…here it is! It’s Slick It Up’s new “Killian Suit,” which was designed as a special request from Adam Killian himself. Don’t you think I would look sexy/horrifying in it? How would you look in one? Who, other than Adam Killian, should legally be allowed to wear something like this? Buy me one? Enlarged photos:
The back view looks poorly made because the zipper only goes part way up the strap and where it stops is wider than the rest of the strap above it. It would have been an easy correction to either get a thinner zipper that blends in more or put in a longer one that goes all the way up. The front looks terrific. One thing about it is that the strategically placed solid panels cover the obliques and midline of the stomach, creating the illusion of a trimmer waistline making the suit more attainable for the type of guys who would buy it, those who DON’T have perfect bodies but are trying to make the most favorable impression.
He looks like the chief minion of a drag queen supervillain.
The first pic gave me a horrid flashback to Prince’s assless yellow suit. That shit freaked me out as a kid.
Cover the face, ditch the shoes, and we have a winner.
You are a fucking idiot
I guess it takes one to know one.
While I disagree with covering Adam Killian’s face, I agree with the last statement towards DPS :)
There is only one Francois Sagat! He is the one who would fit better in this )
Personally I feel they should have covered up those tattoos before taking the photos :(
the back is so tacky..and the shoes don’t really help
agreed, From the waist up both front and back he looks like Doris Day in a evening gown. Who would waste their money on this crap?
for real…besides when will photographers learn that taking pics from this angle will shorten models’ legs?his head looks huge whereby his legs pretty short especially from the knees down…no comment on post production…lmfao what a mess.
Perhaps they are shooting from this angle because he is short and they are trying to make him look taller. If you look closely not only does his head look big for his body, but so do his feet as well as his bulge. This is because he has a little body. The only way to make him look normally proportioned would be to stretch him a few inches taller in photoshop.
What I like best about him is that he is so into sex on camera. He’s definitely one hot fellow
For some reason, the front view makes me think of Madonna. Then again, I’ve barely paid attention to Madonna, so go ahead and shoot me.
You barely paying attention to Madonna already makes me in love with you.
I’m not even sure Adam Killian should wear one. But I’m just not into the leather thing, I prefer porn stars naked :P
the shoes kill it. this reminds me of stuff I used to buy from International Male in my early 20’s …silly more than anything
Agreed. No one would wear shoes with white on them with that outfit. Only some type of matching black boots with a little bit of heel on them.
That’s one sexy kinky suit. I can imagine Cavin Knight, Francois Sagat, Marc Dylan, and David Dirdam filling that suit up nicely!
Too fem. Reminds me of Chris Porter.
Why is Chris Porter always brought up in the comments??
But Chris Porter looks way better in Slick it Up then Adam Killian, no question.
Sorry but I disagree. Chris Porter does not have the body to fill up a suit like this. Adam Killian does!