“I Want Your Love,” Travis Mathews’ explicit queer short film that played at a few festivals last year, has been expanded to feature length. The film comes with stamps of approval from no less than John Cameron Mitchell and Andrew Haigh, so “I Want Your Love” won’t be overlooked if Sundance is looking for an uncensored glimpse at gay romance.
Naked Sword’s I Want Your Love, which I’ve been teasing here over the past year, makes Indie Wire’s “Sundance 2012 Wish List” of 40 films they’d like to see play the festival in January. (Programming announcements for the festival will be released in the coming weeks.) If you missed the trailer, it’s embedded again after the jump.
I WANT YOUR LOVE -teaser from Travis Mathews on Vimeo.
The trailer kinda makes me want to see it. The cumshots make me want to see it in private.