Says Treasure Island director Liam Cole about the men in his new movie, In The Flesh. But how many men live like the men in In The Flesh, and is this what these men need–affirmation? They seem like they’re already pretty sure of themselves to me. Or at least they better be.
Do the people who enjoy Treasure Island porn (like myself) enjoy it because it’s the ultimate fantasy (i.e., they’d never have bareback sex in real life), or because it makes them feel good about their life choices?
Via press release:
“I want this to be an affirmation to every man who lives this way, and a call to those who don’t yet,” director Liam Cole says about his latest exploration of the deep connection men share through shameless primal bareback fucking.
Coming in at a whopping 3 cum-spurting hours and produced by the iconic Paul Morris, IN THE FLESH puts the finest manmeat Europe has to offer on full display, from dominant bull-hung topmen Peto Coast, Lucky Joe, and Frederik Berlin to insatiable gangbang cumholes Jorge Ballantinos, Aaron Lamb, and Florian Manns.
In a scene not to be missed, the T.I.M. cult’s newest inductee, Angelo, celebrates his branding with the T.I.M. tattoo—and proves himself worthy of it—by getting on his knees at his favorite public bathroom and taking on any and all comers in a marathon suckfest.
Stream or download In The Flesh.
Because if you’re gonna be gangbanged bareback, you might as well wear a blindfold, right?
TIM director want just money, all he says is just an excuse for his damage against gay community
I’m a Raw fucker and I love also being a cum dump. Sex has never been so good since I play bare, like the animals we are.
I’ve POZ for more than 10 years, it was my choice. I did help boys who wanted to get pozzed but no one is ever forced.
Why do most porn actor play raw, even if they don’t admit it? Let’s face it it only because there is nothing better.
HIV has not eaten my muscles yet and my best parties were when I was high.
But no one has to do what I’m doing,
I may live a shorter life than others but so what? I luv its intensity, the higher , the better!!!!!!
i wonder if you are an island unto yourself.
i wonder if you have anyone in your life who loves you, or whom you love.
i wonder if all you look forward to is the next act of sex.
how do you do it, guy?
and, do you do it all with your own money?
I defenitely don’t think that anything from TIM should be touted as an affirmation. And I don’t think any self-respecting gay man would want to have the kind of interactions like the ones in the films. And I agree that it may glamorize bareback sex to young gay men. I think people on here may be being a little judgmental. But not only are the behaviors depicted deadly and disease-spreading, a lot of these movies are just gross. For me personally, TIM is a hit and a miss. I don’t think completely anonymous sex that usually doesn’t show the faces of tops or abuses and objectifies men as nothing but cum dumpsters is sexy. I like lots of intereaction, making out, and intimacy, which the best porn-stars go for. I have indulged in some of TIM’s earlier stuff as a guilty pleasure, but I agree that it promotes a dangerous, irresponsible, and somewhat disgusting lifestyle. I wouldn’t say that if Liam Cole didn’t state that as his intention. But, who am I to judge. I’m not perfect.
If it’s an affirmation, then why is the trailer shot like a horror film? There didn’t appear to be any horny joy in that; instead, the lighting, sounds and fast cuts made it seem more like a slasher movie. They’re not succeeding if that’s supposed to be a celebration of sex.
Seriously, you’re being too generous — I’ve seen more uplifting trailers for actual horror films.
Enjoying porn or real-life experiences in which people are opening themselves up (literally) to disease and death makes you a death fetishist. “Living like this” doesn’t have a thing to do with how you choose to live and everything to do with how you choose to die. Nobody can stop you from throwing your life away, but, if you hate yourself so much to make choices like the men in these film, then please hate yourself enough to refuse one cent of insurance money or public assistance when you end up needing it.
At least they’re practicing truth in advertising, because they make unsafe sex look like the worst thing in the world.
