Yes, the image (see below) could be a fraud or someone else entirely. But we’re convinced, mostly because Brando was copping up to his cock lust as early as the 70s, when he said in an interview:
Like a large number of men, I, too, have had homosexual experiences and I am not ashamed. I have never paid much attention to what people think about me.
Brando clearly was right that he did not care what people thought — otherwise his foray into porn would have involved a more appetizing appendage than the janky junk belonging to Wally Cox. Until Brando’s sex tape with Montgomery Clift surfaces, we’ll continue to rely on this screen-test flirtation between James Dean and Paul Newman for our Old Hollywood masturbation fodder. Click the thumbnail below to view.
Marlon and Wally:
Mom Thought He Was Straight?: Montgomery Clift
Time Honored Torsos: Paul Newman
Mickey Rourke Is a Mean Girl
Marlon Brando’s Gay Sex Photo Shocked Us (L.A. Rag Mag)
Want to buy it it’s for sale
Brando Original Photograph and Detailed Story
To whom it may concern, For your review… ..
Brando Sex Photo I own the REAL photograph of Marlon Brando performing a fallacious act on Wally Cox. This photo was
given to me by the late Anna Kashfi Brando. She was the mother of my late boyfriend Christian Brando. Christian and I lived
together for seven years when he lived in Washington. This photo is the real photo that Anna Kashfi Brando presented to
the court against Marlon Brando to try and prove infidelity in her custody hearing. As of this day this photo is thought to no
longer exists but as you can see it does as I have had this photograph since 2008 keeping my promise to Anna not to publicly
present it until after her passing as she hated public attention and the media. I am sending this to you because I would like
to sell this photo in hopes that the rarity, history and uniqueness of this photograph is valuable to you and a potential buyer.
My name is Dayna Duarte. I was Christian Brando’s girlfriend in Washington state for 8 years
I was a part of that family for many years. Christian’s mother and a cash fee gave me this photo before she died and told me to do whatever I wanted to do with it but to wait till after she passed away so I’ve had it all these years and now I want to sell it it was very controversial so I tried to sell it before and I had no luck
I signed a contract with Julien’s Auction House three years ago .The photo was suppose to sell at the upcoming Auction in
June but there was a conflict of interest and they had to pull the photo from the sale. My hope is that maybe you would be interested in buying it for your museum it would fit in perfectly there
Here is detailed info about the photo
The original black and white photograph depicting Hollywood legend Marlon Brando
performing fellatio on his close friend Wally Cox. The shockingly graphic image was
described in Darwin Porter’s biography Brando Unzipped as… “the most notorious
photograph ever taken of an A-list movie star.” Porter goes on to state that “Marlon
admitted to friends that he did indeed pose for the photograph, but dismissed it by
saying, ‘It was only done as a joke at a party. It’s not to be taken seriously.’ ” The
photograph, reportedly taken at a Harlem soirée thrown by Phil Black in the 1950s, was
later offered as evidence of Brando’s perverse nature during the divorce hearings from
his first wife, Anna Kashfi. Accompanied by a xerography copy of a letter by Kashfi
releasing the photo and other personal property to her son’s former girlfriend.
Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon. The photograph has been authenticated at Julian’s auction house and you can call and get references from them about its authenticity
You can reach me at:
Dayna Duarte
Cell~ 360 747 2805
The mystery schlong in question belongs to Yul Brynner. Altogether now: “Getting to know you, Getting to know all about you!”
That photo has been around for ages.
Old news.