To wit, Heidi said in an interview today:
“I think that people should be demonstrating outside of Harvey Weinstein’s house. It were up to me, [the show] would be on by now.”
We would love to see Harvey go toe-to-toe in the ring with this German-Amazon bitch on stilts, but for now all we have is a war of words in the press, in which Heidi has perhaps overestimated how motivated Project Runway fans really are in face of such adversity as having to wait a few more months before her first “auf weiderzein.”
But who knows! There are a lot of TV blogs out there and a lot of unemployed people–by virtue of the economy or their insanity–with a lot of extra time on their hands for protesting.
With two more episodes of Rupaul’s Drag Race left, we will be waiting at least two weeks before launching our own, quiet protest from the comfort of our sofa.
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