I have to admit, I have watched some of TIM’s videos. Some are kinda hot, esp. the earlier ones. But with the newer ones, the guys look like they just stepped out of an HIV ward. And I am not trying to be horrible, it’s just that is what I think when I see them, and that to me is not sexy. Watching these videos is not going to persuade me to do bareback and I hope it does not persuade others. I guess I just don’t understand what is hot about getting HIV, or something else. Just my two cents!
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, looks like a duck – it’s a duck!
Go to xtube and any other tube site and the overwhelming majority of videos uploaded are bare – even the people that say condoms only in their profile – upload videos w/o condoms!
In middle America – Married and closeted men still make-up the majority of guys who frequent rest stops, truck stops, adult arcades, adult theater/bookstores – and they rarely using condoms – the excitement/anxiety/adrenaline of the moment cluds rational judgement!
Lets not forget the out and proud condomless drunk hook-up, circuit parties, numerous hook-up sites, grindr…or maybe they’re in a committed relationship – for some people that’s a month for others it may take a year – but it’s still bare!
These amature videos don’t just appear out of thin air – let’s get real – people will say one thing and do another!
The videos on xtube don’t glamorize it and market it or try to make it look like being POZ is “hot”. This company does. Look at what Paul Morris said about being positive.
TIM is rugged men enjoying a sexual encounter with another guy!
BTW – TIM has G4P and Bi guys the same as any other company yet their movies aren’t dispassionate PC clones that domniate gay porn!
Watch the BTS documentary at you’ll see Paul Morris counting the authentic and inauthentic moments of each scene submitted by his crew – if he counts too many inauthentic moments – the scene isn’t released! That’s the difference between his movies and others – a film that shows guys having sex and enjoying it – kind a novel idea in gay porn!
The fact that TIM only uses 10% of whats filmed shows that they suffer from the same problems as their “mainstream” counterparts when it comes to actors – they just choose to only show passionate authentic MM scenes, as oppossed to putting out just because they filmed it.
People can cry about bareback all day long – TIM isn’t maaking people upload bareback scenes on every tube site I’ve ever been on –
Same thing with MaverickMen – 2 guys that are enjoying sex with other guys – it’s almost as if people are mad that guys are being shown enjoying (not only the sex) but the intimate (kissing, licking, smelling, rubbing…) interaction with another man!
Maybe it’s supposed to be part of the fantasy to talk to the viewers like they do the same thing. It might be equivalent to a rapper shouting out “playas” and “gangstas” rather than the suburban white teens who comprise his main audience.
From the attitudes expressed here, I can understand Liam’s point in offering this as an affirmation. Thanks Liam!
When did gays get so judgemental on their own kind? If you don’t like it, don’t do it, don’t watch it. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
P.S. I do it, and I love it.
When it comes to something that can harm the health and life of others, that IS something to be judged. This is promoting an unhealthy life style. When young gay men see this, there’s a chance that they may think that this is the best kind of sex to have, developing a “condoms are for pussies” attitude.
Why do you even support this Zach? T.I.M. just loves to promote and glamorize spreading HIV. I’m surprised they haven’t changed their logo to the biohazard symbol, the symbol that proud men with HIV/AIDS have taken as their own. I guess the cross bones are deadly enough though…
I’m sorry, but the men who really “live that way” certainly don’t LOOK as good as the performers in that video for long, if EVER.
And that includes the nasty-looking performers!
Meth and sex addiction destroys health and looks. It’s NOT HOT.
These guys must not have been hugged enough as a child. If they don’t care about HIV, then go and have fun boys! Hope you live in San Francisco or have killer work benefits. Oh, and the fact that your muscles deteriorate due to lipodystrophy.
I’m a sucker for light romantic comedies.
Yeah, ’cause I always reach for my Purell when I’m covered in piss and semen.
There is not enough Purell in the world.
Yes, I always feel best about myself when being tag-teamed pissed on and fucked raw in a public restroom. Because I’m good enough, I’m smart enough and doggone it, people like me…
This makes me ashamed to be gay.
I really don’t understand that statement. How is their behavior any reflection on you?
Liam Cole = idiot. Enough said.