That’s James Roscoe (left), whose HIV status was made public this afternoon in a deliberately provocative (natch) press release from his employer, Treasure Island Media.
Take it away, guys:
San Francisco, CA – October 27, 2010 – Celebrated sodomites Brad McGuire and James Roscoe both signed contracts this week that extend their exclusive relationship with Treasure Island Media (T.I.M.).The two are a real-life, long-term, promiscuous, bareback couple. Mr. Roscoe is HIV positive while Mr McGuire is HIV negative. In an unprecedented move, reclusive studio owner Paul Morris flew to Chicago earlier this week to personally sign Roscoe and McGuire to represent T.I.M.“As a community we have a moral and social imperative to demolish the HIV positive closet,” Morris said. “We are adults and we are participating in a tremendously vital and important sexual culture that is under attack. We know exactly what we’re doing, and we will not allow reactionary individuals and organizations to dictate our behavior. James and Brad are fitting role models for young gay men. They are living their lives with honesty and integrity. I couldn’t be more proud to have them in the T.I.M. family.”
Hysteria due to the recent disclosure that a straight porn actor had tested HIV positive halted filming for much of the industry. But Roscoe’s sero-status hasn’t stopped anything for Treasure Island Media. To the contrary, T.I.M. is currently shooting work that features proud poz men fucking each other to within an inch of their lives. The first of these poz-only bareback pics is slated for general release in spring 2011.
Congratulations to all involved.
Sex with condoms have no fun at all!!..anyway,I thought TIM studios submited all the porn stars
to a medical exam for at least six months or one year to check for HIV, before allowing them to fuck and suck one another bare!!!
Preach all you want. I have no regrets whatsoever for being a poz bareback bottom tramp; except perhaps that I didn’t get my conversion party filmed for you sanctimonious, self-righteous bi#$%es could feel truly sickened as you jerked off to it. And before anyone gets their privates all twisted and bunched, I had never heard of TIM at that time. If anything, they’re the Zeitgeist; not for something that is a fringe counter-culture, but a natural current. If you don’t want to fuck bare or what have you, don’t.
Agreed that the “straight” porn industry overacted*. Condoms are needed because of a plethora of sexually transmitted diseases. It is completely irresponsible to suggest that barebacking is any sort of behavior that ought to be modeled. While the fact that the partner who is negative provides consent, that does not change the responsibility of the infected person to protect the well-being of himself and his (or her, if the case may be) partner(s).
* The straight porn industry should also be responsible and only produce safer sex entertainment.
P.S. Kudos to Trevor Knight for speaking up about truly ill-advised behavior.
I commend you for speaking up sex without condoms is a risk for anyone that has sex without knowing they have clean medical history .When you are young seems you are incredible arrogant that you will be safe & nothing can touch you in that regard (HIV) or any of the other maladies that can cause harm to you r health !!! I know this because it happened to someone I love very much ! The person was not a person that had sex with just every Man !!! So sad !!
While I agree that the “hysteria” in the “straight” porn industry was unwarranted*, you guys should all be using condoms. Period. Sex with multiple partners without protection spreads many, many things that will permanently affect you. Grow up and do the right thing: use condoms.
*The straight porn actors should always use protection too: you’re not doing it to make a baby! No glove, no love. Get real!
Im literally shaking thinking about the quote “James and Brad are fitting role models for young gay men”
Are they serious? WTF! How is showing young gay men to bareback w a poz partner helping our young community?
ANSWER me that… PLEASE HELP me understand
Im shocked.. You guys think its okay for two HIV+ models to fuck each other bareback? Do you know there are diffrent virus types of HIV? Some can kill you faster then others. Meds or no meds, I believe these guys are playing a very dangerous game
Do you actually makup HIV scare facts yourself? Or are you just to stupid question them? The reexposure theory of HIV strains has long been disproved. If it were true, what you say can happen, would be actually be happening everywhere. The majority of HIV guys go barebare when they are together. They just don’t admit it because there are so many ‘told-you-so’s like you around. No one needs to hear that tired loop any more.
When they launched the studio they should have come out with this fact. I’d have a higher opinion about the studio if they were always this open about making bareback movies for men who already have HIV. Its a little too late for me to accept this position now after years of making money off of blurring the line of responsibility for profit. The sad thing is agree with the reasons, I think there is a conservative and misinformed back lash going on against men with HIV right now. I see most of the ignorance coming from people about 25 and under.
Nick, what would remove the stigma of HIV would be IF IT DIDN’T KILL YOU!
im just confused how brad could be negative? it kinda shocks me
What would remove some of the HIV stigma would be if the major studios required condoms AND had groupings of people with mixed HIV status. That said, it’s great that TIM is being forward regarding the performers’ statuses.
I assumed the studio was Raging Stallion before I read the story. A positive model working for T.I.M is like a blond ,19 year old posing for Playboy. Where is the news?
status aside he sure purty. most of those tim guys….not so much.
A big “so what”? I assumed everyone who worked for TIM was HIV+.
Funny how the guy who was gay-for-pay in the straight industry was “outed” in the straight porn boards one-two weeks ago(?) and the story sort of hushed in the gay porn world. Hush-hush connections and management I suppose. The head of the gay studio he did a scene for was the one “twitting” about where to read the skinny about it all day, go figure.
First time posting here. I’ve been a lurker for a while and decided to finally leave a comment. I love James Roscoe. He’s one of the nicest guys I’ve had the pleasure of talking to.
He’s awesome! He gives the gift that keeps on giving.
The homophobic Religious Right and the Tea Party fascists will be rejoicing over this; there’ll be no need to send anyone from their ranks to destroy gay men in America when they are nicely destroying themselves.