waking up with a black eye and a hot guy you can’t even remember meeting! Before you try to wrap your mind around that sentence, I recommend hitting the play button and exposing yourself to some hot new tracks courtesy of the S-W-O-R-D. Have a good weekend, ladies!
[Images courtesy of]
Memorial Day Weekend Event Roundup: May 23-26
Wishing You a Mary Xmas: The Sword Holiday Music Panel
Gays Finally Allowed to Worship Budweiser, Nudity and Sports Cars Without Committing to a Fraternity and a Lifetime of Lies
Hi all. Our own physical body possesses a wisdom which we who inhabit the body lack.
I am from Sweden and also am speaking English, give true I wrote the following sentence: “Side Effects: Century, most use is thought of things silk, but carbon-14 industries show.”
Waiting for a reply :), Handmade soap loaf roll.