Country singer Mindy McCready may have blown her brains out over the weekend, but don’t worry, her sex tape is still available.
An email I received last night from a Vivid Video affiliate (Vivid is the studio that acquired the McCready sex tape and has been marketing her as the “Baseball Mistress”):
From: celebrities exposed []
Subject: RIP mindy mccready – at least her home tape lives onSadly country & western superstar Mindy McCready passed away on Saturday night, the good news is that her home tape is still there for us to ‘remember’ her by in our own special way. Blessed with beautiful looks and one hell of a chest, you can check it out at:
That link at the end, by the way, goes to a Vivid landing page where you can watch the Mindy McCready sex tape trailer and then join for the whole thing. Vivid’s Steven Hirsch says they’ve stopped distribution “in all forms” of the film as of this morning, but they’re still advertising it right now on their own site and allowing their affiliates to promote it with unbelievable emails like the one above. Say what you will about the gay porn industry, but at least we’ve got a little more class than the straights when it comes to respecting our dead performers.
McCready, by the way, reportedly killed herself over a variety of drug and mental health issues, not blog comments.
uh ya…i love how ur so protective and righteous about dead pornstars and shit but ur very crass and cold about this one, I get that ur blog is a wannabe “The Onion” but that was mean. I have never heard a Mindy McCreedy song but I know that she at least had some discernable talent. Unlike porn stars. I love that you hop on the ‘blog comments don’t kill pornstars’ bandwagon so that you don’t feel responsible and play the free speech card. you do have freedom of speech and im not one to get offended by shit. this doesnt offend me but it just makes u seem hypocritical…u can pick and choose who is deserving of ur sympathy and who is written off with a one liner abou tlbowing their brains out. very odd…very Perez-like
The tape was lame but the guy shes with, Jack McHawk, is one sexy man with a thick southern accent mmmmmm.
Stay classy Zach
umm it was a PERSONAL tape that was not approved to be made public.. IE: She didnt sell it someone stole it.
So I dont consider it PORN at all.
These companies give porn a bad name. Unethical, and have no respect for other people’s privacy.
Every homemade sex tape that has been released commercially for the last 20 years has had both parties sign releases agreeing to release the tape. Kim Kardashian’s mother negotiated her sex tape deal and Rob Lowe wrote in his book that there is an attorney in L.A. whose primary income comes from negotiating and brokering these tapes and photos.
Mindy was accused by Kari Ann Peniche, her Celebrity Rehab co-star of stealing the footage of her, Eric Dane, and Rebecca Gayheart getting ready to have a threesome and selling it/distributing it .
BTW, you are correct, without legal releases those studios cannot produce those videos. Much like, Colin Farrell’s sex tape- released by his ex, another fame hungry whore, was immediately stopped after Colin’s lawyers sent injunctions.
And the rest is bullshit: Kari Ann is a psychopathic fame hungry whore… She signed and sold the tape Cause’ it would only make her famous!
Also, her mother told people that Kari Ann is full of shit with the stories of rape…and her mom is very middle class, so she didn’t get molested by people.
She is just a crackhead looking at every angle to get her name in the news…and apparently, it is working cause fools like you fall for that trap.
The same trap that Kim and Paris set when they signed releases for their sex tapes–except in Kari Ann’s case she is still a loser, and will not get any further than “celeb rehab” and Mtv’s Catfish(whose cousin set up the scenario using her pics)
Over it.
Yeah. Straight porn is full of complete assholes, racists, and white trash.
Is this another odd attempt to get traffic to The Sword by linking to a mainstream story ?
Fenrich and gnormie, you’re both aware that neither Zach nor TheSword solicited this email, right?
The first sentence was his and it was enough to warrant my response.
It’s called “writing an attention-grabbing headline,” and you’re still ridiculously overreacting.
good god. Zach I hope you blow your head off.
Doesn’t seen like too much class…”Country singer Mindy McCready may have blown her brains out over the weekend, but don’t worry, her sex tape is still available” that’s so classy jeez. Hypocrite then again I shouldn’t have much of an expectation for this blog.