(Full disclosure: As a former Unzipped editor, I too was once a Here employee.)
Carnage, who’s since gone on to start his own site, linked to a story on Queerty last week which asked: “Broke Regent Media Unloading Destitute Alyson Books?” (Note: Regent Media is a part of CEO Paul Colichman’s Here Media). His Facebook friends, some of whom are also ex-Here staffers, weighed in with their own critical comments on the story, as did Carnage. I “liked” it. But someone from Here/Regent saw and did not. (They’re snooping on ex-employees’ Facebook pages? Yikes.)
Here’s the letter they sent Carnage (his legal last name is Carney) last night:
After being compared to a ponzi scheme in a Gawker article for not paying freelancers, and after being relentlessly attacked for years by Queerty, it’s interesting, if not pathetic, that Here would choose a former employee’s Facebook wall as a motivation to be litigious. (It’s also ironic, considering the number of lawsuits rumored to have been filed against Here.) Usually, Here is more passive-aggressive in silencing their critics, like earlier this year when they started blocking employees from accessing Queerty and, inexplicably, PinkIsTheNewBlog (maybe because Queerty’s David Hauslaib and PITNB’s Trent Vanegas are boyfriends?!).
Carnage has had to hire an attorney, but I’m told that neither of them are worried about Here actually following through with a lawsuit. Here’s the crux of Carnage’s issue with the conglomerate and some of the staffers still working there:
With all this reporting going on about Regent/Here Media’s allegedly deceitful patterns of behavior, and apparently no one from the company—not so-called gay leaders like Jon Barrett and Aaron Hicklin nor any of the other editors and writers signing their names to Regent/Here’s products—stepping forward to refute these accusations, it’s my opinion that all these guys have all become accessories to Regent/Here’s tactics, strategies and behaviors.
You can draw your own conclusions, but I’m tired of our community being represented (in this case raped) by tools like these losers. From what I observe these twits are still publishing freelance articles in their publications. When will this seemingly transparent deception end?
It’s not cool to take advantage of people, especially people from our own small gay and lesbian community.
But if you speak out against Regent/Here or any of their goon squad—this desperate clique of con artists (just my personal opinion)—you will be threatened by their lawyers.
Read the rest on SeanCarnage.com
You know I thought it wasn’t possible to worse than the previous owners of this mess of companies. But, it seems it is. Amazing just amazing.
Who’s Alyson Books? I feel sorry she is being unloaded, being destitute and all. Poor kid.