It was just earlier this week that the gay rumors started up again about Republican Illinois Congressman Aaron Schock, rumors which go back at least four or five years, and which last surfaced on Wonkette in 2011. Now we have openly gay CBS correspondent Itay Hod outing Schock on Facebook, so let’s just review the signs that no one should have ignored at this late date, in 2014, when we should know goddamn well what a gay man looks like.
Oh, you’d like to make that ever tiresome PC argument that gay men don’t all look alike and gay men come in all shapes, sizes, and levels of pec definition? Fine. Whatever. But a certain brand of Caucasian, professional gay man looks like this.
(on the left)
To recap, Aaron Schock is the type of (allegedly) closeted GOP prick who voted against the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and was against the repeal of DOMA. Hod says that one of his journalist friends has actually, in real life, walked in on Schock in the shower with the journalist’s gay male roommate. As Hod puts it, to absolve himself of any legal liability, “Now, they could have been good friends just trying to conserve water.”
Needless to say, after AmericaBlog put up “The 7 Gayest Aaron Schock Instagram Posts of 2013,” Schock had the wherewithal to lock down his Instagram account kind of amazing that he hadn’t done this before, actually, given his being in the closet and all. Allegedly.
Here he is free-balling at the Crossfit gym.
Does everyone remember when he was on the cover of Men’s Health showing off his abs?
Whatever. Fine. He has a right to be just as private about his sexuality as Robin Roberts was for DECADES, but really? At this late date? Can a Republican not keep his seat if people know that he’s not just a snappy dressing bachelor with an amazing chest? It’s fucking 2014, people. Your Congressman might like dick. Deal with it.
When he was here in Illinois he tried to play the straight card and voting against gay causes while he was on his back and not with a woman. There he is in Washington doing the same thing…a leopard does not change his spots. He might like dick but on camera, in print and in articles he is a dick! And full of lies, lies, lies.
Doesn’t matter if he’s gay or straight, a cunt is cunt in every language.
Hear hear
His politics are loathsome. But my biggest beef with him is that he does CrossFit. No one who does CrossFit is qualified for any position of power.
He quacked when he wore the purple plaid, bright turquoise belt and white slim for pants, and he follows Tom Daley.
Looks like a big time pass-around party bottom to me
Gosh he’s kinda hot jock. That body is to die for. Maybe he was misunderstood..if you hatf him why did you keep supporting these gay4payer actors.
If he’s 32 I can say he seemed look old coz Im 33 and quite looking younger than him, but absolutely his body is a WOW.
Word. I’m very much in the same boat. He’s not ugly, but he is haggard for his age.
Dude has a nice body, but facewise he is severely aged for a man of 32. Maybe it’s the stress of politics, or the stress of hiding your sexuality.
Either way, the only time a public outing should be allowed are in situations like this, where a politician or someone in the public media has an agenda that goes against the majority of its community, in this case it’s the gay community.
Even if he publicly comes out as gay after all of this, the gay community will not embrace him with open arms, and they shouldn’t. The gay republicans would, but I don’t think most of the gay community cares much for them at all
I would love to ask the congressman something. Gay men and women fought and died for this country. During the Iraq war, gay vets were coming home wounded and being thrown out of the military for admitting for being gay. The congressman chose not to serve but voted and cast judgments against gay veterans who fought for this country. It is a disgrace if a gay person would ever vote against the civil rights of gay people. It does make you very angry but when you think about it, it is extremely sad. No wonder congress gets a bad reputation. People only are concerned about themselves and getting re-elected. The people are screwed. But what is worse, the right will circle the wagons around this guy. They like nothing more than a possible gay person who vote their way = anti-gay.
Is that a marble in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
If 60 Minutes can run with a bogus story on Benghazi, how about a story about the end of the era of political closeting and those who continue to cling to it.
if it looks like a dick and votes like a dick…
I only care enough to say I don’t care.
That’s one self-hating, hopefully top.
If this Republican asshole really isn’t gay, he remains a huge enemy of the LGBT community and he’s already done us great harm. If he is gay, then add self-loathing to his resume. Any fool with gaydar can see that he’s fruitier than a handbag filled with rainbows.
wtf does he really look like because none of the pics look like the same guy.
Right? I thought the exact same thing.
I am not one to rage against republicans. They’re not all bad, and some actually believe in gay rights. But this guy is such a tremendous asshole and I don’t think it’s a good idea to out someone as punishment as if being gay is such a horrible and embarrassing thing. Frankly he doesn’t deserve to be permitted access into the family. I’m perfectly fine ostracizing him, and letting him stay underground where he belongs. People like this deserve to be miserable and alone.
You’d still let him suck your dick…so you aren’t so high and mighty. ;P
Oh lolz…you obviously put sex as a priority with no ethical bias whatsoever. The rest of us have consciences. I wouldn’t touch him with a ten foot pole, and either would any ETHICAL gay man who is not desperate for some ballsac. Your viewpoint is sad (but not deserving of sympathy), pathetic (but not deserving of aid),and ultimately detrimental for our culture as a whole. You really aren’t any better than the people who disregard homosexuality as a disease and homosexuals as sick people, and your behavior would even reinforce that belief in their eyes. Just sad.
The question is, not if you like him!
It is if the readers would sleep with him…
and all you bitches would fuck him! ADMIT IT!
I wouldn’t fuck him with Mitch McConnell’s dick.
How about Antonio Biaggi’s dick instead?
You slut. :D
I agree with that, but only because I wouldn’t want to be swinging Mitch’s wrinkly old pencil-dick when I step up to bat
Well, self respect and compassion for others sure can get in the way when you are as ambitious and greedy for money and power as Aaron Schock is (what ever happened to the allegations and the investigation of him using official funds for private expenses?). Well, in his case his downfall is his flaming and latent homosexuality, because the GOP can tolerate fags when they are useful and keep their faggy lifestyle private, but they are not very keen on those who get caught and called out for being fags. Of course the straight members of the Republican Party can get away with anything.
No pity for him.
This guy voted against the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
Voted against adding gays to hate crime legislation
Voted against the LGBT discrimination law in the US House of Representatives
Gee, what a guy!
You vote with your party’s general consensus and tell yourself its just a job yet our lives depend on your honesty. Fuck you traitor.
(Didnt mean to reply to you Luke sorry; just a general comment)
He is not even in the closet. He walks around DC a very openly gay man. I know two people who have hooked up with him. He just pretends to be straight by voting down gay friendly bills and knows the press won’t write about his exploits as long as he doesn’t come out in some grand fashion
are your friends who have hooked up with him able to admit it oublicly? If so have them contact Smoking gun’s needed. This guy can be as gay as he wants – it’s even worse if his collegues know it. When he votes against our rights they can say, “see, even the gay guy is against it, so why should I support it?”.
Who cares what party democrat or republican but any gay person to vote against gay rights or their right to serve their country is outrageous. So on that basis, I am for outing him for the asshole he seems to be.