Is this really how to give a “good blowjob” or is it just how to make a “sexy video”?
YouTubelebrity Daveo Falaveo is committed to giving good blowjobs, and for that he should be commended. He says you need to use your hand, which is true. But the swirling action with the tongue in the beginning isn’t really necessary. He’s so focused on the tongue, he’s forgetting about lips and suction, relaxing/opening your throat, and, for the love of God, cupping and gently massaging the balls. Also, a finger or two on the taint never hurts.
why are you queers so against guys with an effeminate touch? They don’t disturb me at all, on the contrary, this guy is sexy and his ‘female’ touch turns me on…
Brandon ????
too queeny for me. i’d let him blow me if he promised not to talk.
Ewwww. Creepy. Thanks a lot; I’m straight now.
My criteria:
If I get to cum in his mouth it’s a good blow job.
I can’t take the voice! Forget the Blowjob.
This guy is full of shit
No he’s not.; I found the video helpful.
He only gives good head because it stops him from speaking..
Anybody who thinks there is ONE way to give a blowjob is a bad blowjob giver.
What is important is to observe the guy you are sucking to see what he responds to.
I personally HATE hand action when being blown. I want it handless. But some guys need it and love it. I hate it sloppy … find it desensitizing. Some prefer it that way. And so on and so on.
So to be a good fuck you need to observe and adapt. There is no magical technique or perfect way to give a blowjob. Or fuck. Or kiss.
Different strokes for different folks, literally.
I can cum when my partner is giving head and not doing any hand action, some people need it, and some people seem to have trouble cumming from a BJ in general!
I agree no just adjust to the dick and enjoy it
I wish he was completely naked giving the demo. Then my attention span would have lasted longer than a click to view this page.