At least two, if you’re trying to make the movie Truth. Sean Paul Lockhart and team already raised $12,838 on Indie Go Go (all of which they got to keep), and now they’d like $5,000 more, via Kickstarter (where the fundraising goal has to be met in order to collect). Will you donate to the new campaign, or did you already give to the first one? What did people do to make their movies before the internet? Were there more or less bad movies before the internet?
Well, the horse scene stays in apparently !! Suddenly, they’ve jumped up to $ 6447 raised, so their kickstarter campaign is theirs to keep as well ! Congrats. I wonder what perks these latest large donors *really* received.
5 days left on kickstarter, nearly $ 2200 still to raise. I guess the scene with the horse is CUT. (on his website, Sean indicated they’ve got other large donors already for the movie …maybe they’ll come through for the horse insurance)
In 15 days, they’ve raised a bit over $ 1500 …….with only 15 more days left and about $ 3500 to still be raised … me thinks that they may not be taking the funds on this one ! Usually the momentum starts high and then trickles out …. has anyone checked lately ??
Maybe the only movie people want to see you in is where your naked and topping or bottoming where the dialogue is filled with moans. Leave the real movies to the professionals and stick to what you seem to do best.
I believe apart from money these kickstarter type of sites are used as PR to raise interest in the project and make people aware of it. These days it doesn’t really matter how much you spend on the actual movie as long you spend a shitload of money on PR so you reach the ones who may see it.
Give up on Hollywood Corrigan! You’re better off acting in front of what’s left of your fans doing appearances at clubs. The underground gay Hollywood directors and producers aren’t even interested!
How about investors. Fuck the fund raising bullshit and have some blind idiots invest their hard earned money in your stupid movie. Then when the movie flops Mr. investor(s) will send over their bill collectors….. hot damn!
Here’s a thought, if you want to make a movie, why don’t you do what tons of my friends who’ve made indie movies have done….WORK THREE JOBS if you need to to cover the costs…..unless this is an OJ Simpson type of “If I Did it….” regarding the Harlow Cudra case, then it might be interesting….what do Robert Wagner and this guy have in common?
he is a really terrible actor. sad
Actually, kickstarter is Sean Paul’s THIRD fundraising attempt for the film …. you forgot about his ad !
Actually it’s his fourth. Don’t forget David Forest set him up on a few “meet and greets”.
Maybe Corrigan ought to give Malachi Marx a call. Whatever happened to that tell-all “best seller” Marx was penning? Maybe he needs a good ghost writer. Corrigan can certainly spin a good tale!