“…I think we can afford to pay more money for this now. Please email me at ajd@gawker.com with information. Thanks.”
Gawker offers money in exchange for the name of the person who gave Magic Johnson HIV. But is today’s post from A.J. Daulerio (left) even real?
I read so many awful, mean, and idiotic things on the internet, I don’t know what’s real anymore. Increasingly, my first instinct whenever I finish reading something “outrageous” and “offensive” is that it was only written for the purposes of being “outrageous” and “offensive”; that I’ve been trolled. And that’s fine. After all, this is the same Gawker whose founder makes cash bets on how many page views his site can receive. A.J. Daulerio doesn’t really want to know (and doesn’t really think he can ever actually know) who gave Magic Johnson HIV, does he?
Or maybe he does. Maybe there really are people who are this sleazy:
About three years ago, while I was editor at Deadspin, there was talk of a Hollywood Babylon-level conspiracy that was making the rounds in the LA nightlife scene. The story went that Magic, like most of his Los Angeles Lakers teammates, was caught up in so many orgiastic LA house parties and had so many random groupie fuck-buddies that tracking down Magic’s female Patient Zero would be almost impossible. But then, another source said that Magic’s ex-teammate, Norm Nixon, had started floating a different scenario: that Magic most likely contracted HIV during an infamous sex party at Eddie Murphy’s mansion, where often times, transexual hookers were involved.
And, still, none of these women who’ve ever slept with Magic Johnson seemed opportunistic enough to step forward and tell their tale. Neither have the transsexual prostitues [sic]. So once again, the story of Magic’s HIV survival takes front and center over how he actually got it.
If anyone has any more information about who gave Magic Johnson HIV, please feel free to contact us. I think we can afford to pay more money for this now.
More than being sleazy, maybe there really are people who are this dumb.
Daulerio writes of sex parties and orgies and transexuals and hookers who all could(!) have led to Magic Johnson’s HIV, and then he says he’s willing to pay for more “information” about the specifics. Because if there’s one group of people whom you can trust with “information,” it’s prostitutes and transexuals from orgies that happened over 20 years ago. Also, in addition to the homophobia and his hilarious ignorance of the mechanics behind HIV transmission (as if there was some magic—pun not intended—way to pinpoint the one woman amongst the hookers and transexuals and men at the orgies who gave Magic Johnson HIV), A.J. Daulerio’s naivety has precluded him from realizing that even if he did receive proof of who gave Magic Johnson HIV (which would have been almost impossible 20 years ago and is literally impossible today), publishing that person’s name would be illegal. A.J. Daulerio isn’t just sleazy, he’s remarkably stupid.
Why even bother looking for The Person Who Infected Magic Johnson With HIV? Aside from the civil liability of publishing someone’s HIV status who doesn’t want their HIV status published, there is also the fact that everyone already knows how Magic Johnson got HIV: from having multiple sexual partners. If Daulerio is looking to blame someone for Magic Johnson’s HIV, why not just blame Magic Johnson? Who gives a shit who he chose to have unprotected sex with?
Or, maybe it’s actually A.J. Daulerio who doesn’t give a shit, and we’ve (I’ve) been trolled. And given the nature of this story, that’s…better?
Johnson was a (hetero) slut. He admitted it; it was well known even back when he was in high school. (I just gave you TM personal info BTW.) He himself has said that he doesn’t know who it was. She’s probably dead by now anyhow. This whole thing is playing into the homophobic fantasy that you only get HIV if you do “bad” things, e.g. have gay sex or inject drugs, or, God forbid, have sex with a man dressed like a woman, but that God will forgive you for screwing hundreds of women bareback.
Does it really matter, gay men are such hateful queens and messy. Don’t know when to mine they’re own business yet cry for help when they are not granted equal rights nor gay married, so pathetic
I always assumed he got it from a needle. Steroid, coke…who knows. Not that I care.
I gave him the HIV…two boxes…bought ’em off E-bay…chewy chocolate-caramel. FUCK! NO, that was AYDS
it’s me.
oh wait…yours was more appropriate ;)
I think Magic said many years ago that if he got HIV from a guy, dont you think the guy would have sold his story by now? There has never been a guy ever say or allege sex with Magic even in the Enquirer. Anyone know different?