Nagyatad is the a small Hungarian town, population 12,000, where the impossible-bodied Bel Ami hunk Kris Evans called home. But now Kris is looking for somewhere new to live after local tabloids and TV reports spread the news that he was a porn star. A screengrab from one of the tabloid reports is below, and here’s a confusing link to one of them, via Google Translator.
According to the tabloid, Kris Evans’s dirty little secret was likely leaked to reporters by a fellow local who was jealous of the designer clothes and nice car that Kris was able to afford with his new porn money. The tabloid states that Kris quit the police force before they had a chance to fire him, and that he’s planning to move abroad to weather the storm.
This week, Bel Ami confirmed that "these developments have turned his life upside-down:"
When he began to shoot for us, I told him he would become too popular too quickly to be able to contain it. I asked him to leave the police force because I knew it could create a scandal which could be exploited politically. Unfortunately, he didn’t listen.
The exposure happened quite unexpectedly. As usual, it was a local gay village idiot spreading the news around. Even though we block access to our websites in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary, people will find out…. The story unfortunately broke during early Parliamentary elections, amid several police scandals, and the news of a police officer going off to shoot gay porn was seized upon as prime material for scandal.
If it’s any consolation, Kris, this shit happens in America too. And at least you’re still ridiculously hot. Watch him in action Bel Ami.
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Hope no one is deluded enough to belive gay-for-pay is some kind of gay porno phenomena. Lots of street trade is gay-for-pay. And lots of that trade can be found in the gay bars. Sadly, those pretending to be gay-for-pay, are not, psychologically-speaking. “straight,” no matter how strong their denial. They are, at the very least, bisexual. And they should be regarded as such, no worshiped like some gay sexual God, which is as insulting as it is laughable.
I’m a straight man (per say) but I watch Kris Evans about everyday and am just in love with his body. I’m sure other straight men watch him too. I mean he is a god and a dream of mine.
Hi anonymous,
I have a wife and I like watching gay porn.
Probably I’m bisex or a repressed man
I think it is sad that we love Kris Evans for making loads of money being a straight guy having sex with men on camera and view his actions as a sign of tolerance, acceptance and progress but assume that if someone exposes him or doesn’t like him that the evil culprit must be a jealous homosexual idiot. I have no problem if a straight guy wants to cash in on our vanity, but for us to lament his downfall because we want to get off and to condemn the person who exposed him for being a bitter queen when we don’t know his sexuality (Would it be better if he was straight?)shows a real lack of disrespect within the gay community. IT isn’t like hundreds of thousands haven’t seen Kris in action. By the way, I am not a bitter queen. I am comfortable with my sexuality and I believe sexual orientation is quite fluid and transcends labels. Too bad most people…even pornstars seem to disagree.
Here’s the key. If you are going to do porn, people are going to find out about it. Porn is public. Porn is free. Porn cannot be erased. There is nothing wrong with pornography. It’s purpose is to fulfill our fantasies; however, the sex (be it just for money/gay-for-pay)is real. The impact it will have on others is real. The consequences are real. If you choose to do porn, you need to own your actions. We live in an era with the internet and social media where there are no places to hide dirty little secrets. We all have the right to choose what we do in our lives, but we also need to face consequences with dignity.
If Kris enjoyed doing what he does, then power to him and to all who watch him. He has a beautiful physique. However, if the porn industry doesn’t stop degrading homosexuals by showing preference to men who are “straight” and by ridiculing the state of being gay which isn’t a choice unlike Kris’s choice to do porn, then it is no wonder pornography is becoming an ugly reflection of our LGBT community and culture with body dysmorphia, suicide (By the way out of the half dozen gay pornstars who have committed suicide – how many were LGBT. How many were straight?), depression, addiction and self-hate being the side-effects rather than the celebration of sexuality it should be regardless of your sex/gender preference
* I meant lack of respect :)
I beat you to it. :)
anyone can have in the life of another era police he wanted to go out and become a gay porn actor is his choice, that he follow through with their decisions that are going to have those who are against afavor eos I’m afavor of your choice
I feel so sad/angry that Kris Evan’s was persecuted for engaging in homosexual sex. Whether or not he identifies as being gay or straight does not give an employer the right to terminate employment or discriminate in any way! This is the 21st Century…..not the Middle Ages. Kris can come to America where he will be welcomed with “Open Legs”.
I think Kris Evans looks really sexy when he is naked.
A local village idiot exposed him? I didn’t know George Bush has moved to Hungary!
No. He’s not. Didn’t you know Hungary is NObama’s commie base? Maybe he’s been blabbering around to the tabloid.
I think Belami sucks now! Maybe they can’t protect their own people with all the million Euros they raise but they at least could have warned the guy honestly about the risks he is running!! He is going to survive, its not even a question, but Belami – not.
if lived in my town i would be at his house sucking his cock every nigth
That is a good looking cop. Too bad that I have sort of lost interest in BelAmi (save for Brandon Manilow) and now there’s a “Kris Evans” who used to be, but probably won’t anymore. Can’t blame the Hungarian tabloids for exploiting his story when the official BelAmi blog couldn’t wait to blab it as well. Is that “irony”?
Why does anyone think they can keep porn a secret?
That’s too bad, and I thought Hungary was more progressive than the rest of Eastern Europe? Isn’t it the porn capital of Europe. I suppose his police job didn’t pay enough. Damn those hungarians are hot!