Unless someone created a fake movie fundraising profile (with a real movie), here is Sean Paul Lockhart’s fundraising profile for his upcoming indie feature, Truth.
There’s no mention of the name “Brent Corrigan,” but Sean and director Rob Moretti do go to great lengths to remind you of who Brent Corrigan is. The goal is $30,000, and they’ve already raised over $4,000. Be sure to donate here!
Sean, I wish you so much luck !!
This is different than kickstarter. Here, even if they don’t hit their $ 30K goal, they get the money that was raised. But if they’re saying they need $ 30K to make the movie and they don’t raise it, that means they can’t make the movie and no one gets their ‘perks’. Sounds scammy ……hey, I need $ 20K to make my movie about a former porn actor with back problems who meets another porn actor who helped catch two murderers …. Off I go, to raise some funds !! Wish me luck.
Yeah they can totally keep the money no matter how much they raise. Even if they raise the full amount or more, there is NO guarantee the movie will ever come to fruition. They can blow it on whatever they feel like with NO accountability. Sounds like a fast way to earn some quick cash when there aren’t enough “client meetings” to go around. Hey times are tough. Bloviate on!
He kind of reminds me of my sister… except she’s more butch. Oh well at least he is trying.
Well that is just 100 tricks….. er…. private meetings
How would your hole look after 100 “meetings”? I would guess like Erik Rhodes blooming rosebud.
That thing was dangling like a pinata. You just wanted to grab onto it and take a swing, hoping some candy would fly out.
WOW you sure know how to use the google machine.
Are they “ego stroking” each other? Ewwww
Wait… I heard the director was fucking him. Sean doesn’t have the best reputation amongst mainstream crew and cast..
This is sick. What a pair of self-righteous bloviating buffoons. What next…a tin cup and some pencils? Go beg on someone else’s street corner, you Beiber wannabe.
Sean is so ashamed of his past he doesn’t even mention his “stage name”. Sorry, but you’re not fooling anyone. The only talent you have is in the bedroom, and that’s where it should STAY.
Even when YOU played “Stan the merman” in that hideous Gay Movie sequel, you couldn’t act and I knew something was fishy. Now we know all know why. Thanks for sharing Indie!!!