Looking through the listings during IML, it proved almost impossible to resist. The questions-from newbies, locals, and visiting tourists-ranged from existential crisis to requests for mummification, and we thought we’d help answer them… using other posts from Craigslist this weekend, of course.
Am coming to Chicago today, I really want to know what this IML party is today. …I am basically from India.
IML-Want to Be a movie star? – 30
I am filming a follow-up movie to the popular 2 girls 1 cup movie. Called 2 guys 1 mouth. I am looking for 3 guys; 2 who are willing to shit in someones mouth, and 1 who is willing to eat two guys shit.
What the fuck? – 35
What’s with all the fucking bottoms….???? Take a look at yourself, you can be tops too! We all like to be dominated sometimes. Get a grip….It’s IML, weekend and everyone seems to “JUST” to open their ass!
Seeking IML Host To Get My Butt Loaded
Can never get enough cum in my butt… I’ll take any load, any time. Would love a record number of them
IML Attitude
Guys, is anyone else disappointed with IML? I’m hearing from fellow subs mostly, and I agree, that IML has become like high school. Guys are talking only with the guys they know. Guys don’t want to be seen talking with anyone who is older, heavier, less gl than they are … Leather once was intergenerational, and leather once accepted all sorts of guys. Now it just seems pretentious and cliquish.
Professional good-looking, HUNG, discreet looking for same. – 25
You: must be ddf first. In considerable shape no fats, big cock 7.5+, masc. White guys that are hung is a major plus … I’m hoping I get some good responses. I’m picky but if your hung and goodlooking then u have a chance.
Hung, Sexy and Curious About IML – 29
I’m a very attractive guy who is curious to join in with some of the fun taking place at the hotel, but I’m nervous that I’ll be intimidated by everything I find when I get there …
How to Get in on All the IML Action (Hyatt)
It’s harder in the Hyatt (than in the Palmer House when IML is held there) to find bathroom action, but it’s easy to get some action going in a bathroom. Remember you’re at IML so horny guys abound. Go into a restroom in an area where there is at least some foot traffic and hang out in there, either at a urinal or at the sinks, or anywhere really. Your behavior will not seem odd, guys will know why you’re hanging around. Give any guy eye contact and then grab your crotch, stare at his, lick your lips…you know how to let a guy know what’s on your mind, and BINGO, instant action...
IML – 42 (Westin)
Anyone still have sperm left after IML?
last night at IML bb btm – 27 (Hyatt Regency)
Out tomorrow. Want to send me off with your seed?
Sites We Love: Lurid Digs
Sad Valentimes: Craigslist Edition