Do you want some free money?? I will give you some.
But why only $175 and not $2,000 or $5,000 or $17,000 or something that you would think a company liked NakedSword (the parent company of this blog) would be able to afford? Because this $175 is coming out of my own pocket, and I am poor. This is my offer and mine alone, and it extends to anyone who is in the possession of photos of model Daniel Garofali COMPLETELY naked with a hard-on (or AT LEAST a semi). Also, his balls have to be showing. I will PayPal you.
Why am I even making this offer? Because Daniel Garofali is the hottest person on Earth (I know I say that a lot about a lot of guys, but I really mean it when I talk about Daniel Garofali) and I am tired of this bullshit. Like his calendar, for example.
And these Exterface shots:
And all the photos and video I posted before.
So, the first person to send me a REAL (don’t try to bullshit a bullshitter; I might not know how to use Photoshop, but I can tell when someone else has used it) photo of Daniel Garofali with at least a semi erect-penis will receive a $175 cash prize. The photo MUST contain his FACE and his DICK, at the SAME TIME, and there should be no clothing (or his hands, or furniture, or anything at all) obscuring any of his genitals. I’m talking about a full nude shot. Something similar to this, but of Daniel Garofali, not Mick Lovell.
I know these photos of Daniel Garofali have to exist, so send them to me!! (Use the “submit a tip” email link at the top of this page.)
Once I verify the photo (or photos!) is authentic, I will send you your money!!!
Thank you.
Garofali is HOT and pings quite heavily on the gaydar when you hear him speak …
There you go
Maybe there’s a REASON why he’s hiding his cock that way? Isn’t the fantasy much better?
p.s. Nice pic of Mick Lovell though. He’s so *sigh* dreamy….
True. I think Zach wouldn’t have made a big deal out of him had he seen his dick when he first heard of him.
Please promise me if you get the pic you’ll share! Actually, maybe you should take up a collection: if you’re poor, why not get us your readers to share the costs?
brb opening photoshop…..
i mean…. uh
Zach I love it when you get all fantardy over things.
My partner Paul Gunn is friends with him… I met him last February/March 2011m, when I visited Australia last year! We even briefly discussed doing a full-nude erotic photo shoot with him… I believe it would take a whole lot more than $175.00! Have you seen the prices in Australia compared to here? Lol…
BTW, As nice as he is in his photos… He’s even more beautiful in person! Pleasant personality as well…
>Grant Roy
You’re nuts! For that amount you could just rent a hooker and get the real thing or a close approximation.
ahh, but that only last about 30 mins for that price(an hour if you’re lucky). A pic lasts forever!