has written a deathbed tell-all in which he reveals that Oprah taught him how to smoke crack.
The only real news here is that the story in Randolph Cook’s new book somewhat contradicts hers. Oprah admitted on her show, way back in 1995, that she smoked crack in her 20s (sometime in the 70s) all because she was obsessed with a man who was a fan of the drug. That man was Cook, and he now claims that he was smoking crack, and freebasing with Oprah, as late as 1984, and that she taught him how to do the drug. He also says she was still doing the drug while doing her TV show.
The National Enquirer points to some court documents they unearthed in 2007 that back up Cook’s claims, but we should say that, from personal experience, the accuracy of the memories of people who did drugs together a few decades back are not to be trusted.
We wish the big O well in getting through this current PR crisis, and we pray that when we’re as big as she is, our ex-boyfriends don’t keep crawling out of the woodwork to tell the same cracky stories twenty-five years after the fact.
(Thank you Dlisted and PlanetHiltron.com for the brilliant photo.)
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